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Re: PING K15 Iron Set (Graphite)? Should I Buy or............

Mon, Dec 27 2010 8:23 PM (5 replies)
  • YancyCan
    3,027 Posts
    Sun, Dec 26 2010 8:13 PM


    Hi - my name is Yancy

    I figure this common man is done waiting for any more unlocks and I needs to get me some decent Irons and whatnot.

    I like the speccables on this set and aint no way I am waiting to level up 10 more tiers for the next (I thinks) better set.

    Anyone have or played these?

    My main question would be are they the right clubs for a common man?

    Sincerely, Yancy


  • jaybethliverpool
    2 Posts
    Sun, Dec 26 2010 8:32 PM

    Hi jaybethliverpool hear i purchased these clubs a while ago and there a great set to have 1 because they are on a slow swing meter and will help you control your swing also just a great alround set of clubs. they have improved my game no end as i have my score down to 69 hope this helps you make the right decision all the best and good golfing  jaybethliverpool

  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Sun, Dec 26 2010 9:14 PM

    There will be some very nice clubs available to you if you can hang on a little longer.  Something you can do to earn points quicker is play every day.  In just 6 days of consecutive play you'll start earning 880 EX point daily. 

    If you can't wait, and don't want to drop a lot of cash, an iron set that might fit the bill, for now, is the 2010 Rapture V2 Irons (L33+).  Finish it off with a Z Satin TP 54 (85 yards) to go along with your Z Satin TP 60 degree and you'll have pretty even consistency and gaps throughout your bag that should take you to the next level...but it won't be the set that lets you compete with the big kids.  So you know, I have never used the Raptures...just comparing attributes...I do have 4 Satin wedges and I like them very much.  You can also rent clubs to try them out before you buy.


  • YancyCan
    3,027 Posts
    Mon, Dec 27 2010 9:57 AM


    Thanks much for the advisables. Good info that a common man can put to use.

    I have started to make sure I play everyday - at about 10 days right now.




    Yancy's WGT YouTube Tootorial & Golfin Tips Vidyas Channel:

  • Duckster101
    26 Posts
    Mon, Dec 27 2010 11:57 AM

    I find the G10's irons the best,, 1 driver 8.0* 1 fairway club 14* and 3 wedges 52* 54* 64*

  • borntobesting
    9,636 Posts
    Mon, Dec 27 2010 8:23 PM


    I find the G10's irons the best,, 1 driver 8.0* 1 fairway club 14* and 3 wedges 52* 54* 64*

    The G10 irons are good but they don't come close to the I15's. You just have to be able to handle the faster meter speed. And most days I do all right. Wedges Ping W 54 60 and 64 and TM Z Satin 64. normally no fairway wood,