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Inconsistent Driving

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Mon, May 16 2011 8:53 AM (0 replies)
  • imwright66
    3 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 8:53 AM

    Is it just me... at St Andrews, with head-on winds ranging from 10mph to 21mph, I can still drive 220 plus. Just had a go at the US Open course, with winds of 4 to 6 mph, and my driver struggles to hit 200!! And the greens when you put are really fast - but when you pitch from the fringe, and get a perfect ping, the ball stops dead.

    It's a great game, I enjoy it a lot, but I really hate it when it's soo inconsistent. I think I'll stick to one course.

    Also, Beth Paige hole 7, par 4 that's 500 yards?? Are you sure? What's the point?

    Moaning Brit ;-)