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Daytona Swing Meter

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jun 19 2010 1:34 PM (1 replies)
  • jlh2010
    8 Posts
    Sat, Jun 19 2010 9:33 AM

    Okay, I thought it was my mistake but this has happened a couple of times and the last time I noted that I was on the 15 ft swing meter. I was playing St A 1, 6.8 ft putt 2 inch drop, defaulted to the 15 ft putt. I figured a little over a 3 ft on the swing meter, measured accordingly (with a ruler, 20%), let it go, hit perfectly....and it took off like secretariat with a rocket tied to his ass. 

    Please don't give me, user error. It was at 15, I measured over barely 20% of the meter. There's no reason for this other than the program thought it was 30 ft. Actually, it dented the back of the cup, bounced and ended up 12 feet away. A total distance of 19 feet. It is an absolute impossibility that I went 100% on the 15 ft or 50% of the 30 ft. 

    Are there black holes at St Andrews that you guys aren't telling us about? Before switching to the Daytona, I never had this happen. Now in the week I've had it, it seems to have happened about 5 times. The other times, I thought I had made a mistake. 

  • WGTniv
    1,788 Posts
    Sat, Jun 19 2010 1:34 PM

    Hi jlh,

    Well, through no lack of effort of on my part I spent at least 20 minutes trying to duplicate this with absolutely no luck at all, so unfortunately I cannot offer an explanation.  All 30 to 40 of the putts I hit traveled the proper distance every single time, not even so much as an oddity.  Whenever you experience unusual behavior such as this the best thing you can do is right-click somewhere in the game window, choose "Submit this problem to WGT" and give as much of a detailed explanation as possible.

    I might recommend clearing your flash and browser caches, especially if you haven't done so in a while.  There may be an issue with some older files in your cache causing some unintended results with the new club purchases.  Just so you know, you should clear your flash and browser caches each and every time we release an update so you're always playing with the most updated versions of our game files.

    Be aware that when you clear your caches it will also reset your in-game options.  If you have any preferences for graphics quality or flagstick animations you'll need to reset those before you tee it up again.