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Mon, May 27 2024 8:56 PM (1,691 replies)
  • DarrellBowden
    50 Posts
    Sun, Jun 4 2023 7:20 AM

    Results for Group 4 Round 7 Tie# 1262

    Weapons of Grass Destruction vs LFG Jeremy’s

    Frrraaa vs 3puttfrank

    Frrraaa wins 2UP

  • DarrellBowden
    50 Posts
    Sun, Jun 4 2023 9:40 AM

    Results for Group 4 Round 7 Tie# 1260

    Weapons of Grass Destruction vs LFG Jeremy’s

    DaddyOAddy vs dcgreen0275

    DaddyOAddy wins this one 2UP 

    This completes our Round 7, well played by LFG. Good luck to you guys moving forward!!

  • JeffH1965
    44 Posts
    Sun, Jun 4 2023 9:50 AM

    Group 1 round 7

    tie 1176


    bgclemson81 defeated geezyr150.  

  • ujjbnjk
    2,128 Posts
    Sun, Jun 4 2023 11:26 AM

    Group 1 round 7 match 2 ujjbnjk defeated LeandroBiri in a 18-hole match play game on ST ANDREWS LINKS: THE OLD COURSE 5/4
  • Jomo190
    45 Posts
    Sun, Jun 4 2023 11:51 AM

    Group 1 tie 1158 

    scooter defeats amanpreet 4 up

  • Wintertilt
    19 Posts
    Sun, Jun 4 2023 12:47 PM

    Group 3 round 7 tie 1223

    Wintertilt defeated PaulFinn52 2 Up..

  • rampant88
    34 Posts
    Sun, Jun 4 2023 1:12 PM

    Group 6
    Round 7
    Tie #1319
    Flyboy71 wins 4 UP over meengel



  • ChrisCrosby
    249 Posts
    Sun, Jun 4 2023 1:16 PM

    Group 3
    Round 7
    Tie #1219
    Match 1

    ChrisCrosby wins 4 Up over KenBTEXAS

  • bader76
    955 Posts
    Sun, Jun 4 2023 3:23 PM


    Time for the Cup and plate knockout stages

    Here’s the seeded teams for the CUP and PLATE

    Teams in the Cup                                         Teams in the Plate       

    1-  Cobra Kai Coaches                                   1- LFG Jeremys    

    2-  TPB Savage I                                            2- The Inglorious Basterds 

    3-  Cobra Kai No Mercy                                  3- Band of Brothers  

    4-   LFG Renners                                            4- TPB Savage III

    5-   SEL Thunderchickens                               5-  Blood & Fire Dragons                                             

    6-  TCC Bandits                                               6- Robs Rebels                                       

    7-  Grand Traditions CC                                   7-  Blood & Fire NightWalkers                                    

    8-  TPB Savage II                                             8- TCC Achtbaan                                    

    9-  Weapons of Grass Destruction                   9- Ace's Ventura                                      

    10- Stars and Stripes                                      10- Thee GhostRiders                                   

    11- The PanneJets                                          11- The Knight Riders                              

    12- The Fowl Assassins                                  12- Kitch Crusaders                                           

    13- Par Then Bar                                            13- N&F Fighting Squirrels 1                                  

    14- Fairway Fanatics Gladiators                     14- Golfos Unidos                                    

    15- TCC Raiders                                             15- SEL PigeonSlayers                                  

    16- Freedom Storm                                         16- Bills Band                                    


    For the Last 16 teams that will be leaving this years world cup, They all will be entered into a live draw which i will be doing on 07/06/2023 @7.30 pm UK here -  bader76 - Twitch,  Where one member from each team will WIN a sleeve of golf balls, Plus i  will be doing a random draw for everyone that has played in this years World cup which i have 15 sleeves up for grabs.

    Teams Leaving the World Cup

    IN NO ORDER - 

    1- Shov's Twats

    2- SEL Dark Horses

    3- TCC Pirates

    4- Shov's Muckers

    5- Cobra Kai Samurai

    6- TPB Savage IV

    7- Fairway Fanatics Warriors

    8- N&F Fighting Squirrels 2

    9- Freedom Thunder

    10- TPB Savage V

    11- The Mighty Ducks

    12- Special K's

    13- Freedom Lightning

    14- SEL Spartans

    15- Black Diamond GC


    16 - Bushwackers Bulls


    Round 7 - Bounty review

    All 3 bounty players win there games in round 7, 

    What are they going to do in the knockout stages?

    Finny's world cup 2023


    Cup / Plate Last 16 will be played between 5th June - 18th June 2023

    18 Hole Matchplay @ Chambers Bay


    Starts at 1am UK on Monday the 24th April 2023


    The Fixtures should be able to be seen from Midnight UK  (UTC +1) on Monday, On the WC website.



    Can you please make sure when your sending you line-ups to the WC team, you are sending them with the Group # Team Name and the players numbers please.



    Team line ups for the Knockout stages, you will need to send over a 9 man team and we play till there's a winner, so extra holes will be in play if needed and no air shots will be in play from this point onwards.



    No Air shots will be played in the cup / plate knockout stages 

    Each match will be played to a win, sudden death after 18 holes will be played if A/S,

    Each match will have a 2 week timeline to complete

    Any players refusing to play will forfeit their match

    Any matches not completed on time will be looked at by me and the team and a decision made on the result depending on evidence supplied,

      Once a match been played the result will stand so it’s up to all players to check the opponents tier before start of play

    I would suggest a 90 sec shot clock with maximum timeouts, there’s no panic to get the game played and have a chat in-between

    if both players agree they can have 60 or 45 that would be their choice,


    NO apparel unless agreed by both players,


    No focus boosts will be allowed during matches. Use of this tool will lead to a disqualification


    Any team members giving advice on any shots/putts to another player on any chat forum and found out, the player and the adviser will be disqualified from the rest of the comp.



    You will need to post your results in the Finny’s World cup 2023 forum here -

    Each game being played has its own Tie # on the side of each game, could you use this number, with Group # and Round # and also will need the result posted as win/draw or loss, with a message about the match you had together.

    IE- Group 4, Round 5, Tie 869 then the message about the match


    Bounties can be found here and who's playing -


    You can see who's playing who for the bounties and how they are getting on over the rounds, there's link tabs for each round if you click on them to find a match up. 

    If your playing against a bounty player and it's still A/S at 18 holes, you will need to carrie on playing till theres a winner for the bounty - TEAM SCORE WILL STILL BE A DRAW 




    Click on this link to the CTTH spreadsheet - Last 16  CTTH 

    here will be all the holes along with the sponsors and the prizes 


    Any claims for a nearest the pin must be posted on the CTTH thread, you will need to post them here  

    you will need to post the Round #, Hole # players name and the distance and the screenshot of the CTTH


    If your in the WC DISCORD room you can post your screenshots here -

    Next to the CTTH on the  spreadsheet there are some special prizes which will run throughout the comp. 


    Any prizes not claimed will be carried over to the next round.


    Let’s keep the forum busy but no negative comments from anyone, if you have a problem contact your captain first and they will contact the other captain, We don’t really want to be involved unless we have to.


    Good luck to all and have fun in the last 16. Let's have some great golf games. 



  • ThorDexx
    36 Posts
    Sun, Jun 4 2023 8:11 PM

    Plate Round of 16 Match 3 Tie 1441 TPB vs Nand F

    Thordexx 4up over Sammey1