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Time to revive the reputation filter in multi-play options!

Wed, Mar 25 2015 2:19 PM (34 replies)
  • LooseGrips
    8 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 2:31 AM

    I totally agree with you ljbast. However, Sometimes my friends arent available. And i'd hate to have some good key players turn me away because of a low %.  Thats my only gripe.  I love this game, And the challenges that come along with it. I just think they do need more thought process when adding new options.


  • upinsmoketour
    342 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 2:57 AM

    + 1      For people who never quit i wouldn't worry to much about it as even if you get kicked out by WGT  a few more rounds & your % will be back to were it should be. Point is it shows the QUITTERS at 60% from the players who might get kicked out a few times but will still be in the 90%. I like that it gives me a heads up so all is good here in my opinion but that's just me.   Smoke. 

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 3:22 AM

    If my opponent gets a game freeze and has to re-load, when we get to the course again, i will ALWAYS have a message "been an error with the game please close browser", and next re-load maybe my opponent will get a message too about an error (its cross fingers time), but all in all these can mount up and cause you to get disqualified, but REALISTICLY (and i play mostly matchplay challenge) it MAY happen maybe once every couple of months that they mount up enough to get disqualified, or get 3 freezes and also get disqualified, so if people are blaming WGT, they might have a poor internet/server connection to begin with or as Hyena is saying using it more & more as an excuse to cover their true motives

  • Slambango
    33 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 6:38 AM

    Presently they offer 100%, 97%, 93%, 90%, 87%, 83%, 80%, ect...

    Perhaps the solution is fewer tiers:

    80%-100% could be displayed as 100%

    60%-80% would be 80%

    40%-60% would be 60% ... ect.


  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 6:15 AM

    admins, icon? any chance this can be added to the game's filter menu in the next update?

    everyone complains about ppl that quit,
    well if you choose not to play with low %
    that's less likely to happen, right?
    so let us have the option to filter out the % numbers
    before joining/creating.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 9:08 AM

    I would like to ask a question:

    Why does it matter whether it was a deliberate quit or a WGT disconnect with the percentage?

    The percentage is there to allow your prospective opponent to determine the odds that the game will be completed. Whether or not your cutoffs are intentional is irrelevant.

    If the problem is truly with WGT and not with your computer or ISP you will all be getting cut off at roughly the same rate. If WGT is really that poor you will find that a good rate might be 75% instead of 90. Maybe a poor rate will be 25% instead of 50%.  The whole system needs to be allowed to settle in before the system is scrapped. If nothing else WGT has finally provided a means for you to determine just how poor the WGT connection is for all of you. In numerical terms.

    Everyone is too wrapped up in figuring out a way to brand "quitters" and make them outcasts. Instead it would help to focus on the fact that WGT has provided a means for people to judge the odds of a game not finishing for any reason.

  • as25299
    1 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 10:07 AM

    the same thing is happening to me!!

  • hoobiethehacker
    146 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 10:26 AM

    My issue with the percentage is not weeding out quitters, my issue is WGT not having the system refined before introducing the add on's.

    2 fellow CC members and I finished a round, finished being the imperative word, a COMPLETE nine hole match.  I logged out, turned out the laptop, come back on a few hours later, and WGT informs me that I forfeited?  WTH?  Scorecard was complete, we had said our goodbyes, etc... WGT even asked if we wanted a rematch.  Now, how is NOT  a completion?


  • tremeluec
    33 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 7:57 AM

    i have had this too, it is just one of the reasonsfor the % going down On another tread i said i don't quit and i do not, i can understand what this system is for i have been playing this game since 2009 (1) the whole wgt experence is worse than then (2) there are more quitters now (3)wgt crashes much more(4) I only play alternative game because i do not want to be a legend and because of where i live i cannot enter comp's(see rules) yes i do have a good friends list but they do not want to play alt games all the time .So i think i have some experience of the problems but now i am being classed as quiter,  some players are very intollerant of other people problems because they don't have any. Instead of shouting how good you are try helping so we can all enjoy the game