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CC v CC Top 100

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Tue, May 24 2016 11:24 PM (94 replies)
  • drmoose
    3,538 Posts
    Mon, Dec 1 2014 10:01 AM

    Presto change-o ! The man behind the curtain now has us replying to the old thread. What did you do to piss 'em off this time Andy, lol.

    Doc :)

  • Victoria47
    629 Posts
    Mon, Dec 1 2014 10:02 AM

    here is a huge mistake happened?

    at the end of the clash, we performed 409 to 379 points compared UNITED NATION CC

    and what did WGT????   They added 600 points to the UN-CC and so we lost this clash.

    THAT IS UNFAIR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Please WGT, take position!   'vic' from golfaholics-cc

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Dec 1 2014 10:05 AM



    I'm sure quite a lot of people got a lot of enjoyment from the clash - it's just a fun and different competition.  Would be nice to see the top 250 CCs listed as well.

    It is worth remembering that just because a vocal dozen or so who tend to dominate the forum do not like a particular thing they do not speak for everyone who plays the game here.

    Sure the Clash needs some tweaks but most new things do - looking forward to the next.

    Well done WGT

    If you want to spend your $ on a no skill involved hamster wheel , that's fine.

    But it's very wrong to say a 'vocal dozen' .

    I can't speak for all the players at Transgressional, there a a few that are not active right now,  but i can say that all the players ( including the top guys ) i speak to, which is most of the active ones right now have the same view of this pointless disappointment.

    Hey FF, lets give Sue a break here ?

    The Clashes are s.hit we all concur , not what we envisaged ?

    ( 90+% ) here agree ?

    12 may have been a 'tad' on the low side :))

    But I still say..if you want to participate then being 'shameless' should not be a moniker thrown at you, just because you enjoy them ?

    If it was more skill based then I would jump in feet first, whatever the cost ! :)



  • FarFoo
    2,918 Posts
    Mon, Dec 1 2014 10:10 AM



    12 may have been a 'tad' on the low side :))


    That was why i replied, wouldn't want to give WGT the wrong impression.

    If I posted some of the comments from Trangressionals skype room about this clashes , i would be getting a ban.
    For the record. 100% of the guys in there think the same, as far as i've seen.


  • Lisa03
    5,910 Posts
    Mon, Dec 1 2014 10:16 AM


    I'm sure quite a lot of people got a lot of enjoyment from the clash - it's just a fun and different competition.  Would be nice to see the top 250 CCs listed as well.

    I would hesitate to call it a "competition". More like a Jerry Lewis Sell-a-Thon for the benefit of WGT-minus Jerry's kids and minus Jerry. Some players, I know, bought a lot of credits and played 12+ hours straight. If that's fun, knock yourself out.

    I expect WGT to sponsor the 12 days of Christmas-marathon clash very soon!

  • sue333318
    631 Posts
    Mon, Dec 1 2014 10:20 AM

    Well FF , for your info I didn't spend a cent on the clash.

    Now perhaps you can tell me how many of the members of Transgressional competed in the Open qualifiers - (unlimited play) the WGT tour (unlimited play first rounds), and justify what the difference is as they grind rounds out with the inevitable ball usage?

    Victoria - you lost as the 100 point bonus for highest scoring player went to the other CC.

    Thanks for all the nice comments - I'm now finished on this subject.


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Dec 1 2014 10:20 AM




    12 may have been a 'tad' on the low side :))


    That was why i replied, wouldn't want to give WGT the wrong impression.

    If I posted some of the comments from Trangressionals skype room about this clashes , i would be getting a ban.
    For the record. 100% of the guys in there think the same, as far as i've seen.


    Can't blame them...a hotchpotch @ best it is and could've been the fire we all needed...

    WGT getting real stale at the wrong time if we believe PP yet again :)

    Roll on Pebble...... ( tho like a new car, the shine rubs off after a few weeks )

    EDIT: after reading Sue' last post....'go for gold' :))

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Dec 1 2014 10:41 AM


    You  enjoyed it and fair enough - great.  Comparing it to the VUSO is pointless though.

    People do not mind spending a bit (varying degrees) on something they see as worthwhile.  To qualify for the VUSO demanded at least some skill.  To do well here (lets say top 10 just for example) requires no skill, none.  All you have to do is hit a ball anywhere for ages and ages - almost that daft. Lots on it, each to own, and ideas what else to do all over the place, but two very separate issues the VUSO v this.  

    I can't bring myself to use the term contest as one is and one well is not. 

    Now if lower down (numbers wise) there are a few people, like you, who  enjoy just playing like you did then great as say. Had your 1 member CC come up against a CC of even 3 people (1 if they bought passes) who played you would have been blown out of the water.

    No skill needed anywhere in that, just the system (well lack of) would do it easy as.   That's why people on the whole are very against this (polite few in the forums compared to a lot of what I have heard).  Pretty sure some enter it with no clue, and that's just ripping people off but I will leave that.




  • mbcarp99
    1,078 Posts
    Mon, Dec 1 2014 11:04 AM

    Since the CC clashes started this forum has been awash with mainly negative views on the 'competition', i think you will find though that the majority of players on WGT don't read this forum 

    So the truth is there are a lot of players from different CC's still playing in them oblivious to what is written here. most of them probably just enjoy playing and if they want to purchase passes to do so then that is their prerogative.

    I personally refuse to play them for all the reasons that have been well documented here but a lot of players from my CC did play and i will not rebuke or ridicule them for doing so, the regular contributors to this forum are a small percentage of the actual players on WGT, so it may well be that your view is actually the minority view.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Dec 1 2014 11:55 AM

    i think you will find though that the majority of players on WGT don't read this forum 

    I agree and this was DB's reasoning. Add to that he stated that they had received a lot of praise from players.

    I have no doubts that these Clashes are "successful" in WGT's eyes. There are still a LOT of players playing them, thus CC Pass sales will have increased (probably soared) as well as increased ball usage.

    I personally will not play them until they are fair for all clubs regardless of size and that passes are not required (otherwise the credit wealthy clubs will always win) and it is skill based rather than volume based.

    My CC did not play one game this time, and I would guess many players are also seeing very little incentive to play, or play as much as there are no real rewards.

    Before saying the next bit, I need to quantify this - in principle this could be a fun competition, but only when the issues are addressed.

    WTG has been exceptionally short sighted with these clashes. They are sitting on top of a good idea but has been very poorly executed. But regardless of the criticism received (mainly in the forums), they have pushed ahead with their agenda with only minor fixes.

    The danger of this is players will eventually despise the unfairness and will not play another clash (and only the forum users will complain whilst - in DB's words, the vast majority of WGTers who do not use the forums, will also simply not play again, but WGT will not know why) instead of working on proper fixes without deterring the masses. It is exceptionally hard to win respect back after it has been lost.

    A simple rule of business, learn from the customers who complain - you will learn a lot more from them than those who praise or worse, those who say nothing and just leave, never to return.

    As I said, good concept, but you are running the risk of players never playing these the longer your stubbornness continues without proper fixes.