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How hard can it be wgt unethical

Tue, May 16 2023 6:03 AM (60 replies)
  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Fri, May 12 2023 3:53 AM

    It always amazes & shocks me [...]
    360° rant cut down.

    Maybe others just know when to pick a fight, and follow Niebuhrs "serenity prayer".

    The T&Cs give users hardly any chance to change the enterprise. Thus, the only options are to stay a customer or to run. If I'd think like you do, I'd run! (but I don't)

  • Wendallson
    42 Posts
    Fri, May 12 2023 4:37 AM

    Each to there own mate, I say it as I see it, when the $ becomes more important then the advancement of the game, when they have the technology for game improvement & customer enjoyment & choose to restrict the use of that technology & only use it sparingly in general game play, let leave it unrestricted in wgt live series & the like. It`s clear the $ is more important....explain to me then all knowing one...why is it in general game play in some instances you get close to the grn reverse camera views & yet in others instances from the same distance, you are restricted to a single high overview of the grn that gives & offers no detail what so ever, yet in the wgt live series & the like, you can access a close to the grn reverse camera view from any shot at any time, whether you are on the tee or close to the grn?

    Explain to me, why the game developers have developed the current format of the game & the detail of it that it has evolved into now...yet, since that time & the flash version of the game, they still haven`t & are unable to develop & introduce shot replay options into this version of the that choice? or the inability to do so?


    They have the technology, then why don`t they implemt it? More about the $ then the games development, that`s why, unless you have another reason for the above?

    why is it when you play the coin room games & some instances of stroke play games, that some hack & tour pro players have level 88+ clubs & the like that are only unlocked from Tour Master level & up & are consistent with hitting the ball from 200yrds + & landing it 2 feet from the pin or consistently sinking 20 yrd + putts? Coincidence? or WGT employees disguised as wgt members.


    When was the last time in your experience as a hack or a tour pro?...did you consistantly hit 200 yrd+ drves & land them 2 ft from the pin or consistently sink 20 yrd + putts??? I know when I was a hack & tour pro, that I would do the above around 5% of the time, yet the above do it 95% of the time, explain that to me?

    Why is it when you ask WGT help or member services about the above or any question in relation to in game play or the like ( in my experience of the last 4 to 5yrs) I never once get a detailed or informed specific reply or solution to any of my questions, I always get a broad & generalised & generic repetive computer fed response, with no detail or specific information or response to any of the questions that I have asked within that time?

    One example, in the last 5yrs, I have repeatedly asked wgt & member services about the restricted reverse camera over view issue, there response is & has ALWAYS been the same & I quote" for a consistent reverse camera view, clear your browser cache" it has Never once!..rectified the issue & given me the close reverse camera view. There answers are Always intentionally misleading with ANY question that I have asked them...they know as well as I do, that clearing the browser cache, does bugger all to resolving the close reverse camera view, there replies & vague responses are intentionally misleading & not all specific, they have the technology to have close reverse camera views implemented into the game for all instances of shot play..they just choose to not have it that way.

    If Top Golf/ WGT owners, managers & programmers & the like were so up for transparency & the game development & for customer game enjoyment & satisfaction & not about the $ & ways to make it & choosing to be misleading & vague & general & generic & not having care or conscience about the way they interact with there WGT members & Customers & only about there back pockets? Then why is the above the way it is now?


    Also, at the end of the day...I realise & understand & accept that Top Golf / WGT owners & the like, that it is there business venture,more then a game & they can run it without explanation, whatever way they want...regardless of how corrupt & lacking in any business ethic of any kind & void of any human moral, principle or value, if they choose to ( which seems to me to be blatantly obvious) the above..all the above are just my own personal views & beliefs & theories (based on my experience of playing the game for the last 5yrs in this version of the game & 2yrs of playing the flash version of the game...whether it is the case & fact or not? unknown.


    Like I said at the beginning of this response to your feedback?...Each to there own mate, I say it as I see it...I am just making public to the broader WGT Community my theories & experiences that I have encountered with my interactions with WGT Customer services & WGT member services & with playing both versions of the game, to have a discussion & get feedback from the broader WGT Community of there own interactions & experiences & there fore, there thoughts & theories to my above questions & theories that I have raised & mentioned.

    What you or any other WGT player thinks, based on there experience, is up for the individual to decide, based on there own experience of the game.


    Lastly mate...if you are so emotionally & mentally limited & so immature..that you can`t be an adult & think for yourself or outside the box or you can`t help yourself to refrain from your verbal abuse & spew your toxic insults at me?..& be  mature & specific in your responses to each of the above questions & theories,that I have raised & mentioned based on my own experiences?...Then maybe you should save that immature nonsense for your mates at your school yard or your local pub & not for adults in WGT Community discussions.

  • Wendallson
    42 Posts
    Fri, May 12 2023 5:01 AM

    My point about camera angles, (saving the expense for boats or helicopters:-) is they already have the close to the grn reverse view camera point they just limit the use of it in, general game question is, why is that? Why limit the use of an already developed & introduced camera view in general in game play?...yet have the same use of that close to the grn reverse camera view...completely unlimited & accessible in the wgt live series & the all instances of shot play, whether you are on the tee or fairway or near the green, be it bunker, rough or brush?


    Thanks very much for your web links & feedback & tips in in relation to getting camera views & for constructive answers & feedback....I appreciate it & your time mate.

  • Wendallson
    42 Posts
    Fri, May 12 2023 5:41 AM

    I am not picking a fight or ranting( maybe just a little ranting:-) alosso. I am just stating the clear & obvious about top golf & wgt customer care & member services & in game play & yeah rubbing it in there face ( not that they care) & making it public is all...based on MY interactions with top golf & wgt customer care & member services & with MY experiences in game, over the last 5yrs.

    My only intention, is for that.... & if discussion & feedback & thoughts & experiences of the broader WGT Community of the questions & points that I have raised, evolves from my post, then that be the way of it.

    As far as trying to bring change in the way of it here & now & to get Top Golf or WGT customer care & the like to grow a pair & to have some form of business ethic & be more personal & transparent & interactive with there customers & there ingame concerns & to fully introduce already developed technology into the game, instead of with holding it for the sake of making a $ instead.

    That would be like throwing logic & common sense out the window & trying to raise the Titanic.


    So as Bill W says"one day at time & yes as Reinhold Niebuhr (says in short) Serenity, Courage, Wisdom, Acceptance & surrender to what is is...this moment "there lays "the paradox & the "rub" happy joyous & free alosso, "as we are not a glum lot"

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Fri, May 12 2023 6:01 AM

  • SamSpayed
    5,045 Posts
    Fri, May 12 2023 8:48 AM

    I am just making public to the broader WGT Community my theories & experiences that I have encountered with my interactions with WGT Customer services & WGT member services & with playing both versions of the game, to have a discussion & get feedback from the broader WGT Community of there own interactions & experiences & there fore, there thoughts & theories to my above questions & theories that I have raised & mentioned.

    Hi, Wendallson.  I'll share my thoughts.

    First of all, I don't think that anything you've experienced has anything to do with any moral or ethical failings by WGT.  Despite all our community criticisms (and I have criticized WGT more than most), I do think they try their best, they just don't always succeed.

    With that said, here are my own thoughts and observations on the issues you raised.


    The camera angles available to you depends on precisely where your ball happens to be on the fairway, in the bunker, etc.  Sometimes, being just a few yards away in a different location will make different camera angles available to you.  I have noticed this on some holes, particularly holes on Kiawah. 

    That's just the way the game is programmed.  WGT does not toggle additional camera angles on/off for certain events like the Live Series or eTour.

    Hint:  If you want a different camera angle, you can sometimes "trick" the game into giving you one by switching to your putter, then clicking the camera icon a couple times, as Brett said earlier in this thread..  That will sometimes give you a green-reverse view from the hole, which can be very useful, especially on short approach shots.  That's what the players in the Live Series and eTour do.  If you do this, be sure to switch back to the club you want to hit, once you have the view you want!


    WGT has stated that replays are not coming back.  The reasons are (a) the development time and other IT resources it would take to implement, and (b) the fact that 3rd party apps are available to record your games if you really want to replay them or portions of them.

    Windows has a built-in tool called Xbox Game Bar that allows you to record game play (including WGT).  I use it myself to record brief game clips sometimes after I make a good shot (it has a neat feature that records a clip of the last 30 seconds of your game).  You can bring it up by hitting Win+G.  Google it to learn more, if you're interested.  


    I agree that the email responses you get from WGT Member Services sometimes show a complete lack of understanding of your questions.  And sometimes they just flat-out give you the wrong answer.  There was an example of that posted in the WGT Discord yesterday.  Sometimes you are just at the mercy of the knowledge of the Member Services rep who happens to answer your question.

    IMHO, your best bet for getting an accurate answer or resolution to your issue would be to post either here in the Forums in the Community Help section (if it's a question we can answer) or in WGT Discord.  WGTNico and WGTChampion are pretty good at responding quickly in Discord during Pacific business hours if you tag them there.

    Hope this helps.

  • i1488
    44 Posts
    Fri, May 12 2023 9:35 AM



    It always amazes & shocks me how people are so willing to accept & stand for nothing & ignore blatant corruption & the complete lack of business ethics or morals or values or principles of any kind, that are so rife & intertwined in all areas of life & business in the world today, which is so blatantly & clearly evident & saturated all the way through the continueing development & the frame work & structure of WGT all for a....$. How many

    s is your soul worth?...

    You think Top Golf/ WGT owners, management and programmers have sold their sole? What does this mean? You are out there man, I mean way out there lol.

    I believe Wendallson states what many players here want to state but are too afraid to do so.  I'm new here so I really don't know the history of this game except for what I read in these forums and the experience of playing to date.  From what I've read here, the anomalies I've experienced are not uncommon.  The resolution I've requested of WGT for my "game quirks" seems to be status quo (as in, WGT is right and we are wrong).  Also meaning that WGT doesn't care about us customers.  Sorry WGT, that is the perception I get from you.  And it seems that many others do as well.

  • Yiannis1970
    3,338 Posts
    Fri, May 12 2023 10:14 AM


    One example, in the last 5yrs, I have repeatedly asked wgt & member services about the restricted reverse camera over view issue, there response is & has ALWAYS been the same & I quote" for a consistent reverse camera view, clear your browser cache" it has Never once!..rectified the issue & given me the close reverse camera view.



  • Wendallson
    42 Posts
    Fri, May 12 2023 2:07 PM

    pure gro, putt putt golf with the kiddies for you...just a thought.

  • Wendallson
    42 Posts
    Fri, May 12 2023 2:10 PM

    Wow Yannis, could you be a little more specific? I guess ignorance is bliss,mate? Maybe you could join pure gro in with the kiddies at putt putt golf...just a thought.