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WGT Nico Q&A - 1/27

Mon, May 8 2023 12:31 PM (236 replies)
  • WGTNico
    626 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2023 10:00 AM

    1. Do you mean a way to have almost like MP/Stroke CC Tournaments? If so then we don't think a form of chat session over the Country Club tournament wouldn't be crazy, but what would come into play in preventing this is a issue with UI and having players invite each other to a tournament in a country club might be weird. It would take a lot of work/thought to make a UI that isn't clunky. A flow such as "do you want to invite a friend to play with you? Which friend? Now wait" etc could actually deter a lot of users

    Has there ever been the thought or idea of making it possible for us to play country club tournaments together? Instead of playing a F9, B9 or full 18 of one of the courses here?


    2. Will there ever be updated versions of those? Yes of course. Do we know when or feel rushed at all to do so? Not particularly no. Personally I do think it's time for a nice refresh of those and I'm sure we'd bring the community in in some way to help us out with those when we decide to do so.

    Will there ever be an updated version of the Best of Famous and the Best of Hardest courses? Quite a few years ago the BOP 3's, 4's and 5's were updated by country clubs that actually won that opportunity to update them themselves by finishing high in a Clash.

  • WGTNico
    626 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2023 10:07 AM

    2. Currently no, but because we're struggling with things to give you all with what we currently have available within WGT. Adding new benefits to Country Club levels past 20 would likely require some completely brand new things to make it "exciting" in a sense. Especially with things like course builders already not always being used as much as we'd like them to be.

    Any new benefits coming for Country Clubs that have gone past Level 20? Been "More to      Come" posted under benefits for a very long time.

    3. We're unlikely to release "better" clubs than the ones offered at level 103 because well let's be honest, those clubs are incredibly strong already, and creating better/stronger clubs could run the risk of being too overpowered (constantly driving par 4s, perfect precision, etc.). However, we do love the idea of possibly someday adding clubs with the same stats as what's available but making them for lack of a better term "cooler looking." There's a struggle in doing that though as these clubs are all based off of clubs used by companies in real life and these brands may not want us to make their clubs look different to the ones available IRL. So it's something we like the idea of doing someday but not particularly likely anytime soon. 

    Any new products going to be available for players past Level 103? Hard to imagine not        having any new equipment available between Levels 103 and 200.

  • WGTNico
    626 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2023 10:09 AM

    I do really like the look of the new Paradym drivers, but ultimately up to you since that driver only gets up to L96

    I’m approaching Level 102 and want to buy the driver at that level. Are there any updates as regards to that that could affect my decision, whether to buy as soon as possible, delay or just not bother yet?

  • WGTNico
    626 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2023 10:12 AM

    Actively working on it? No we are not, but we've also not given up on trying to fix it. This was is put on hold right now. We don't like the bug either but we're currently at a standstill on it as we're improving the game elsewhere.

    I'd like to know if you guys are still actively working on fixing the Showdown Bogey Glitch that's been happening to people for OVER 3 YEARS... or have your developers and engineers given up up on trying to fix it?

    I've been slacking on the bug log in Discord but that's mostly because the bugs we're working on right now aren't stuff that are currently in game and by keeping that updated kinda leaks some of the cool things we're working on. I do have the idea of just changing that to "known bugs in WGT" at some point.

    I did notice that you don't have it listed in your Bug Log on Discord, even though players continue to report it every Showdown.

  • WGTNico
    626 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2023 10:15 AM

    There's no way in our system to know when you've become saturated or not. However to get from Tour Legend to Champion you need at least 750 ranked rounds and an average score below 60. I really wish we had something in game that shows that progress or at least what's needed to tier up.

    Could you please tell me how many ranked games I have to play until my scores stop going up and down. I turned to Tour Legend in April 2022 and am still going up and down 9 months later.

  • WGTNico
    626 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2023 10:19 AM

    1. Ya agreed we really need to add gifting apparel in WGT. I don't think that's something we'll be getting to at least not in the first half of 2023.

    Why can t i send shirts...outfits...etc as a gift to a friend?, only balls (and not cheap balls)

    2. I've admittedly been dreading this question, so we currently do not have a course in contract for 2023 but our partnerships team is talking to multiple clubs right now trying to lock down a contract. So while it does seem unlikely we'll be getting a new course this year, we're trying to get contracts solidified for more than one that we can then shoot whenever. In addition, we're trying to find better ways to make shooting and then adding a course to WGT and making it a "smoother" process. So hopefully we can get more than one in a year in the future. 

    Will we have a new course per year?

  • WGTNico
    626 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2023 10:22 AM

    Just because you may not particularly like something does not make it useless to 99% of other players. Also outside of showdown glitch (which isn't as major as many think according to the data), WGT really is not a buggy/glitchy game. Especially when comparing it to many other live service games with even much larger teams than what we have. 

    Stop adding new useless things. Fix all existing bugs and glitches before the game becomes irreparable. From the showdown to the tiny CDP/Spinner timer, it's hard not to find something that isn't broken in your game!

  • WGTNico
    626 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2023 10:28 AM

    1. We're hoping by end of 2023 but realistically should be much much sooner than that. The biggest struggle with 4 player games is the potential server issues that could cause with mobile players on just data or WiFi cause a laggy game. Taking 4 players without a wired connection can cause issues no matter how good our servers are. We're going to be doing a lot of internal testing to make sure it feels good before releasing it to the masses. 

    when will mobile players be able to play alt shot and foursomes 

    2. The biggest worry with putting TW (and even Clashes) into Leagues is that it can make it take quite a long time to find a matchup against a club and if you're in a league with a group of clubs you'll likely only be able to matchup against those clubs. I agree it's not the best in its current state but I personally would be nervous how a league Turf War system would go.

    is there a chance you could put turf wars into leagues

  • WGTNico
    626 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2023 10:31 AM

    That's kind of up to Callaway and what clubs they want to give us. 

    Any plans for a high level 64° Callaway wedge to match the other high level Callaway wedges?

    We don't have any current plans for something like that no.

    Any plans for a low forgiveness, high precision, high balance, high meter putter for those of us who putt off-ding?

  • WGTNico
    626 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2023 11:02 AM

    1. Someday is a definite possibility, but not in any "soon" planning.

    .Are the "billboards" on the screen going to be fixed someday, can't see my putt go in the hole. LOL.

    2. Will this be coming back? Short answer - no. The reason behind that though is it turned into a reason that people made new account. There was also an almost hierarchy of people paying so much attention to each other because of color dots. Let's say if it was someone's connection (which happens A LOT) it could force them to a lower tiered dot and that could make it difficult for a player to find games. Also it was a system that could be easily manipulated. 

    Back in the flash days there was a 3 colored system for people who quit games..Red, Green and yellow.