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OCGL CC + Team Speak Invitation to Join

Thu, May 20 2021 7:34 PM (0 replies)
  • MichaelR
    265 Posts
    Thu, May 20 2021 7:34 PM


    I'm the owner of the OCGL CC that is connected to a Ladder League, one of only a few in WGT. We are looking for active members that want to play in the Turf Wars and CC Clashes as well as tournaments within our CC and join the ladder league we support. We have about 45 members but all are very active. Our members are from the US, Canada, the UK and Africa. There are no quitters, no cost, and we play using Team-speak so we talk to each other while playing. As a result we are able to develop great friendships with people that have the same interest, which is Golf.  You may not understand what a Ladder League is and there is just know way I can explain in detail all that is involved between the Ladder League and the OCGL Country Club. What we have done to make it easier is put together a slide show that will help you see ALL that our club has to offer and explain the Ladder League and how it works as well as the OCGL Country Club and what we are all about. Just copy and paste this link to your browser and it will take you to a slide show that explains everything much better than i can.

    Thanks and stay safe

    MichaelR (Mike Ryan)