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tired of your manipulation of games

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Mon, Sep 9 2024 1:32 AM (10 replies)
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  • mrironnuts
    8 Posts
    Wed, Sep 4 2024 2:11 PM

    why does the WGT not update averages regularly and why do you sell equipment that don't functions as sold! meaning if you purchase balls with slow meter speed deliver it... deliver what I have "paid for" which you don't. Yes that's in its self is theft and if that is not enough than "you speed up the strike zone" about 40 percent to ensure more strikes are wasted to steal more ball usage from the players... it maybe funny to you but your desire to cheat players for a profit is not entertaining nor fair or honest. how you keep a gamming  license operating as you do i will never know.

  • BlackBogey
    605 Posts
    Thu, Sep 5 2024 7:50 AM


    why does the WGT not update averages regularly and why do you sell equipment that don't functions as sold! meaning if you purchase balls with slow meter speed deliver it... deliver what I have "paid for" which you don't. Yes that's in its self is theft and if that is not enough than "you speed up the strike zone" about 40 percent to ensure more strikes are wasted to steal more ball usage from the players... it maybe funny to you but your desire to cheat players for a profit is not entertaining nor fair or honest. how you keep a gamming  license operating as you do i will never know.

    I'm in no way affiliated with WGT, but I find it extremely funny (your rant that is).  

    Why didn't you just copy/paste from your blog and tell them how you really feel:

    "To you thieves at the WGT it’s not enough that you have removed rollout and have my club and balls playing like range ball and starter club with Zero *** back spin or rollout. Now you assholes have my meter running off anytime it *** wants and my putts looking like I’m standing at the tee trying to see the *** flag/cup. I keep wondering how much more cheating you will do before there is no one will to play at the WGT. Either you must be the most ignorant assholes in the world or the riches assholes in the world that just enjoy cheating the playing here for the fun of it! Because if you were trying to make a profit you would get your simpleminded heads out of your ass and treat the players responsibly. I wish I could find a lawyer that understood video gaming and fraud to sue you ass for the money spent and none delivery of produce as to performance. many people has stop playing because of this BS."

  • callaghan159
    6,424 Posts
    Thu, Sep 5 2024 10:57 AM

    Always WGT's fault, never the player.

  • borntobesting
    9,756 Posts
    Sat, Sep 7 2024 10:09 AM

    He complains about not getting rollout and in almost the same breath he complains about not getting backspin. The 2 don't don't go together. No backspin more rollout backspin less rollout.

    As for no backspin his wedges are junk, and his ball is only good for the slow meter speed, He needs to get better wedges and a cheaper ball with a lot more spin. There are many balls with more spin that are cheaper that the slow meter Bridgestone ball he plays. That ball with its 1 durability is junk. He can get cheaper balls with better spin and distance and at the same cost that are much better,

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,693 Posts
    Sat, Sep 7 2024 1:42 PM

    Then, he's gonna start complaining about the swing meter being too fast. 😂

    There are people who don’t adapt themselves to their surroundings but instead try to make their surroundings adapt to them - a hallmark of those who never improve.

  • SamSpayed
    5,045 Posts
    Sat, Sep 7 2024 3:28 PM


    There are people who don’t adapt themselves to their surroundings but instead try to make their surroundings adapt to them - a hallmark of those who never improve.

    “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

    ― George Bernard Shaw

    "Except in WGT"

    ― SimonTheBeetle

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,693 Posts
    Sat, Sep 7 2024 4:16 PM


    "Except in WGT"

    ― SimonTheBeetle

    Well, you've got the proof right there - el Señor Cojones Acerados!

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