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Daily Motivation

Thu, May 30 2024 11:58 AM (1,985 replies)
  • Ladychipper
    22,756 Posts
    Tue, Jan 23 2024 12:22 PM

    Tuesday, January 23, 2024

    The long haul

    Quick progress is possible but it’s usually not sustainable. Real improvement comes when you’re in it for the long haul.

    Every action takes place in the short term, in the moment. Be prepared to take those immediate actions and to keep doing so well into the future.

    If a problem can be resolved quickly, that’s great. But if immediate gratification is your default expectation, you’ll be disappointed more often than not.

    Instead, embrace opportunities to make investments in your life that are ongoing, consistent, disciplined. Not only do such investments bring valuable results, they also build in you powerful character and resilience.

    Putting forth a spectacular effort today is outstanding. But don’t deceive yourself into thinking it will spare you from doing work tomorrow.

    Those aspects of life that bring meaning and fulfillment, you’re in for the long haul. Continue to discover for yourself what a good thing that can be.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,756 Posts
    Wed, Jan 24 2024 9:06 AM

    Wednesday, January 24, 2024

    Available to you

    Your most treasured dreams come to life when you do whatever is necessary to follow them. Success is yours to the extent you work at achieving it.

    Life’s beauty becomes available to you when you appreciate and enjoy it. Love fills your life when you allow yourself to give it.

    This moment is here for you because you can make good and valuable use of it. The challenges exist in your life because you can transform them into achievements, and grow stronger in the process.

    The ups and downs, the joys, distractions, setbacks, opportunities, pleasures, pains and delights come your way to ultimately enrich your life. That’s because you’re able to experience them and give your own special meaning to them.

    This day, this moment, this world, and this life are yours to see, to live, and to express in your own special way. Feel the magnificent opportunity of it all.

    Astounding possibilities surround you. And there’s a big, uplifting, fulfilling possibility that’s just perfect for you right now.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,756 Posts
    Thu, Jan 25 2024 11:17 AM

    Thursday, January 25, 2024

    Forego something easy

    Want to help yourself grow stronger, more purposeful, more capable? Choose to forego something easy each day.

    Easy activities entice you into wasting time, losing focus, and setting aside purpose. They lull you into carelessness and complacency.

    Those are not ideal states in which to experience and fulfill the potential of your life. You deserve more richness and depth than what is found in the easiest choices.

    Just because an easy option is available doesn’t automatically make it the best option. That’s especially true when you extend your consideration beyond the fleeting moment and into the whole of your life.

    Certainly it’s foolish to impose unnecessary burdens on yourself. Yet it’s also shortsighted when you deny yourself the opportunity for challenging, meaningful and satisfying effort.

    What is easy, what is empty, cannot fill you with value, no matter how much of it you get. Look for opportunities to replace it with experiences and activities that are not so easy, yet much more enriching.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,756 Posts
    Fri, Jan 26 2024 11:35 AM

    Friday, January 26, 2024

    Life well lived

    You have the time. Do the work.

    You have the opportunity. Fulfill its promise.

    You have the knowledge, the skills, the resources. Bring about the achievement.

    You have the understanding, the sense of purpose, love, kindness. Create new, life-enhancing value.

    You have the potential. Transform it into richness, into beauty.

    With your time, make meaning. With your actions, speak the truth of life well lived.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,756 Posts
    Mon, Jan 29 2024 9:17 AM

    Monday, January 29, 2024

    Get up and stretch

    Stretch your body, stretch your mind. Reach beyond the space where you’ve been confining yourself.

    Stretch your awareness, stretch your perceptions. There’s more to know, to imagine, to feel.

    Stretch, and refresh your experience of being alive. Stretch, and open up brand new possibilities.

    It’s all too easy to get yourself stuck in a self-reinforcing pattern. Yet as comfortable as that can seem to be, you could be walling yourself off from a whole lot of richness.

    Stretch yourself a little bit past where you are. Notice how good it feels to uncover new potential, and imagine all you can do with it.

    When your mind, your body, your spirit have been lingering too long, get up and stretch. Let yourself be filled with a fresh shot of energy and inspiration.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,756 Posts
    Tue, Jan 30 2024 9:09 AM

    Tuesday, January 30, 2024

    Toward excellence

    Push yourself toward excellence. Seek not only to get your work done, but to do it well.

    The fruits of excellence have great value. Yet beyond that, excellence is worthwhile in and of itself.

    Excellence challenges you to increase your knowledge, improve your effectiveness, and deepen your connections to others. Excellence compels you to focus and to consider factors that are personally as well as objectively meaningful.

    Excellence in one aspect of your life has a way of spreading positive energy into everything you do. Excellence in your own work inspires and enables more excellence in the efforts of those around you.

    Invest well with your time, your energy, your life. Practice, promote, encourage and reward excellence.

    It is a high goal, yet an achievable one. Live, work, experience and enjoy with excellence.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,756 Posts
    Wed, Jan 31 2024 11:15 AM

    Wednesday, January 31, 2024

    Live intentionally

    Refuse to be pigeonholed into a pre-defined space. Live with authentic purpose, with intention.

    There’s no value to be given or received by being the 50 millionth person to repeat what was never really compelling in the first place. Go your own way, live your unique purpose, with intention.

    What’s mass produced can be useful and easily accessible but won’t ever be fulfilling. Mimicking the choices of others will never equal the satisfaction of following through on your own intentions.

    You deserve more than what’s just handed to you. You can do better than the default choices that are made for you by others.

    Do the work to discover and understand what matters most to you, what you can do with it, and what you can do about it all. Feel the power in whatever you love and care about, and transform that power into intentional, effective action.

    Celebrate as you and your world reap the benefits of your intention. And be inspired to continue living intentionally.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,756 Posts
    Thu, Feb 1 2024 8:34 AM

    Thursday, February 1, 2024

    More beautiful

    There’s some neglected little corner of your life that’s gotten kind of dingy. Maybe today you could make it beautiful.

    Imagine the sense of purpose you’ll experience in the process. Think of the satisfaction you’ll carry with you long afterwards.

    At any time, in some way, you are able to make a tangible improvement in your world. That’s something you can prove again and again to yourself, and to others, with a modicum of focused effort.

    Doing so will activate creativity, boost confidence, inspire and energize you. There’s something about participating in beauty that resonates deeply, and positively.

    Consider what could benefit from your care, your attention to detail, your choice to do what’s good and right just because you can. Notice how nice the enthusiasm feels when you think along those lines.

    Transform that enthusiasm into action, and make some particular part of your life more beautiful. It’s an excellent use of your time that you’ll long remember and never regret.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,756 Posts
    Fri, Feb 2 2024 8:16 AM

    Friday, February 2, 2024

    Complicated mess

    It’s a highly complex world out there. However, in that complexity you’ll find plenty of opportunities to live with grace, goodness, and fulfillment.

    Various single, simple factors do exert their influences. But no one thing is going to cause or solve all your problems all the time.

    Living with positive purpose requires navigating through the complexity with persistence, with fortitude. You must be willing and able to pick yourself up and win after repeated defeats.

    Quick and easy answers make for powerful promises. Yet almost always they are a lousy strategy.

    Set a clear and meaningful goal. Then be willing to work your way through the complicated mess of reality in order to get there.

    Much opportunity exists in the complexity of life. Embrace that complexity, understand and appreciate your ability to deal with it, and live the success that is yours to achieve.

    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,756 Posts
    Mon, Feb 5 2024 12:13 PM

    Monday, February 5, 2024

    Remember the possibilities

    If you are even the slightest bit discouraged, you’re not paying attention. You’re only seeing a tiny fraction of possibilities.

    Yes, terrible things can and do happen, some people are idiots and others are tyrants, that is all true. But those harsh realities have always been present, and just look at how incredibly far life has come in spite of them.

    There are tools and resources instantly available to you that your great-grandfather would have willingly worked for decades to obtain. Ask yourself, what would he think of you letting such an opportunity as you now have go to waste?

    For your entire life you’ve experienced that your actions have consequences. By applying enough of those actions in a consistent, meaningful, purposeful direction, you can create positive change in your world.

    That power exists every morning when you wake up. It’s up to you to decide where to direct it, and then to put forth the effort required.

    All things considered, that’s a small price to pay for creating value and fulfillment. And now is a great time for putting that bargain into practice.


    — Ralph Marston