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UEL Ryder Cup@Olympic: Jan24-Feb16

Sat, Feb 14 2015 8:35 PM (278 replies)
  • ColumbusStorm
    3,417 Posts
    Thu, Jan 8 2015 8:17 AM

    Congratulations to bhoese, mmyers0, BigKnight, GolferDadRB, KyRock75, Wesdogg75, DaveDwingdale,  devonnnn and iconian for being on Team USA.

    Also we have rookie (DaveDwingdale) joining us this time, be sure to welcome him. Noticed most of you have already friended him.

    I'm hoping to have our 2 captain's picks decided by this weekend.

    Go Team USA !


  • BigKnight
    2,777 Posts
    Fri, Jan 9 2015 9:06 AM

    Time sheet finished :)

    Congrats to the qualifiers on both teams, especially the rookies.

    go USA!!!


  • ColumbusStorm
    3,417 Posts
    Sun, Jan 11 2015 8:05 PM

    Please welcome fredsf and ab1983 to Team USA.

    Go Team USA !

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sun, Jan 11 2015 10:54 PM

    I just want to thank all the qualified players (and a number of potential alternates) for providing their availability info ahead of tomorrow's deadline. Very helpful!

    And, very excited to see Russ' team news above. Fanfare!!!

    Team USA's full line-up is now confirmed: congrats to Fred and ab as their captain's picks.

    Here is Team USA:



ColumbusStorm (US team captain)







    Captain's Picks:

    iconian (honorary captain's pick)




    [Full list of alternates for both teams will be announced in due course]


    I think we can anticipate breaking news shortly from Team ROW's captain, fmagnets, on the full line-up of his team, as they attempt to regain the UEL Ryder Cup...

  • fmagnets
    3,638 Posts
    Sun, Jan 11 2015 11:06 PM

    Yes, well done to all the US side for making the team. And especially well done to DaveDwingdale, a great representative of Wooden Tee CC.

    The ROW line up is (in qualifying order):

    Team ROW:

    fmagnets (ROW team captain)










    Captain's Picks:




    Well done to everyone on the ROW team too for making it into a very competitive looking side. Thanks to Corwyn for, as always, his great organisation so far. And thanks to both teams and all the alternates who have submitted their availability info in super-quick time.

    Best of luck to both sides, and I hope everyone enjoys the challenge of the toughest UEL course we have on WGT.


  • duffputt
    314 Posts
    Mon, Jan 12 2015 2:15 AM

    in case an alternate is needed I have filled out the timeform. 1 day too late but thats my own fault :-)



  • stevereilly
    5,910 Posts
    Mon, Jan 12 2015 2:30 AM

    Looking forward to this starting after CC Grand Prix.    I hope a lot of these matches will be streamed on Twitch.

  • fredsf
    1,460 Posts
    Mon, Jan 12 2015 6:22 AM


    Please welcome fredsf and ab1983 to Team USA.

    Go Team USA !

    Thank you again Russ for having me in the crew! I'm honored to be part of this beautiful team again!!!! I'm looking forward to playing with most of you guys. 

    Row team came back even stronger this time (no offense to the great players who were here in the last edition and are not in this one) but Olympic can be a nightmare for all of us and I'm confident, my team mates can shine here. So I think it will be a close run to the Graal!

    Oly! Be our fortress to keep the cup home! (ok, now I start talking to the course, I really need to quit playing this game ;))

    Good luck to all the players, both side and most of it, HAVE FUN!  (Russ, Mags # in the envelop is 6...and I hate this number lol)

    Thanks again Russ for the invite to play again such a great event organized by such a Maestro (Corwyn)


  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Mon, Jan 12 2015 9:40 AM

    in case an alternate is needed I have filled out the timeform. 1 day too late but thats my own fault :-)


    Not too late, Duffputt... The deadline for players to fill out the form was today, 1/12. I should have been more specific, but the meaning was end-of-day, i.e. midnight WGT time.

    Since all the automatic qualifiers filled out the form early, we were able to announce the teams, including captain's picks. 

    The second post of the event Qualification Thread outlines the process by which alternates will be used:


    We will certainly need alternates [...]

    Alternates will be selected, first and foremost, from the Fall UEL Tour standings [USAROW] as follows: 1st alternate is next player for each team from the Combined Best 9 Credits list, then 2nd alternate for each team is the next player from Combined Best 9 Relative to Par list, and so on, switching back and forth down the list.

    Once we see which of the potential alternates provide availability data, I'll publish a list for each team as to the order in which players will be approached if needed.

    Note that there has to be some flexibility, as an alternate will most likely be stepping in for a particular player, and be needed to fit into a particular time slot. Thus the process is to go down the team's list finding the first player in order whose availability matches the need. In the past, it's also been helpful to have alternates on standby, going 'green' at the time of a scheduled match, and thus on hand if a teammate doesn't show.

    Potential alternates should stay in touch with the thread. Thanks!

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, Jan 13 2015 10:45 AM

    Heads up everyone...

    I'm working my way through the data you all provided and getting close to be being able to share an Availability Chart for each of you to verify. 

    There are some question marks, so please look out for PrivateMessages asking for clarification.

    And, it's apparent already that time overlap between the two teams is going to be a challenge. If anyone can offer more flexibility in the times you submitted, please post the specifics here to let me know. Thanks!


    Also, here is news on the Match Format and Conditions for the week1 series of Fourballs.

    It will be on the Front9 at Olympic (as the more interesting UEL challenge, lol!), and we're going to do it from the Blue (Hard) tees, with High wind and Championship greens. Get your practice in now!

    The remaining series, the week2 Foursomes (AltShot) and the week3 Singles, will be Ranked & Scored conditions, meaning (with so many TLs involved) every match will almost certainly be Moderate wind and Champ greens from the Champ tees.