IggyWochk1:game has been ruined by this last update.
everything is working fine for me except for a few dots on my avatar when on the green
Mine is working just fine as well, but I've seen plenty of evidence otherwise for some folks. I think a lot depends on your platform and the age of your device or operating system.
Not too many issues for Window 10/11 users as long as your system has decent hardware. Seen a lot of reports of people with issues on Win 7, but honestly that has been end of life so long there are a lot of programs/apps that are going to struggle with it, so I think that's kind of "you" problem compared to "WGT" problem.
On the other hand, some folks on Android with top of the line tablets/phones and most up-to-date software are having issues where their entire avatar is pink or they have no skin on their faces. And lots of people with older iPads having issues, but if they try on a newer model they are fine.
And as to the dots on your avatar while putting, that was an intended change. They wanted it transparent, which is a good improvement in my opinion, but for whatever reason they felt it looked better with those dots in there instead of just a plain transparency. The dots on mine are so heavy it defeats the entire purpose of the upgrade since I still can't see the grid dots moving and can barely read the distance/elevation box.