Overall, I think the My profile layout looks clean and simple
but here are some areas that I personally feel like need reconsideration
1. The Awards section of the My Profile looks too disorganized.
Not that I have a lot to show off (only 4 so far) but after looking at other players' profiles, I seriously thought this wasn't right. Seeing over sixty awards from Stroke Tor/ Skill Tor/ Rounds jumbled up toghether along with their actual position/num they had placed in Tor, I honestly thought some parts should be separated or at least changed so that it's clear to see.
hmm..maybe it looked messy b/c that particular person had way many awards,but still..
2. Score History section also looks disorganized.
I agree with the idea of putting everything according to their date, but I think the scores should be separated into 3 dif. categories : 18 Holes / 9 Holes / Skills. To make it more practical, I think the name of the course should be right next to it, too.
Maybe you should just put the actual postion a player had placed in a tournament right here instead of the messy award section. So that the award section is reserved only for the long putt/drive/birdies/eagles/trophies+ etc.
+instead of putting every trophies in the award section, why not just number of 1st/2nd/3rd/Top 5/Top 10/Top 25/ Top 50/Top 100/Top 150/Top 200 etc. trophies
3. Tournament section of the Stat doesn't seem complete.(sorf of same thing as 2)
It's extremely tough to place above Top ten, but if it already lists total Top 10 finishes and Top 100 finishes... why not inclue Total wins / Total Runner Ups/ Total 2nd Runner ups(3rd) / and total Top 5 finishes/Top 25,50,100,150, etc). Might be ideal for those 'top' players % making cut woudln't be a bad idea for the future (if 72 H tor really happens)
4. Appearance/Equipment
Well..I really can't say anything about these two sections since they both have hardly any contents in them, but I hope some new appearances are avabalible soon for different countries/ styles.
I know that I'm really nitpicking and this suggestion is quite....... unnecessary
and I understand if anyone completely disagrees with this