Rut-roe George... before I got involved in reading these forum posts, I got "gifts" in my email. I got a gift of 50 credits and two gifts of 100 credits each!
I already spent'em on a couple of wedges and some balls. Hope I don't have to give back my wedges! That would suck. And the balls are at the bottom of the lake and out in the deep rough somewhere... so if WGT wants my balls back, they can go lookin' fer'em... I'm not a strong swimmer, and the woods give me the creeps!
Geez.... I wonder if all my rounds will have to be forfeited, too? "Using illegal clubs"?... and I just placed "in the money" in the BPB tourney! Will I lose those credits, too?
Any of you "veterans" think I should send in an extra $1 when I eventually buy some credits, or would that really screw-up the accounting department? Funny thing is... I'm being "sorta" serious about this.
I'd hate for this to come back and haunt me when I start placing in the top ten every week, and peoples' avatars start casting "knowing glances" at mine. "Oh!... yeah! HE used illegally-gotten gains to further HIS career!" I can just hear it now! Someone PLEASE say it ain't so! :(