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Styling options removed

Sat, Jun 27 2020 2:05 PM (22 replies)
  • ScottHope
    10,316 Posts
    Sun, Apr 19 2020 1:58 AM

    WGT, are you aware that your last update (15th April) has taken away our ability to size images before posting and also to add a bit of style to other elements in our posts, tables for example.

    I'm not sure if this is accidental or deliberate but is there any possibility we could have those abilities back?  Thank you.

  • nopro17
    16,762 Posts
    Sun, Apr 19 2020 7:45 AM

    I'm not sure if this is accidental or deliberate but is there any possibility we could have those abilities back?  Thank you.

    +1 googol


    I post a bunch of different reports in our club forum.  They all use valid HTML codes.  The HTML looks fine in the editor but it gets stripped when displayed.

    Even a simple underline doesn't work anymore.  This is what a strikethrough looks like when I highlight the text and click the button at the top of the text editor.

    As you can see, the word "strikethrough" doesn't have a line through it.  This is what the above paragraph looks like before I post the message:   

    I have spent at least 4 hours changing some of the reports (i.e. replacing otherwise good code with <div>'s) so far and at least that many more hours to finish the job.

    It's not just the message forum.  This extends to our blogs as well.


    EDIT:  I tried to edit this message to add a border to the image using the Edit Image button.  The border shows up in the editor but after I posted it, there's no border.

  • ASD1978
    477 Posts
    Sun, Apr 19 2020 12:54 PM

    The simple formatting e.g. Bold, Italic and Strikethrough appear to work ok sending a private message, but obviously there's no option to post HTML in a private message. I designed php pages with bold, underlines, and various text sizes, along with tables with some bold lines and some plain for our tournaments and send the output to html, which had been working until last week. Now, as has been said, all the formatting, including the dividing lines in the tables, is displaying ok in the editor but as soon as it's posted...all styling gone. Please fix this WGT.

  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Tue, Apr 21 2020 11:09 AM


    I'm not sure if this is accidental or deliberate but is there any possibility we could have those abilities back?  Thank you.

    +1 googol

    +(1 googol *2)

    Even some acknowledgement from WGT that it is a known issue since the update would be nice, otherwise I'll start thinking it is a deliberate change and that would be.....disappointing.


  • ScottHope
    10,316 Posts
    Tue, Apr 28 2020 9:41 AM

    Nearly two weeks and still no comment WGT?

  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Tue, Apr 28 2020 11:58 AM

    Nearly two weeks and still no comment WGT?

    Another Clash due this week so another downtime expected preceding that. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they'll quietly fix it in the same stealth mode that they quietly broke it.

  • ASD1978
    477 Posts
    Wed, Apr 29 2020 1:11 AM

    There was an update last night, this morning - unfortunately it hasn't solved this issue.

  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Wed, Apr 29 2020 7:50 AM


    Nearly two weeks and still no comment WGT?

    Another Clash due this week so another downtime expected preceding that. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they'll quietly fix it in the same stealth mode that they quietly broke it.

    Fingers uncrossed. Hopes dashed.


  • ScottHope
    10,316 Posts
    Wed, Apr 29 2020 8:11 AM

    I guess I'll just have to torture Icon a bit more by spinning him round in the washing machine a few more times.

  • ScottHope
    10,316 Posts
    Sun, May 3 2020 12:52 AM

    Well, it appears that WGT may have shot themselves in the foot over this styling thing...