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The "perfect" shot

Thu, Nov 5 2009 6:53 PM (3 replies)
  • pitzy
    14 Posts
    Wed, Nov 4 2009 12:49 PM

    Hello all...I've been playing WGT since July i think..and although i've seen in some replays the "perfect" come up when you hit the ball just right..i've never seen it personally..of course i get the occasional excellent shot..but never there a trick or just more practice??

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Wed, Nov 4 2009 1:07 PM

    IIRC, and someone will correct me if I'm mistaken... but "Perfect" used to come up when you hit a shot on the screws.. a "dinger" if you will.  But one of the updates changed the word "Perfect" to "Excellent"...

    Because, imho, there is no such thing as the "perfect" shot here in WGT with "the beast" lying in wait around every corner, every shot, and every swing...


  • pitzy
    14 Posts
    Wed, Nov 4 2009 1:17 PM

    That would explain it...thanks for your help Snaike..see u on the links


  • spinmaster
    56 Posts
    Thu, Nov 5 2009 6:53 PM

    I dont know if this is the right place to put this but I was competing in the November  Master Tier open today. I paid 800 credits and untill the eleventh hole there were only a few minor meter glitches. I tried to lay up on my second shot to the right of the green and therefore avoided the bunkers on #11. I swung and hit it perfect and the ball went 200 yards right and WAY out of bounds. I mean WAY RIGHT. I then hit the exact same shot and the ball actually went where I aimed. Not only did this waste my 800 credits put another twenty for the fact that my ball ended up on PLUTO.

    okay, my rant is over
