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Re: Winning at all costs

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Wed, Feb 16 2011 8:04 AM (9 replies)
  • MioKontic
    4,598 Posts
    Tue, Feb 15 2011 3:45 AM

    What is it about winning that some people have to resort to winning at all costs?  Don't get me wrong, I like winning, I HATE losing, I'm a really bad loser, but I would never resort to winning at all costs.

    I posted recently the phrase "Show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser".  There are those for whom winning is not as important as taking part.  For me it's as equally important, but winning by using my skills in the game/sport/discipline.  I draw the line at breaking the rules, cheating and even gamesmanship.  I am pretty good at sports and games because I apply myself to learning how to do it properly, by watching, listening and practicing.  But I have given up many of them because I'm not interested in losing to those who have to play outside the rules or not within the spirit of the game.

    A few years ago I learned to play poker, when poker wasn't the boom it is today.  I learned to play with skill (I hope).  Then the boom came along and the skill went out the window.  New players learned by watching it on television and by playing on the internet.  And when you look at internet poker you could not find anything more rigged.  There are multi-accounters everywhere and collusion is commonplace.  But with potentially such big earning potential, there are always people who will resort to that kind of behaviour.

    I used to play online pool on a site called  Unfortunately, for reasons unknown, that site closed down a few years ago.  It was a superb site with very realistic pool.  Multi-accounting wasn't a problem as there was nothing to be won; we just played for fun.  In fact, there were instances where multi-accounts were recommended; we would make up teams to play other teams and each player would create an account to be used when representing that team.  I've since found another pool and snooker site (actually 2 sites run by the same person).  The gameplay is not as realistic as PCO, but it's the best I have found to date.  These 2 sites use a ranking points system, you win or lose ranking points by beating or losing to other players.  And even though there is no money to be won (at least I don't think there is), it's amazing how many people have multiple accounts just to start from a low ranking and to beat higher ranked players.  Is it an ego problem or something?  I just can't figure it out.  then there are others (good players) who reset their rankings (not a clue why they allow this) and then go beating everyone again.  For what reason???

    And obviously we're seeing similar things here too.  Why can't people just play the game as it's meant to be played, in the spirit it's meant to be played; don't be so greedy and let your ego look after itself.  Maybe if WGT got rid of all the prizes, because lets face it there are only a handful of players who could contest the main ones anyway, and made it a fun-only game, we wouldn't be in the state we're in with sandbagging and the likes.  If you wish, charge a monthly/annual membership fee.  Would people pay?  Well, they pay for other non-internet games so why not WGT?  If it's a fun place to be, a place to enjoy oneself with a game of golf in the company of friends, then I think people would pay.  But then get rid of all the payments for balls, clubs, avatars, etc and let people choose what they wish.

    OMG!  I'm starting to sound like Nick!  Maybe it's time to leave... if I'm not kicked out first!

    9 Posts
    Tue, Feb 15 2011 5:20 AM

    In reference to MioKontic's testimonial and not in direct response, the point of "Winning at All Costs" opens the door for my opinion.  I've been playing WGT golf for about a year & during that short period, there have been many changes.  Some good, and some not so popular.  Regardless of what WGT puts out there for us, we will play at home, at work(which is not popular with those who have been caught in the painful grips of unemployment) or wherever the web may be found. 

    My peeves are about golf etiquette and sportsmanship.  I've won my share of tournements as well as really sucking in most.  I'll never be able to compete with those Gods at the top (how they got there is still puzzling to me) but I will still compete.  No sour grapes here, but we've all played with "sandbaggers" at some time in our real lives, and I don't know how the majority feels, but it really gets under my skin.

    I work and play WGT golf (at seperate times) and that's about it.  I don't claim to "have a life", but who really cares.  When I play events, it's nice to be able to start over occassionally in unlimited play but I don' t spend all waking hours just to win.  But that's me.  WHEN SOMEONE HOLDS A SCORE UNTIL TEN MINUTES BEFORE XPIRATION THEN POSTS...I GET P/Od.  Sandbaggers are not criminals, just not fun to play with or against...thanks for listening.

  • NickN85
    193 Posts
    Tue, Feb 15 2011 6:59 AM

    Hey now... whats that supposed to mean? ;)

  • MioKontic
    4,598 Posts
    Tue, Feb 15 2011 7:35 AM


    Hey now... whats that supposed to mean? ;)

    Sorry dude, it's just that my posts were getting as long as yours!

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Feb 15 2011 10:55 AM

    Regarding sandbaggers, have recently started playing blitz for something different.

    Very strange I have never beat an amatuer with starter clubs and balls. In chat

    last night I commented about great shooting with starters. The comment back

    was you suck as a master. I have won several against other masters and even

    tour masters who have disconnected when I was up by 10-15k. Shot against

    3 last night from across the pond. They would let 90 seconds run out and get

    the warning, let the next 90 run out and get penalty. Then drop it within 1-2 feet

    on the next shot. I finally disconnected and immediately received a message 

    that I was an impatient --------(drunk sailor words) and that I had no business

    in their world. I'll stick with my buds at the Common Man Country Club.

    Thank you very much.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Feb 15 2011 10:56 AM

    Forgot to mention the 3 I played last night were Amaturs all with starters.

  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Tue, Feb 15 2011 11:22 AM


    The comment back was you suck as a master.




    I can attestestify to this fact beat twicet in a row in MP...

    I too have played some of these sandbaggers and have also quit...but I haven't seen the accepting WARNINGS thing fromthem before.

    Thanks for the info.

    Common Man



  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Wed, Feb 16 2011 7:54 AM

    I'll stick with my buds at the Common Man Country Club.

    And I thought the buds were over at the 420 Club.

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Wed, Feb 16 2011 8:00 AM


    Not to be a Scrooge, but with the unlimited play, it is - you know - unlimited. Somehow I doubt anyone could deliberately make a great score just at the end. The idea, as far as I see it, is to try to post a decent number early on and then you can relax and maybe put up a better number later in the week or month without the stress of the single-play format. Of course in unlimited play we all have a pretty good idea of the score that will ultimately be required to win. And, to your benefit, as an ultimate tie-breaker, the earlier score wins.

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Wed, Feb 16 2011 8:04 AM

    What is it about winning that some people have to resort to winning at all costs?

    Back to the original post: It's a difference of outlook. Personally I would never play real golf for money, it would just kind of spoil it for me. Kind of like "the purity of the turf," as P.G. Wodehouse put it.

    There are others who cannot enjoy a game unless there is money riding on it. I can't say I despise them, I just don't understand.

    (Granted, poker without money would be pointless.)

    As far as cheating, some people just have the larcenous mindset, and a fraudster does things for the money or credits or whatever.

    Other forms of cheating, like at school - again, I just never understood why anyone would be interested, but they are.