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Directives du Forum

Greetings golfer, and welcome to the WGT Forums!

This discussion board is here to give our players a place to discuss their ideas, give advice on gameplay, give the company feedback, and talk about anything else WGT related. We pride ourselves on maintaining a community full of players who are respectful and courteous while interacting with each other. We would ask the same from anyone participating in these forums.

The list below outlines general practices or behaviors that are unwelcome and prohibited on the forums. It's important to keep in mind that the guidelines listed here are not a complete list and may not address all types of offenses. Please see our Terms & Conditions for more information. WGT may, but is not required to, delete postings that do not comply with these guidelines or WGT's Terms & Conditions. Your access to these forums is a "privilege", and not a "right". We reserve the right to update and modify these rules as needed.

Thank you for taking the time to read the WGT forum posting guidelines.

Racial/Ethnic Sexuality/Violence Real-Life Information/Threats Cheats, Hacks, or Any Other Malware Impersonating a WGT Employee Inappropriate Language National Religion or Religious Topics Politics or Political Topics Illegal Drugs or Activities Spamming and/or Trolling Advertising Discussing Disciplinary Actions/Requests Circumventing Moderation


Do not:

  • Post or contribute to racial or ethnic discrimination/slurs
  • Use a golfer name that is, or could be construed to be, a racial or ethnic slur
  • Post anything that alludes to symbols of racial or ethnic slurs


Do not post anything that is, or could be construed to be:

  • extreme violence
  • pornography
  • inappropriate sexual and/or violent actions/discussions


Do not post anything that is, or could be construed to be:

  • any private real-life information about other community members of WGT staff members
  • threatening remarks directed toward another community member, WGT staff member or real-life person


Do not post anything that is, or could be, construed to be:

  • direct links to malware
  • information related to malware

If you would like to report activity of this nature, please send our support team an email. DO NOT post this on the forums.


Do not post anything that is, or could be construed to be:

  • your golfer name sharing a likeness to a WGT staff member name
  • false information as if it was from a WGT employee
  • claiming to be a WGT employee


Do not post anything that is, or could be, construed to be:

  • defamatory
  • "coded" or colloquial language that may allude to inappropriate language
  • initiating, participating or perpetuating harassment of defamation
  • typing in all capital letters, or abusing text format options


Do not post anything that is, or could be, construed to be:

  • promoting national hatred or ill will
  • hateful slurs of symbols based on nationality


Do not post anything that is, or could be, construed to be:

  • directly discussing, or alluding to a religion
  • directly discussing, or alluding to a religious figure
  • directly discussing, or alluding to a religious stance

WGT has a zero-tolerance policy for the topic of religion on the forums.


Do not post anything that is, or could be, construed to be:

  • directly discussing, or alluding to politics, past or present
  • directly discussing, or alluding to political events, past or present

WGT has a zero tolerance policy for the topic of politics on the forums.


Do not post anything that is, or could be, construed to be:

  • discussing the abuse of illegal drugs
  • reference to performing illegal activities


Do not post anything that is, or could be, construed to be:

  • repeatedly communicating the same or similar message
  • creating, participating or perpetuating conversations with the intention of causing unrest within the community
  • joining a conversation with the intention of derailing it
  • communicating in a harmfully deceptive manner


Do not post anything that is, or could be, construed to be:

  • any non-WGT related business, websites, or other organizations


Do not post anything that is, or could be, construed to be:

  • creating threads with the intention of highlighting disciplinary actions taken against a player
  • creating posts with the intention of highlighting disciplinary actions taken against a player
  • creating threads or posts with the intention of requesting that disciplinary actions be taken against a player

WGT takes forum moderation very seriously. If you feel another player deserves moderation, please use our forum report feature or send our support team an email. DO NOT make threads or posts with this information.


Do not post anything that is, or could be, construed to be:

  • Posting on another account
  • Having another player post for you or posting for another user

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