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Goal & Achievements

Wed, Dec 11 2024 11:55 AM (581 replies)
  • AcidBreak
    14 Posts
    Sat, Nov 5 2022 9:24 AM

    Hi Nico,

    Just letting you know that like others, I am experiencing problem with the Win streak achievement. Have just won 5 games in a row and pretty sure I had a streak going before that too. But the achievement only shows 2 game streak.

    1 game was a forfeit and a couple of others were tiebreakers. 

  • el3n1
    4,510 Posts
    Sun, Nov 20 2022 7:41 AM

    have mostly been skipping the CTTH - rather than hassle with reporting the failure of them being rewarded,but give Nico credit for atleast doing many of these manually but that should not be his primary focus.  

    Yet, I believe it was one of the fixes at some point.  apparently that is not the case.  I went ahead and played one as a warmup met the goal only to learn it was not awarded the weekly 15 stars.  

    and yet one of my other daily goals is to play 27 holes in CTTH, do you take the chance to waste 27 ball hits or just load up a starter ball and waste the time only to then submit that claim as well.  I can really see why some people who are regularly working on GnA might find these frustrating.  

    update- WGTNico resolved the weekly goal below earlier today.

    11.20.22 November St. Andrews Sweeps Champion 98.78
  • bossbird
    2,257 Posts
    Sun, Nov 20 2022 2:10 PM

    I had a goal of playing 27 holes in ctth , worked fine , and yes I change to min value balls, infact unless a challenge needs skill i can not achieve with 10 cr ball that is what is use !

  • callaghan159
    6,427 Posts
    Wed, Dec 14 2022 4:14 AM

    Noticed this morning there is a goal of 5 stars available if you enter the showdown. Problem is the end time for the 5 stars is the same time as the starting time for the showdown, so if your 5 min late starting the showdown you miss out on the 5 stars. Nico this should be changed to give people a chance at the 5 stars. Unfair IMHO. I play the showdowns most of the time but I am not always available to be there at the exact start time. Cheers

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Wed, Dec 14 2022 4:58 AM

    Problem is the end time for the 5 stars is the same time as the starting time for the showdown

    Must be a time zone thing I guess, Mine the SD starts at 11am or 12pm and the goal ends here at 7pm this is EST...

  • callaghan159
    6,427 Posts
    Wed, Dec 14 2022 7:43 AM


    Problem is the end time for the 5 stars is the same time as the starting time for the showdown

    Must be a time zone thing I guess, Mine the SD starts at 11am or 12pm and the goal ends here at 7pm this is EST...

    For me showdown starts at 1 pm AST and  the 5 star reward ends at the same time, which at the time of typing this, is 1 hr and 15 min away.

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Wed, Dec 14 2022 8:31 AM

    For me showdown starts at 1 pm AST and  the 5 star reward ends at the same time, which at the time of typing this, is 1 hr and 15 min away.

    Im sure Nico will fix it for you, I just cant quite get it straight in my head how the timezones impact WGT- but there is some definite weirdness to how this works.

  • bwsq
    102 Posts
    Wed, Dec 14 2022 12:44 PM


    Problem is the end time for the 5 stars is the same time as the starting time for the showdown

    Must be a time zone thing I guess, Mine the SD starts at 11am or 12pm and the goal ends here at 7pm this is EST...

    Another example of WGT not thinking ahead.

    Very simple solution would be to start all showdowns at the daily reset time so everyone has 24 hours to complete the goal.