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New Tiers, Levels ratings and Club Purchases

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jun 7 2014 6:13 PM (84 replies)
  • EllisSpice
    871 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 5:26 AM

    I agree that it isn't fair, but everyone is in the same boat, so stop your moaning. Just go back and play the game, and earn some new levels. Volia! You can get the new clubs. As if it was by magic...

    To be fair, the new level system is one of 2 major problems still about because of the update. I think they need to lower the limits to get the clubs, and then everyone will be OK with it. Except for that, the current level system is fine.

    As for the other major problem... well, look at my name!

  • DDLB
    3,441 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 5:42 AM

    Hi seekerb, I'm with you on this one. I busted my butt playing and buying balls to become a master and when i did they moved the goal posts. I will have to climb 27 levels before i'm allowed to buy my own clubs. Given that seeing as how I can't improve anymore and in fact have gone backwards from 65 to 72 in 2 days of playing, I will just play 1 game a night to talk to my friends and probably use freebie balls. I have been saving up to buy credits for masters clubs. I'll buy a packet of worms instead.

    As far as I'm concerned these blokes think their dealing with kids who just keep pouring money into a slot machine for ten hours a day. As far as fair trading over there they are pretty much the same as here. I took an American company, with fair trading in america, to task over a similar situation and it took nine months but I got my money back. It was the principle of it.

    Having said that, I haven't seen a game with graphics like this one and the challenge is great as long as you improve at a sensible level. If i played golf at 100 off the stick every week I would sell my clubs and stay in the 19th.

    To cap it off I believe the levels versus equipment is way out of whack!!!

  • DDLB
    3,441 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 5:44 AM

    Sounds like the treasurer of the labour party in Oz

  • DDLB
    3,441 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 5:56 AM

    hey Ellis, it's not about being fair and it's not moaning. It's a discussion about the major variation between levels and equipment. I'm on level 30 now need level 73 to buy the clubs I was about to buy 3 days ago. How much older am I going to be after 43 levels into the future. Play more often, use more balls, spend more money, make accountant happy, employ more people, oops round we go again. You can only support the game and the programmers up to a point. Most games are under $200 to buy as a once off. The plus is I never would have spoken to you but for this game!

  • WhiteSnowTiger
    2 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 5:58 AM

    Can't agree more what joke. It's all about money.. Make people play more often show those figures to a company sell advertising....

  • Seekerb
    651 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 6:12 AM

    I am not moaning.  I am yelling.  I personally have the clubs I need and a few extra Taylor driver to take out and shake from time to time and a second set of wedges.  But I don't think they system is either just for many existing players or logical.  The new system was to make clubs more available like real life but they are less available.  Work out how much you have to play to get from level 30 to 70+ where the master clubs come in.  I have played several rounds and gone one level.  It will be a lot of rounds before I have access to the same clubs I have now.   Lots of rounds = $$$$$.  I smell a rat prob related to the finance office and if they needed more money perhaps there are other ways that are fairer

    But I am being unfair to ellis*** because what your saying about changing the level necessary for clubs is all they need to do.  Many other changes seem good including more Tiers.  I did not like being called a Master in the same breath as some of the top players.  I am not in their league, now they are legends

  • RMRamler
    8 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 6:36 AM

    I feel your pain. I was golfing -5 average on 18, not that great but improving. I can not shoot better than plus 5 now. this was the crappiest change any game has ever made. I am going to have to find another. garbage idea someone had. grrrrr


  • DocStrangelove
    2 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 6:38 AM

    I'm at a Tour Pro level in level 21, very soon I will be able to make it Master Level, but I wont be able to buy the drives most player with my level are using.

    This is just ridiculus!!!

  • RMRamler
    8 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 6:39 AM

    I agree 100%. I want my money back ..... I am not getting what I was paying for anymore. Rip off changes. How am I not making simplem 6 foot putts anymore that came easy before. shots shank so much more. this was not a good change.  As I am sure a lot of people are, I am not impressed .... even MAD. Change it back!

  • AllotmentJack
    4 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 6:59 AM
    I am not happy either with these changes - I have just played a Ready Go Tournament at St Andrews to try and force myself up a level - which I did, but I shot it in 6 over where I have been averaging around 4 or 5 under. With the tees moved back I thought - OK, perhaps I should invest in a new driver so I go to the shop and find that I can't get the one I want until level 72 trillion or something. I would have to play day and night for months to get that far... I don't see why I shouldn't be able to go in and buy a new club if I want to - make them harder to use maybe but then it is my choice Roll this back please....