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What Happened to the 2 Big Monthly's!?

Thu, Feb 10 2022 4:34 PM (205 replies)
  • BPeterson8256
    2,909 Posts
    Tue, Feb 1 2022 12:11 PM


    The best thing in my opinion we could see is significantly more tournament options. 


    I love many of the new options we are starting to see. The two 18-Hole tournaments that pop up every couple weeks and the King's Cup are great additions. Both formats seem to be very popular with the majority of the field not even making the first 5 pages (top 250) of the leaderboard.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, Feb 1 2022 1:13 PM


    The 1st place prize for the multi round has been cut by 6 times and the buyin reduced half. This one went from 8,000 to 1,350!

    Are they trying to give less incentive to even play this game? I don't usually post in the forums, but I had to come and voice my outrage about this change. It is NOT for the better! Other than just pure profit from credits, I don't know what they are thinking?

    While the cut in the purse isn't a great thing the fact that 70 people now get credits should at least rate a mention. I suspect they're thinking "how do we get more people to enter these?"  And came to the conclusion that more people need to think they have a chance of a prize.  Even when the last day rush of low scores comes a top 70 place will still be achievable.

    If this means a lot of CK players are now going to boycott the premium tournaments and play in their own money tournament then ok and at least the policing will be good with you guys doing it.  I think the numbers will go up with the new format.

    What are wgt going to lose? Well so far in this thread there seems to be a threat that a few players, who don’t spend on the game won’t spend on the game :-/.  Masterhacker who wins more credits than he could possibly spend wont upgrade balls.

    Then of course there’s the likes of the $30 tournament, the thing is here you guys aren’t risking anything, you don’t need to buy the credits you use to enter.  The $30 is real money and most of you will lose it, I look forward to the stories that emerge.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, Feb 1 2022 1:33 PM

    Additionally, ball hits account for a large margin of WGT revenue.  For top tier players a round cost with a level 87 ball is around $3 dollars round.  If I play 50 rounds a week that is $150 dollars a week for the balls.  For me to break even for the week I need to win 15000 credits. 

    What!?  A conservative estimate of hits on a ball with a 2.5 durability rating is 113.  These balls cost 975c so a $3 round means about 104 hits and including putts that'll be 122 shots.

    More realistically, if I split your 50 rounds as half 9 and half 18 (and forget that many are par 3)  you'd expect under 40 and 20 hits these rounds, so we go for 50 (rounds) @ 30 (hits) =  1,500 hits.  That would be a little over 13.5 balls (13.5x113= 1,525)   

    975/3=325 x 13.5 = 4,387.

    Now if you were only to get 100c for $1 (better deals on mobile and probably steam) that would cost you $43.87 a week.  So you've saved $106.13 a week and now have no need to worry :-)

  • birchi
    1,492 Posts
    Tue, Feb 1 2022 1:56 PM

    I kind of get the general idea of drawing in more people to these tournaments, but I really think at least the Tour Champion tier should keep the old format, for the reason Masterhacker mentioned:

    we already have so few really marquee high-value events to draw in new people to want to play WGT, and now they are being further diluted

    I literally logged on today to play these rounds after not playing at all for several months and even longer in anything not related to the eTour and these two monthly tournaments are basically the only events I would consider entering because they're single play and still draw a big number of top players, so it's a fun competition. I'm totally in favour of paying out to more players in general, but that payout model is literally used anywhere else, Ready Gos, weekly tournaments, monthly tournaments etc. No harm for anyone in having these two monthlies as the regular marquee events outside of eTour and USGA events

  • xAmazingTrace
    122 Posts
    Tue, Feb 1 2022 2:01 PM



    "While the cut in the purse isn't a great thing the fact that 70 people now get credits should at least rate a mention. I suspect they're thinking "how do we get more people to enter these?"  And came to the conclusion that more people need to think they have a chance of a prize.  Even when the last day rush of low scores comes a top 70 place will still be achievable."


    I agree. I should have stated this. I posted this morning when I first saw this, and was still pretty irritated. I should have let it sink in a bit more before sharing my reaction. 

    Someone I know did reach out to WGT about it. And you are correct, that this will bring more involvement to these tourneys. But I just don't understand why you have to take away something from a group, just to give something to another group. Even if that group is larger. Why not add a couple tourneys to the game that pay out 70? Call the one a Gold tier and the other a Silver tier. They do it for Showdowns. There's different levels with different payouts. Why can't they offer something similar for this? 

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, Feb 1 2022 2:40 PM

    I agree. I should have stated this. I posted this morning when I first saw this, and was still pretty irritated. I should have let it sink in a bit more before sharing my reaction. 

    That's fair enough and probably true for me too.

    Someone I know did reach out to WGT about it. And you are correct, that this will bring more involvement to these tourneys. But I just don't understand why you have to take away something from a group, just to give something to another group. Even if that group is larger. Why not add a couple tourneys to the game that pay out 70? Call the one a Gold tier and the other a Silver tier. They do it for Showdowns. There's different levels with different payouts. Why can't they offer something similar for this? 

    I agree the best thing would have been to simply add another tournament that paid 70.  The problem I see is that if they do something along the lines you suggest, participation in the "gold" one will be low and then the prize will therefore be small.   Perhaps you could persuade wgt to set up a tournament that pays the entry fees to the top 3, they would get ball use.  Perhaps even something innovative, like you can enter up to 3 times costing 200c each time.  Or even something sensible.

    @BPaterson, I don't think your numbers are correct as wgt don't count (or show) anyone who doesn't finish the first round, as these comp's are the best players and only three prizes many may quit early. 


  • BPeterson8256
    2,909 Posts
    Tue, Feb 1 2022 3:39 PM


    @BPaterson, I don't think your numbers are correct as wgt don't count (or show) anyone who doesn't finish the first round, as these comp's are the best players and only three prizes many may quit early. 

    Totally true. I didn't think of that.

    And I love the idea of any type tournament, that uses entry fees for payout, whether that is to the Top 3, or even just 1st place. I just have never agreed for such a huge (more than entry fee) payout for so few participants. That is just my opinion though. I always like seeing things that encourage participation to the many. 

    Maybe WGT could create a "High Stakes" tournament where they waived their 20% cut of the entry fees. At least that way they wouldn't be spending so much on so few. Virtual credits or not

  • MrTebbs
    24 Posts
    Tue, Feb 1 2022 4:17 PM

    I don’t believe I’ve ever responded to a thread before but wanted to chime in. I’ve been playing WGT since August 2013 and not one of the top tier players, so I still have to buy my balls. This past Holiday season WGT came out with the 12 days of Christmas or whatever you want to call it. I admit I was kind of excited because like many of us new club options, balls, clothing gets us excited about the game again. Well if memory serves me right, everything besides the new $15 sleeve was old news. I mean promoting the Max control putter that’s been around for ages. Then came the ugly ass cat sweater, omg. Needless to say I was pretty disappointed in the offers and purchased nothing. 

    Now to my point. I understand that WGT needs to make money to support that San Francisco lifestyle, but selling virtual Pro V1x balls for $60/dozen when I can get the real ones on and customized for $52 is a freaking joke. I would love more options in the apparel store. I own almost every piece of clothing that WGT offers because I have to remain the sexiest member of LFG CC. DBStronghold comes in a close 2nd. And how about letting us purchase retired equipment? Many times I have scrolled through my friends list to look at their equipment, try to purchase what they are using, and then get an error code because it’s not offered anymore.

    As far as the tournaments go, this most recent change doesn’t affect me because I’ve never won either of these two events, but I can see both sides here. Has WGT ever thought about doing a skins, alt shot, or matchplay event? I mean you have the ability and aren’t using it. We have to set up our own tournaments like these because WGT doesn’t even try, they just want to sell expensive balls. You really need to communicate with the people that make you money. 

    One of the biggest things I’ve noticed that causes a player to quit WGT is when they reach the Legend Tier. They always complain about hitting from the parking lot tees and not being able to upgrade their equipment until they reach a certain level. Maybe have different options to upgrade based on Tier as opposed to level. These are things you need to think about and brainstorm with actual WGT players. All I know is if WGT ever gets rid of double Olay offers, my WGT career is over.  LOL

  • xAmazingTrace
    122 Posts
    Tue, Feb 1 2022 4:21 PM


    I agree the best thing would have been to simply add another tournament that paid 70.  The problem I see is that if they do something along the lines you suggest, participation in the "gold" one will be low and then the prize will therefore be small.   Perhaps you could persuade wgt to set up a tournament that pays the entry fees to the top 3, they would get ball use.  Perhaps even something innovative, like you can enter up to 3 times costing 200c each time.  Or even something sensible.


    This is exactly what I posted in our CC discord. They should make it the same structure as a poker tournament. That way, they are never upside down on any credits.

  • JSmithers
    1,263 Posts
    Tue, Feb 1 2022 5:19 PM



    @BPaterson, I don't think your numbers are correct as wgt don't count (or show) anyone who doesn't finish the first round, as these comp's are the best players and only three prizes many may quit early. 

    Totally true. I didn't think of that.

    And I love the idea of any type tournament, that uses entry fees for payout, whether that is to the Top 3, or even just 1st place. I just have never agreed for such a huge (more than entry fee) payout for so few participants. That is just my opinion though. I always like seeing things that encourage participation to the many. 

    Maybe WGT could create a "High Stakes" tournament where they waived their 20% cut of the entry fees. At least that way they wouldn't be spending so much on so few. Virtual credits or not

    The issue I have with the cut in credits being offered is that it was difficult and great competition among the top players to try and be in that exclusive top 3.  There are hundreds of tourneys ran that pay top 70 or 60% for ready go.   These were literally the only 2 that paid top 3.  And yes the same group of top players were always near the top battling it out.  So wgt takes a tiny hit on credits entered compared to credits paid out but remember there are also ball hits that go into these tourneys.  Plus many of these top players put the credits right back into the game.  Gifting balls, clubs, passes, creating tourneys for others to win some credits.  IMO the big picture of these 2 out of 100s of tourneys being nerfed will create a negative snowball effect.  Not to mention a lot of these top players stream on twitch and bring more people to the game for free.  Watering down your premium tournaments seems to me like it is going to have a negative effect in the long run.