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Re: needs major help

rated by 0 users
Tue, Aug 4 2009 2:58 PM (3 replies)
  • bvryan6884
    2 Posts
    Tue, Aug 4 2009 7:17 AM

    Hey all,

    After a couple of months of playing and practicing i am consistantly noticing the same problems in the game.

    The chipping and pitching is absurd, i have never met anyone who chipped like that from the fringe and chunked it

    The swing meter needs major help, i am playing on nearly brand new comp. with latest browser and hi speed lan, still having problems with meter glitches

    Something has to be done about club distances, i cannot count the number of time i have hit say a hybrid on flat areas with little to no wind and had it come up 30 yards short, if it says the player can hit 160 with said club and lie is favorable the ball should travel at least 150 before landing

    backspin and topspin are a joke

    sometimes the wind factors in sometimes it doesnt, apparently you just have to guess when it will affect ball flight

    I understand that this is beta, and things are not always perfect, I also dont want an easy game, all i ask is that my scores be left to me not inconsistancies in the game, please fix

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Tue, Aug 4 2009 8:56 AM

    The swing meter needs major help, i am playing on nearly brand new comp. with latest browser and hi speed lan, still having problems with meter glitches

    I'd also say it's very important which browser you use and whether you keep all other windows of that browser closed during play. If not, even the newest PC may not help and the meter may skip. (My setup: Opera as primary browser, but Chrome used for play, and only for play.)

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Tue, Aug 4 2009 1:32 PM

    Hello bvryan.. I understand your frustrations.  I hope I can help a little bit here.

    One, as Faterson said, you may want to try a new browser... some say they work miracles.. it's worth a shot.

    On the jumpy meter, even with a new machine you may have to clear the cache and whatnot... there are enough tutorials over there under 'troubleshooting' that you can probably find something to help.  Also, when the jitters start, it's a good idea to learn how to let the club swing through with out trying to make contact... think of it as a 'practice swing'.  I find that I need to do this about 5 or 6 times in any given round.

    On the chipping, pitching and putting... there are some very excellent guides on these forums for this shots.  I will tell you that until I found them, I wouldn't dare chip from anywhere, it was a complete disaster.  Well, after reading the guides, and understanding that you NEVER NEVER NEVER want to hit any chip at less than full power I have gained the ability to use that shot.  So, take a few moments to get familiar with these guides.  They are very very helpful.

    As far as backspin/topspin/distances/deviations... there are hundreds of threads on these topics.  It is a bit annoying when you expect something and get a completely different result.  All I can offer is the advice to stick with it, because it does get a bit easier with time and practice.

    Hope some of this helps.  Have a nice day.

  • scoresby
    158 Posts
    Tue, Aug 4 2009 2:58 PM

    all i ask is that my scores be left to me not inconsistancies in the game, please fix

    Have you come across "submit a bug" somewhere on the site?

    If that is not the case, may I suggest when you come across a situation in which the result strikes you as odd for reasons involving physics, animations, equipment, camera, etc., then right-click.  The top of the pop-up menu will show a selection entitled "Submit this problem to WGT".  I suspect the situation and related calculations which led up to the result will be saved with the report along with the details you provide.

    The bugs might not be fixed immediately, but maybe the bug submittals will at least be entered on a prioritized laundry list of fix-its.

    There is also a support address for more pressing problems:
