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Hall Of Fame Tier

Wed, Sep 20 2023 6:55 AM (263 replies)
  • craigswan
    31,110 Posts
    Sat, Sep 5 2020 3:19 PM

    I do not know you guys really .

    Even though i seem to know your personality traits .

    Some think i am a pain .

    Most think i am a pain .

    But it really does sadden me when i see people who i think i know  and like take flack .


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sat, Sep 5 2020 3:28 PM

    I know I am going to probably get eaten alive by half of you JELLY drama queens, but I could care less.  


    life-is-learning: Stop Calling Children "Drama Queens"

    Stop Calling Children "Drama Queens"

    You shouldn't generalise so much either maybe some in this thread are children, it's hard to tell online whether folk are and old duffers or a young gun.

    More seriously if wgt did let one player in the ten that were to play for a valuable prize practice the VUSO course as much as they wanted while others were only told days before it was to be played on a completely different format to the rest of the competition, you don't think that's worth mentioning?
    If wgt did decide the winner of some competition on the forementioned (work in progress) format would be the first in the Hall of Fame, after they knew who that was, you don't think that should be discussed?
    The 13 year hisory of this game have seen great achievements, acts of generosity, sadness and much more and all of that trumped by a buisness decision. Sorry to offend you but I do find it worthy of mention.  

    It is just a game and if you cannot have fun playing it, then I would suggest you go play another game as the majority in here THRIVE on DRAMA.

    Aside from possibly the last bit ;-) that's not even true.  It's a game out there in here it's a forum where a community of people help each other, debate (sometimes heatedly), reminisce, laugh at each other. Within that there are probably folk you get along with well and others you don't, that happens in a community.  We disagree on much but hopefully respect each others opinion.

    Anyway why would talking in the forum preclude enjoying playing the game?


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sat, Sep 5 2020 3:29 PM

    What isn't fun is trying to post pictures :-((

  • Robert1893
    7,681 Posts
    Sat, Sep 5 2020 8:31 PM

    It's a game out there in here it's a forum where a community of people help each other, debate (sometimes heatedly), reminisce, laugh at each other. Within that there are probably folk you get along with well and others you don't, that happens in a community.  We disagree on much but hopefully respect each others opinion.

  • jabonic
    854 Posts
    Sun, Sep 6 2020 10:45 AM


    Nice score history by the way.... sumthin bit odd here... Unless 90 is your favorite number 😆

    09.02.20 Erin Hills Front 9 Tour Champion 90
    08.31.20 Wolf Creek Golf Club Front 9 Tour Champion 90
    07.30.20 Erin Hills Front 9 Tour Champion 90
    07.29.20 The Olympic Club Back 9 Tour Champion 90
    07.28.20 Pebble Beach Golf Links Front 9 Tour Champion 90
    07.27.20 Wolf Creek Golf Club Front 9 Tour Champion 90

    lol.  Haven't quite got the IDING 6878 dialed in yet

  • el3n1
    4,495 Posts
    Sun, Sep 6 2020 2:32 PM

    More seriously if wgt did let one player in the ten that were to play for a valuable prize practice the VUSO course as much as they wanted while others were only told days before it was to be played on a completely different format to the rest of the competition, you don't think that's worth mentioning?

    It is, but i wrestle with how to discuss it without someone taking it the wrong way.  It does not look fair, and leaves us to question are there other examples of this?

    It also seems WGT shanked a great opportunity to induct a group of players all worthy of hall of fame induction as they refine career like criteria for earning such an honor.

    Using a newer version that is still under testing and working out the kinks should not be the defining criteria or measuring block of hall of fame like accomplishments especially by those you highlighted and who have played for the better part of a decade on flash.

    Instead we are left asking questions given the circumstances and lack of info provided.  

  • Young46
    1,296 Posts
    Mon, Sep 7 2020 11:59 AM

    Just to set the record straight on a few things .... I was asked by SuperLeague to do course walkthrough's (mags has also done this with them). Neither myself, nor SuperLeague are aware of which pins the event are being played on, so we discuss both pins on that course (if applicable). Obviously I am playing one pin then I would discuss where the other pin would be and what challenges that pin would present as opposed to the pin that round had it on. For the VUSO, I only walked them through a few holes, because most of the holes had already been on previous broadcast so they already had notes on them. Besides, with custom course building anyone in a country club could recreate the VUSO course and practice in whatever conditions they desired.

    It's no mystery at this point that the rounds will be on the new version, and will always be played on heavy winds, so I fail to see any possible advantage I could gain. If someone wasn't aware what version the live event would be played on, then they clearly haven't been paying attention to the competitive WGT scene in 2020 which is no one else's fault but there own. The VUSO rules didn't clearly state which version, but I am sure WGT made the mistake of assuming people would realize that all events in 2020, and all events moving forward will be played on the new version. 

    As for HOF, I didn't ask for the title, nor was I even aware that it was a prize for finishing 1st in the World Rankings. As for tee times in live events, those are determined by SuperLeague. Many players have requested certain times and to my knowledge most, if not all have been accommodated. I've never asked to tee off in the last group, I am assuming they do this because of viewer retention but that's just my educated guess. If I missed any other conspiracy theories let me know.

    Finally, I would like to say thank you to everyone who posted on my wall, sent messages and popped in streams to say congratulations. There are a lot of folks who deserve the HOF title, you can certainly make the argument that others should've been given it first over me. I have no doubt that in the future those deserving folks will find their way into the new tier as well.

  • craigswan
    31,110 Posts
    Mon, Sep 7 2020 1:20 PM

    There you go . All speculation cleared up .

  • Connorjwebb123
    421 Posts
    Mon, Sep 7 2020 2:10 PM

    Just to set the record straight on a few things .... I was asked by SuperLeague to do course walkthrough's (mags has also done this with them). Neither myself, nor SuperLeague are aware of which pins the event are being played on, so we discuss both pins on that course (if applicable). Obviously I am playing one pin then I would discuss where the other pin would be and what challenges that pin would present as opposed to the pin that round had it on. For the VUSO, I only walked them through a few holes, because most of the holes had already been on previous broadcast so they already had notes on them. Besides, with custom course building anyone in a country club could recreate the VUSO course and practice in whatever conditions they desired.

    It's no mystery at this point that the rounds will be on the new version, and will always be played on heavy winds, so I fail to see any possible advantage I could gain. If someone wasn't aware what version the live event would be played on, then they clearly haven't been paying attention to the competitive WGT scene in 2020 which is no one else's fault but there own. The VUSO rules didn't clearly state which version, but I am sure WGT made the mistake of assuming people would realize that all events in 2020, and all events moving forward will be played on the new version. 

    As for HOF, I didn't ask for the title, nor was I even aware that it was a prize for finishing 1st in the World Rankings. As for tee times in live events, those are determined by SuperLeague. Many players have requested certain times and to my knowledge most, if not all have been accommodated. I've never asked to tee off in the last group, I am assuming they do this because of viewer retention but that's just my educated guess. If I missed any other conspiracy theories let me know.

    Finally, I would like to say thank you to everyone who posted on my wall, sent messages and popped in streams to say congratulations. There are a lot of folks who deserve the HOF title, you can certainly make the argument that others should've been given it first over me. I have no doubt that in the future those deserving folks will find their way into the new tier as well.

    Well said Jason, and congrats again.