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Tough-It-Out VT August event: Oakmont

Sun, Sep 6 2015 9:59 PM (83 replies)
  • MatildaIgaly
    1,822 Posts
    Tue, Aug 18 2015 10:41 PM


    Running it just through the forum wouldn't change anything. For sponsors to feel okay about giving out prizes (and for me to feel OK asking for sponsorships), we have to have confidence that no-one's cheating (regardless of how they find the event, via the forum or the game client tournament list). 

    To win Stats prizes, we've always asked for screenshots (or video): the only difference now is we know we need proof of clubs as well as the Cards and Stats. I had hoped one Greenshot with a Bag Hover would work, but it seems this is too complicated for many to achieve, even with the example how-to videos etc.

    Thats not really the point. If you have 300 players signing up for TIO and 30 of them know the rules, the whole idea is flawed. In an ideal world everyone would make a daily forum visit but thats hardly the case.




  • razza31
    703 Posts
    Wed, Aug 19 2015 8:03 PM

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Thu, Aug 20 2015 6:43 AM

    Had loading issues getting into the Forum last night, so excuse the belated posting of my R1 report; played yesterday morning. It does take a while to gather the screenshots etc, so I do sympathize with everyone!

    My putter was behaving much better here at Oakmont (unlike disastrous 3-putt nightmares I was having at St A's), and I had a great F9, making almost every key putt. Two costly course-management mistakes on #10 and #13 (the poor shot on the latter compounded by getting too greedy with the attempted bunker escape) marred what would have been an outstanding TIO round, but I'm very happy with my 67, which I think is my all-time low at Oakmont in Tough-It-Out (albeit from the Red tees).

    Here's the card, etc:

    And the story of the round... (pin placements listed first, then wind speed & direction; the next figure is the distance out for approach shot)

    1 B pin :: 14@6 >218 good 2nd deliberately landed well short of the green but still couldn't hold... ran through back to what turned out to be big sidehill lie, overdid pitch 2yds past but very nice 6.5ft downhill curling save  PAR

    #2  L pin :: 15@130 >103 deliberately aimed away from left pin, and meant to click early to put a holding hook spin on the ball, but bad push meant it slid away 15yds long right; pulled lag a touch and went long left 8ft!  Relieved to sink it left side! phew  PAR

    Great start to par first two tough holes...

    #3 L pin :: 15@745 bad late-click mishit on 3H 2nd left me well short but still it was a GIR and a safe par; fractional miss ding on 40ft putt still somehow came very close to going in, 3.3ft save PAR

    #4 R pin :: 16@9 nice D to cut corner, followed by routine 3W up the left >81 for 3rd, dinged lovely PW but surprised that it stopped quick on landing... 4yds short, nice ding on 10ft putt BIRDIE

    Good start got better on the next with unexpected birdie putt...

    #5  L pin :: 18@6 >128 slightly late with click on 2nd and lost power into bank (in retrospect should have gone in with less or no backspin and played for run-on over ridge)  GIR but 20ft away; but made super 20ft curler (was really playing it conservatively to just trickle down, not expecting to make such a putt) wow!  BIRDIE

    ... but missed out on this relatively easy par 3 ...

    #6  B pin :: 13@430 wrong club hit 150 instead of 160 and well short 12yds; good lag, 2.2ft save PAR

    #7 R pin :: 18@12 worried about landing into bank and rolling back off front, so played approach with topspin but too much- 29ft long; too hard with lag but not bad and sunk 2.7ft save PAR

    #8 B pin :: 13@130 slight push and fractionally long 3W but very happy to see it stop on the green just 3yds away, and dinged beauty 9ft curler  BIRDIE

    #9  L pin :: 14@430 bad push on D into rough, doh! punched 3W forward and lucky to end up with nice yardage >97 for 3rd, slight push but 3yds short right was very nice result leaving uphiller, and sunk 8.6ft par save catching right edge, woo hoo!  PAR

    Very pleased with that front 9, only a couple of mistakes...

    #10  B pin :: 14@10 pulled D and extremely lucky to hold fairway, but aargghh, made elementary error of leaving 2nd short of green, bad, bad bad -- you really have to go long and pitch back up from the rough to have best chance to save par on this hole (getting too cute with 2nd was really dumb!); flop from 26yds a little short of power 4yds away, and not high enough with 12ft curler attempt. 2.3ft putt BOGEY

    #11  R pin :: 14@1  hit 3i to top of hill for flattest lie, and just held fairway; still had shot that seemed too risky to go for pin, and played to heart of green instead but only just made it through rough!  Then got major bit of luck by sinking unlikely 33ft putt woo hoo!  BIRDIE

    Nice to make up for error on #10 with immediate bounce-back birdie, especially after messing up the approach... On to the very difficult par 5 ...

    #12 L pin :: 18@9 R-L wind here was a help >162 3rd, very good 3rd dinged but impossible to get closer than running to back fringe; it landed before the green 40yds short of where it ended up, lol  landed 134 ran to 174! great pace on dinged lag from 52ft fringe but never broke as expected, 2.7ft save PAR

    Par was a great score on #12, so now I was -3 and feeling good with a couple more birdie opportunities to come. However ... 

    #13 B pin :: 18@445 It all unravelled here. Should have played a safer shot to middle of the green in retrospect, but wind tempted me into going for pin, and I had a fractional late click miss ding. It was a tiny miss but it flew way right into bunker, aargghh! Disaster! Then I made that error worse by trying ambitious recovery, and only got escape out onto top rough, chip from there ran way past (probably should have tried tiny flop instead but brain was well-addled by this point!), and pulled 21ft bogey try, 1.4ft left for very ugly DOUBLE BOGEY

    Well, that was awful, but at least I was able to manage another bounce-back...

    #14 F pin :: 15@830  >113 from significant sidehill lie, aimed well right and struck deliberate late-click beauty 8i to 1yd against slope and wind, and made 2.6ft BIRDIE

    Now at -2 and facing the tricky 15th ...

    #15 L pin :: 18@8 Another nice wind for this hole >203 lucky with early click mishit on 2nd (thankfully I'd aimed conservatively for heart of green), it just avoided left rough and rolled on; still left a tricky putt that had to flirt with right fringe: pulled the putt a little but good distance for 3ft save, good PAR

    #16 R pin :: 18@630 Lucky to get headwind here, but not wanting to risk repeat of #13 disaster, I played safely long left 5yds, which actually left very makeable downhiller (which I should have remembered is extremely fast)... however I misread the break and was way too hard running it 5ft by, but safely in back uphill for PAR

    #17  B pin :: 16@7 Yet another good wind making drive easier and assisting with stopping 2nd shot. Came in from >76 dinged PWfbs to 3yds long right, almost didn't give 8.5ft putt enough power, phew! was a ding 60 scale BIRDIE

    Gotten back to -3 and just had to negotiate the last (and get through all the bloody screenshots, lol!) ...

    #18 R pin :: 18@145 D >192 even though I was determined to get a GIR and leave a lag putt for easier par, I still went way long on 2nd with 3W, nearly holed nice flop though to 1yd. After doing all the screenshots etc, came back and nearly made mess of the putt with big early click (thankfully into the break) and it went in, phew! 

  • Ianzzz
    6,348 Posts
    Thu, Aug 20 2015 7:25 AM

    Tried to upload the complete R1s for me - but found that I have done something wrong with the settings and they are over 1GB each - I tried to upload one before I found out and after 6 hours had done 18% !

    So, I chopped out the middle and left the clubs selections panel (scrolled through each one in the bag) - one hole (18th on both) and the stats

    St Andrews R1  - clubs at end with stats 

    Oakmont R1 - clubs at start - stats at end





  • fmagnets
    3,638 Posts
    Thu, Aug 20 2015 9:22 AM

    Round 2: 72 not far off the goal of the no bogey round. Just a couple of missed 6 footers spoilt that aim (one leading to a demoralising 3-putt double on 9). Clubs and stats from 47:13 onwards.

  • Andivo
    830 Posts
    Fri, Aug 21 2015 12:42 AM

    Results of the first round, I do not know if this time you will forgive me for forgetting again the screen shot of 18.
    I promise it will be the last time that I forget.

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Fri, Aug 21 2015 7:05 AM

    Rushed through the round, and shot myself in the foot......many times, lol.

  • roidrage03
    399 Posts
    Fri, Aug 21 2015 10:44 AM

    An uninspired 80, with just 6 GIR and one four-putt.

    Video of clubs, scorecard and stats:

  • Zayante
    45 Posts
    Fri, Aug 21 2015 7:22 PM

    Nothing went right on this round, but I did figure out the video clip process which seemed easier until I could not figure how to stop recording (the little quicktime menu bar disappeared), and then the 10 minute upload to Photobucket and wait an hour to process. Is there an easier way to post the clip after I have the video done, and I can it be shot in a lower resolution ?

    I sunk the remaining putt for a 77.


    TIO Oakmont R2 zpss0pp4msk.mp4.html


  • HoylakeHunter
    904 Posts
    Sat, Aug 22 2015 11:43 AM