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Wed, Jul 8 2015 7:23 AM (25 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Jul 6 2015 8:32 AM

    Tell them to use the pass when they play IF the CDP arrow is red. That way the finished round gets them the daily bonus.

  • twinponds169
    3,019 Posts
    Mon, Jul 6 2015 8:37 AM

     I average right around 1900 cc points a day with the two free passes that are given each day. The two key factors are playing a game every day if possible and making sure you are using a pass on your "official first game of the day". That first game does not mean you got up, poured some coffee and teed off. It goes by the clock near the top right of the game client screen.. Now my "first game of the day is the one I play after 8 PM my time, so I may have already played a few games, but not my first game of the day.

    The "first game of the day" is when you get rewarded the BIG XP points for consecutive days played. It maxes out at 880 additional bonus points which I believe takes just 8 consecutive days played to reach and then maintain. If you play an 18 hole round you will end up with about 1400 points for that pass. Since you get a pass every 12 hours, you have an additional opportunity, playing another 18 hole round gets about 500 more points.

    The clock I mentioned is a countdown clock to that official first game of the day., mine is at 8PM. If I happen to have joined a skins game or matchplay or any game for that manner before my 8PM time and I am still in that game right at 8PM, then WGT takes it as my first game of the day, so if you did not start it with the pass you will miss out on the 880 for the club.

    It is best to play an 18 hole tournament round for most points. When Best of Par 5's is in that form it gives you a few more as well. Sometimes due to my schedule I kind of flub up my pass being available when my "first game played" time begins, so if I want to play right then and don't want to wait for my pass then I just buy one. I've only played this game for 8 months and I have probably bought maybe 2 dozen passes over that time. we are only talking about 37 cents here, lol. In just those 8 months I am closing in on 400,000 points for the club so this works out fairly well.

    I am sure I am missing a few other points here, perhaps others will chip in some info, but i hope this helps you.

    Happy Hitting


  • alosso
    21,040 Posts
    Mon, Jul 6 2015 8:55 AM


    Tell them to use the pass when they play IF the CDP arrow is red. That way the finished round gets them the daily bonus.


    This, and have a look at the clock on the right. It will tell your people when to expect the next CDP bonus and the maximum XPs available. It is fixed to UTC, or GMT time, ignoring daylight saving time. We must finish a game within one GMT day for the CDP. The local daytime varies, e.g. 8 pm EDT in New York.

    Other item, CC pass. Each CC member should get a free pass 12 hours after he has put the last pass in his possession into use, clicking on the "Use pass" button at the start of a game.


    Simple procedure, following YJ: Spare a CC pass, don't use it prematurely. Wait until the arrow is read. Start any solo game fitting to the personal schedule, use the pass, finish the game(!!), get approx. 1,000 XPs for yourself and for the CC.

    Advanced procedure, using the characteristics of these items:

    Start a solo game using a free pass available, hold the game until 12:01 am GMT, finish the game, maybe only the last putts. Same amount of personal and CC XPs, but the CC pass's clock has started when you started the game and you get the next pass earlier.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Jul 6 2015 9:01 AM

    I think the OP's problem is not ever going to be solved by trying to get anybody to understand what's been laid out here. You need to make it really simple to get those points and just going by the color of that arrow is as simple as it gets. Red arrow-use the pass.

    @pdb-You can use your CC message board in the game client. Just put in capital letters something like IF YOUR ARROW IS RED, USE YOUR PASS!

  • alosso
    21,040 Posts
    Mon, Jul 6 2015 9:06 AM

    Sorry TP, didn't see your post before finishing mine.

     I average right around 1900 cc points a day with the two free passes that are given each day.

    I'm curious, how do you manage to do it? Apparently you are on the East Coast, EDT zone, giving priority to 8 pm and 8 am during Summer. Which are your typical times to use the passes?

    And, how long can you maintain the "2 passes" days - you'll certainly lose some minutes or seconds, don't you?


    For me in Europe, it's easy. CDP resets after midnight, while I sleep. Thus, the first game of my day is my CDP game. Usually, I play one hole at BDU with my first cup of coffee, easy to get to it and minimum ball use. I don't usually play the second pass because it would spoil my morning routine.

  • twinponds169
    3,019 Posts
    Mon, Jul 6 2015 10:10 AM

    Hi Al, yes, I am in New York State so 8PM it is. Was 7PM but the time change did affect it. Now that summer is here, the combination of work and real golf make it harder for me personally to use both passes every day, so the loss of a few minutes/secs here and there has been inconsequential.

    However, you are correct, you do lose a bit here and there. Maybe I am late from work one night and don't play my CDP until 9PM, now my next pass is at 9AM, and so forth. I will play along with whatever the timing of my passes ends up being, until schedule circumstances make it difficult, that is where buying the occasional CC Pass comes into play, allowing me to reset good timing for a while.

    One really stupid but unknown at the time, mistake I made, was buying a bundle of 5 of them CC Passes, to save a few credits and have them when I need them. Little did I know that you do not get any free passes as long as there are passes not used yet, including purchased ones. Also, zoning out and not paying attention occasionally leads to clicking yes on the ridiculous CC Pass window that starts every game, that can screw up pass timing as well, lol, and cost you to boot.

    In the winter it's usually 8PM with a bourbon and 8AM with the coffee. In the summer now, like you, I rarely use the second pass, the AM one, because I like the routine of the PM and CDP one to kind of stay on schedule.

    Happy Hitting


  • alosso
    21,040 Posts
    Mon, Jul 6 2015 10:27 AM

    Thanks for the insight! Most of all I like the 8 pm Bourbon part ;)

    I will play along with whatever the timing of my passes ends up being, until schedule circumstances make it difficult, that is where buying the occasional CC Pass comes into play, allowing me to reset good timing for a while.

    OIC, you shorten one waiting period, exchanging a free pass with a buy...

    At that point, I'd just leave it out and sacrifice the XPs - BUY NO PASS is premium to me!

  • twinponds169
    3,019 Posts
    Mon, Jul 6 2015 10:36 AM

    After I got suckered by WGT buying the bundle, Al, I totally agree and try to avoid buying one at all cost, lol.