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Sat, Dec 3 2016 8:52 PM (254 replies)
  • liam91
    3,130 Posts
    Sat, Dec 3 2016 7:15 AM

    the final got the game that Andyson deserved

    unlucky Dave ,you gave it a good go my friend, congrats to Jure on a great win

    Paul, it's a good thing you did mate ,my respects sir


  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Sat, Dec 3 2016 1:55 PM

    Apologies for coming in late, I was spent last night and then worked all day today, no time to write.

    The final went as Dave described, could've gone either way. Ironically, it ended on a WGT meter spike. I have to say, being 2 down after 14, I knew it was a long shot, but really didn't care if I lose, cause I was in the final of a fantastic tourney, run by fantastic people and playing along side of a wonderful person (Dave). My cup was full either way. 

    But this tourney was a very emotional one for me. As some of you may know (I whined enough about it, lol), my PC broke down 2 months ago and the laptop that was left, was unplayable (awful meter, stopped when it wanted, grid dots moving at a different speed cause of the different gameclient size, pure frustration). I would've probably quit if it wasn't for this tourney.

    But, as bad as this laptop felt, it belonged to my late mother, who had passed 10 months ago from sarcomma. It became mine after, but I never used it. But now, with no other way of playing, I started using it and discovered a folder with tons of pics of her, my sister and me. Brought me back to happier times.

    Every round I played in this tourney, I thought of her, of Dennis, of a few people from our CC (D, D and P, thinking of you), who also lost their loved ones this year and how harsh this year really was on this community and life in general. As one of my favourite TV show hosts (John Oliver) said: F.uck you, 2016!

    And somehow, round by round, I became more and more at peace with everything, even my game slowly started coming back as I was getting used to the different machine. 

    So thank you again to Paul and others, who helped to organise this memorial, it turns out it meant even more to me than what I expected. I healed a little because of it, despite the fact that I've been crying for the past 20 minutes, while I'm writing this. Never knew WGT forums could be such a good outlet ;-)

    RIP Dennis and everyone else we've loved and lost


  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sat, Dec 3 2016 2:43 PM

    Now this forum turned to sh1te a while back IMO.

    As there were not enough stories like above, or if there were then some idiots would hijack them.

    Well done.




  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Dec 3 2016 3:36 PM

    Congratulations to Jure and commiserations to Dave, but as Jure summed up. this was more than just about results, it was about the WGT community coming together and honoring one of the finest contributors, Dennis aka Andyson.

    Full respect to not only Dave and Jure (and Jure has always had that from me) but to every player who played in these tributes - this was about respecting Dennis in the ways WGT refused too.

    A fitting final and more ironic that a meter skip was the deciding factor - I can't help but think Dennis would have got some kicks out of that.

    A lot of us used it to also remember other players who have passed and personal friends and family who have passed....and in some odd way was healing, even if just a little.

    A huge thanks to Paul and his helpers, this was extremely well organised, and bearing in mind your personal struggles, makes it truly outstanding.

    I hope we can do this next year too!



  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Sat, Dec 3 2016 8:52 PM

    From what you guys reported I have to say congratulations Jure on a tough win over a great opponent,  In the end, there were no loser in this event.  We all played to honor Dennis.  I'd like to think he has a big smile on his face after seeing this Tournament play out.

    To Paul and everyone who helped you pull this together, I can only say thanks for all of your effort in making it a fitting tribute to our friend.  To everyone who entered to show your support I can only say:

    Thank you each and everyone so very much.

    Jeff (phred952)