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Taking money from a innocent elderly man!!!!!!!!!

Sat, Jan 30 2010 1:48 AM (1 replies)
  • jenniferjohnson3
    7 Posts
    Sat, Jan 30 2010 1:37 AM

    I guess no one likes to spek there mind. I've been playing for the past month and a half.. I started out with one player and then changed to a second.  Golf courses don't change and greens don't change. Not unless we are sitting here for three years!  I'm aggravatted because my dad has spent atleast $70.00 and his game has not improved. He did good as beginner but as soon as he got pro everything changed.  I didn't know GOD changed courses?????   YOU sell virtual this and that!!!! Make sure they get what they pay for because as far as what I can see my dad is  getting screwed over!!!!!!  He spent atleast $5.00 on balls and they were suppose to have some kind of back spin, after three hit all they did is roll.  This is not real life and he can't hold it in his hand.  If you charge him give hime what he deserves.  I created this account just to see what he was talking about...   I thought it was fun at first but then I realized it was just a bait play.   After you make pro the only way you can continue to keep you same average is to spend money clubs etc.......   You alll need to be stopped.  My father is like 70 years old.  Why take advantage of some one like that.  Do me a favor just banned this IP!!!!!!

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Sat, Jan 30 2010 1:48 AM

    I'm going to hazard a guess here and assume you did not notice the age restrictions to this site.    Oops, insult to injury.

    No one FORCES anyone to spend money here.  It is a free site, period. 

    If someone chose to spend money, then they made the decision and should live with it without whining about it.   If someone wants to try and score lower yeah eventually they might want to buy clubs but they do not have to, you can be here for 6 months and not spend anything and still make good scores.  I am a Pro like you say your Dad is and only bought one 2 dollar club and I still score 33 - 36 on 9 holes.  

    Your arguement just doesn't hold any water what-so-ever sorry. 

    The site is here for people to try it and enjoy it, if the enjoy it typically THEN they might spend money, and its an optional decision that they make.  Nothing is ever asked for and you do not have to spend money first and then try the game after.

    Since you dont seem to enjoy it, you might want to try and find another site OR just stop making so many negative posts and practice and get better at the game like everyone else does, it takes time you dont shoot 30 in a couple of weeks or a month.

    Good luck