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Re: Showdown

Mon, Apr 13 2020 6:49 PM (50 replies)
  • Ketket1
    7,000 Posts
    Fri, Dec 6 2019 3:52 AM



    They’re all basically the same and are only differentiated by how many Credits you wish to spend to enter (10/100/500or1000??)

    I believe the following is correct or up to date..

    Rookie 10 credit entry, played in Paris (100 coin),  ball prize was L47 TM

    Veteran  100 credit entry, played in Casablanca (10k coin), ball prize was L40 Titleist

    Expert  1000 credit entry, played in Montreal (100k coin), ball prize was L87 Titleist

    --- you find TC in every "division" in part due to the still new nature of the event and that mobile / early access is not always obvious in what is needed to navigate or select the appropriate division.

    That said, the first time a TC plays Rookie and wins you figure they were just trying to figure things out or didn't know how to select the other division... the second time, they appear to be targeting that division... to each their own I guess.

    I personally feel the "expert"  and possibly even Veteran should be played off the back tees... playing expert for 1000 credits and using jacked up sponsor apparel... you have to practically birdie or eagle everything or you would feel like you are giving strokes away to the mobile coin game specialist and elite players.  



    I'm a Tour Champion and have played rookie. The reason is that the first two showdowns were marred by a flaw whereby if your opponent forfeited, you didn't get the correct score. Every time if the opponent forfeited, I was given a score not as good as what I actually played. 

    So I refuse to waste credits on a flawed competition until WGT sort out this issue. And it's not just me. Many members of our club complained about the same issue. 

    Im thinking WGT may have fixed the issue. In this current showdown I've had 3 players forfeit and got the correct score. So if that continues, I'll definitely move up,tomthe next level. 

  • fobby1980
    310 Posts
    Fri, Dec 6 2019 8:40 AM


    I agree with what you say too. I think WGT are bringing things out without doing sufficient planning or consumer poles , because I think we as players can see the system can be abused , and is a long way from being fair for all . What do the beginners think of seeing tc players in something called rookie , and what do they think of seeing -14 on 18 holes !

    14 under? I’m 16 under in my veteran division and am barely sniffing top 10. I agree wholeheartedly with el3n1, veteran/expert games should be played from back tees. 

  • DanL24
    61 Posts
    Fri, Dec 6 2019 11:38 AM

    Had a different problem in showdown yesterday.  Was trying to start my 6th and final 3 hole match and couldn't find anyone in the coin room to match with so I abandoned the attempt (waited probably 30 seconds or so).  When I came back to try again it said I had forfeited the previous match giving me bogeys on all 3 holes despite the fact I never even got matched to an opponent.


    So instead of sitting at 11 under through 15 holes, it puts me at 8 under through 18 holes and will end up missing the cut I should have made.

  • bossbird
    2,223 Posts
    Fri, Dec 6 2019 2:22 PM

    So maybe my point that Wgt needs to do some proper research into what is viable is actually the way forward. A free for all of any player in any section just doesn’t seem right and if that means that I as a legend shouldn’t be in rookie, then fine I will move up to veteran , but then connorjwebb123, I don’t have an average of 58 either ! Mainly coz I can’t putt !! 

  • el3n1
    4,502 Posts
    Fri, Dec 6 2019 3:07 PM

    Was trying to start my 6th and final 3 hole match and couldn't find anyone in the coin room to match with so I abandoned the attempt (waited probably 30 seconds or so).  When I came back to try again it said I had forfeited the previous match giving me bogeys on all 3 holes despite the fact I never even got matched to an opponent.

    I have reported this to WGT multiple times... it was a bit more annoying pre-showdown when you tried to play a high stakes coin game and lost anywhere from 250K - 2.5M coins after getting tired of waiting for a match... 

    I don't know if it only happens if you hit Cancel or use the back arrow and return to the previous screen, but the only thing I can figure is at the precise time you "exit" someone else was technically matched up but they didn't pop up onto your screen...

    - it seems as though some prompt like -- are u sure you want to exit or are you sure you want to forfeit - would give you the option of remaining in the match... but it hasn't happened yet.  I believe you get that option if you opt to forfeit while in a match but not prior to accepting a match... could be... WGT is concerned about higher tier players never getting matches if others can simply refuse a match with them … so implementing an option before the game starts is harder to implement.

    Before you just lost coins, but now with the showdown... it can seriously effect your scoring and placement... as you have noted...


  • DanL24
    61 Posts
    Sat, Dec 7 2019 10:40 AM

    Before you just lost coins, but now with the showdown... it can seriously effect your scoring and placement... as you have noted...


    and just like that, I finish at 8 under with a cut line of 10.  Simply parring 3 holes would have allowed me to make the cut but they basically stole that from me by marking down 3 bogeys on holes I was never allowed an attempt at.

  • BronxBarrons154
    23 Posts
    Sun, Dec 8 2019 12:48 AM

    What MarchieB said +1.  I am at Master tier (how?  I do not know. :) ) but when I signed up, I only keyed in on the amount of credits I was able to spend.

    I have been paired with Pro, Tour Pro, Legend and Master players but this made no never mind to me because I realized, it is the course you are playing... not the opponent.  For whatever it is worth, I was always hitting from the tees appropriate for my level and noticed the same thing for whoever I was paired with.  I was completely satisfied with this arrangement.

    MarchieB said it right, Tier based entry requirements with several Credit levels could work; I do not think I should be forced to spend up to “1000” credits simply to avoid playing in a so-called “Rookie” flight as a Master tier player.

    What did bother me was the wind or lack thereof.  20 mph crosswinds and balls kept going damn near straight as an arrow.  That took a little getting used to.  I was constantly fearful of an unexpected gust to blow and my ball winding up back at the club house. :D



  • SMOKEshack0
    42 Posts
    Sun, Dec 8 2019 5:45 AM

    I agree the naming of the divisions in Showdown could use some help, however a name is just a  word if it carries no meaning. 


    rookie, expert, veteran is only different from one another by entry fee not skill.


    so appropriately named divisions would be 10, 100, 1000 credit entry fee division


    Rookie should cover 1/3 of the divisions

    Expert the next third, and

    Veteran the top players in the game that enter the Showdowns.

    Luckily a Master is currently winning the Rookie division with at least one Champion behind them... lol. Underdog for the W!  although, playing the ball vs the hole and yourself is the only real challenger, as your opponent has little to do with your personal score.

  • MattMaher35
    518 Posts
    Sun, Dec 8 2019 6:22 PM




    They’re all basically the same and are only differentiated by how many Credits you wish to spend to enter (10/100/500or1000??)

    I'm a Tour Champion and have played rookie. The reason is that the first two showdowns were marred by a flaw whereby if your opponent forfeited, you didn't get the correct score. Every time if the opponent forfeited, I was given a score not as good as what I actually played. 

    So I refuse to waste credits on a flawed competition until WGT sort out this issue. And it's not just me. Many members of our club complained about the same issue. 

    Im thinking WGT may have fixed the issue. In this current showdown I've had 3 players forfeit and got the correct score. So if that continues, I'll definitely move up,tomthe next level. 


    ^this. I’m not even considering spending $10 for a tournament unless the bugs are fully worked out, and they’re clearly not. I’m playing veteran level, and this was the second time out of 3 showdowns I’ve had issues in the final round. The first showdown my opponent quit on the first hole(my 4-6 holes) as I was about to tap in for birdie, and I was carded bogeys on all 3 holes. That was the difference between finishing 4th and 19th which is what I ultimately finished, and that’s assuming just the birdie on the first and par on the other 2 holes. I had several screenshots of the error message, sent them over to WGT with practically two days before the end of the showdown and they didn’t even get back to me until after the showdown had ended. They refunded my entry and I still collected the menial prizes you get for 19th, but after all that golf, and the massive difference between the top prizes and lower prizes, that simply isn’t enough.

    This showdown I was playing really well, and my 7th hole was the 2nd at wolf creek. I ended up making a bomb putt for eagle, and the second the putt went in my opponent insta quit and the game errored out again and restarted. This time though, it didn’t card any score for holes 7-9, and basically treated it like my eagle never happened. When I went to play again, I got set up with the same 3 holes, but a different opponent and a different wind pattern where eagle wasn’t even possible on the hole. Sure enough, I make birdie now instead of eagle, and of course that stroke is going to make a massive difference in payouts based on the current standings. This is better than before where the remaining 2 holes would have been carded with bogeys, but it’s still not good enough. This is a clear issue that WGT can’t seem to fully correct. I obviously immediately notified WGT of this(about 30 hours ago now) and no response has been received to date. It goes without saying, but I’m not expecting my score to be fixed...


    I had other opponents quit during showdown rounds a couple times where the game performed properly, but for me it seems to be a 50/50 proposition whether I lose out in some way. Looking at the leaderboard, there’s amazing players in my showdown final round like BrianHB30, Vince1776, Smoothcriminal6 and Ronald1166 who all have comically bad scores compared to their skill level, and I would bet the house that they all had error issues contributing.


    Until this all gets ironed out, I won’t be risking more than a dollar in showdowns.


  • Faz2000
    93 Posts
    Sun, Dec 8 2019 8:33 PM

    I felt really bad for a guy I played the other day. He was a Pro, I think, swinging Starter Clubs and Starter ("Rock") balls. Nothing wrong with that, I did that for ages, too!

    But we were playing that long par 5 at Pebble Beach where the second half of the fairway is raised way up high - and hitting into 30Mph winds, to a 12-Speed green. And not from the front tees, either.

    The poor bloke didn't stand a chance, couldn't reach the upper fairway in two. Sent a ball into the ocean and carded an 8 I think.

    (I missed my eagle putt for a tap-in bird ;)).