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Re: The "Controls" on this game

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jul 5 2010 10:32 PM (5 replies)
  • ctgda
    2 Posts
    Wed, Jun 30 2010 8:53 PM

    This game's control is equal to the programming behind it.  There is no logic to either.  Sometimes the "swing bar" moves at a turtles pace, others it is at light speed, and about every 3rd shot it doesn't know which speed it is because it goes slow then when it really counts its jumps up (using the same club).  Then there is the swing pull, which doesn't seem to make any difference to your swing at all;  you can put it to full power or 3/4 power and you will still get a full swing if you hit the mark perfectly.   This brings us to the most annoying part of it all.  There's a HUGE gap of blue, where the speed likes to vary, in which you must hit the mouse at the exact nanosecond before it hits the middle line so that the bar stops on it or your shot is completely screwed.  The area is supposed to represent the slice or hook of your shot, but it does so much more.  If you miss it by 1/8 an inch then you can expect your shot to be 5-8 yards short, miss it by 1/4 inch and your shot will go approximately 1/3 of the distance it should.  Now, I am not a gold pro, but I have never seen a hook nor slice produce 1/3 of full swing distance.  EVER!  I have seen them take the ball 90 yards off course before, but never saw one send the ball into the ground the way this game displays.


    Basically I am saying "This needs to be fixed if you want fame for this game."


    The way the controls work, as it is, will kill it.  You either need to fix the speed issue or reduce the constraints your mathematics are placing on the targeting.  Right now the only people who will continue playing this game for more than a couple months will be the people programming it and whatever geeks that are kissing their rear ends in hopes of some scrap-dropping.  The average person has a 0.1 reflex rate, and your game is requiring 0.001 ( not to mention possible web issues.  Net speed varies from isp to isp and from household to household.  You need to think about that when you design a web based game.)  I would suggest, rather than trying to fix your speed issue, you widen the target beyond the 2 pixel slot you have assigned to it.

    Of course, the virtual golf pro geeks will be getting well under par every round if you do that....  Oh wait....  They already do that, so you're not going to effect their game at all.  All you would be doing is improving the experience of the average player.  Maybe you don't want to do that, though.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Wed, Jun 30 2010 10:43 PM

    As has been said by almost every WGT employee on this message board...  the swing meter stutter/speed is not a function of WGT. 

    Other than the club/ball combination determining the overall speed, there is nothing they can program to determine when and if your meter speed varies.

    It's a local issue.

    The variations in your 'early' or 'late' hits are not the only determination on how far your ball will 'hook', 'slice', 'fade' or 'draw'... there is this other little thing called 'the beast' that is programmed to add a percentage of variation to each shot.  This is done for the sake of 'realism'.  Please feel free to look up the 'beast' or "VEMmie" in the search section.  This is to keep the math geeks from turning this into TWO or some other cartoon golf game where you can hit a hundred shots and put them all into exactly the same place.

    That's not golf.

    So, clear your caches, use gamebooster and whatever else you need to keep your machine's resources to a minimum, and perhaps try another browser.  Other than that, there's always the cartoon golf sites where you, too, can shoot -36 for 18 holes at Wolf Creek.

    But for the people who like to play 'golf' on the computer, we'll be staying here.

  • WGTniv
    1,788 Posts
    Wed, Jun 30 2010 11:07 PM

    Hi ctgda,

    You have two different sets of clubs equipped and that's why you are experience varying meter speeds.  Your Irons are the WGT Beginner set and the rest of your clubs are the WGT Starters.  They are two distinct sets with two different swing speeds. The WGT Starters offer more distance and slightly more precision, but the trade off is the faster meter speed.  The WGT Beginners are shorter and less precise, but they swing at a slower rate making them easier to hit the center line.  The beginners are used to introduce players to the shot system.  We expect most players to switch to the Starters after a round or two.

    If you'd like a more consistent speed throughout then I would recommend equipping the WGT Starter irons and you should be good to go.

  • ctgda
    2 Posts
    Thu, Jul 1 2010 3:00 PM

    The variation I was referring to is only on the driver.  It varies from drive to drive.  I am aware different clubs will swing differently, which is why I tried to make an effort pointing out it was the same club.

    I think my major issue is with the "beast".  In golf if you swing the same way you get the same results and are able to put the ball within a few feet of the last ball hit.  If you twist your wrist or don't follow through the same way, the results dramatically vary depending what you did different.  No matter what the outcome is, YOU are responsible for it.  That is golf.  It is a sport that tests self awareness and your ability to judge the environments effect on the ball.  There is very little luck involved.  If there's a sudden wind gust or a bird attacks your ball midair, then yes that is luck; but that rarely happens, and everything else is determined by your actions.  That is what makes golf great.  Adding an artificial "luck" feature to a game, like they have in recent games I won't name, is a sad attempt to excuse a mistake by saying "it wasn't my fault". 

    In short, golf is something you can practice and get better at the more you do.  That's what makes it a sport and not a coin toss. 

    While I understand the need for something to keep the math geeks at bay, I think your beast needs a leash.  I shouldn't drive 220 yds one time then the next 40 yds just because I missed your "exact" bar by 1/4 inch.  That seems a little drastic.


  • chipshotcharlie
    538 Posts
    Thu, Jul 1 2010 3:46 PM

    What gets me going is this, I just did a little test that went like this.

    Oakmont hole no1 Tee Shot - I moved the aimer way to the right in the trees then hit my shot and stoped the meter 1/4 of an inch to the left, with 3mph cross wind right to left.

    Thinking the ball may land on the right side rough, to my amazement it landed in the bunker on the left side of the fairway. WGT This is not possible nor realistic at all and this is another reason to stop with the non-needed avatars and screen enlargement buttons which actually makes my screen smaller lol. Can you see why we now feel its all about money with you lot.

    Come on, fix the blatant issues with the game and stop rants and prove me wrong.



  • RChapman2010
    172 Posts
    Mon, Jul 5 2010 10:32 PM

    Trust me, there will be times you'll be kissing the WGT programmers Birkenstocks when you miss the ding on a putt to get you in the top 70 of a tournament, and the putt drops like a bad habit...  just sayin'....


    Adding an artificial "luck" feature to a game, like they have in recent games I won't name, is a sad attempt to excuse a mistake by saying "it wasn't my fault".