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ball special effects

Sun, Mar 17 2024 8:54 AM (20 replies)
  • SamSnead117
    2 Posts
    Sun, Jan 9 2022 8:44 PM

    how do I turn the special effect off

  • SamSpayed
    5,045 Posts
    Mon, Jan 10 2022 10:14 AM


    how do I turn the special effect off

    If you click your golf ball icon (lower right of your game screen), you will see a pop-out that shows a large ball and all of the ball effects you own.  In the ball effects area, scroll down until you see the 🚫 symbol and click on that.

  • Duphpherer
    477 Posts
    Mon, Jan 10 2022 10:21 AM

    I vote to ban that explosive ball effect that wakes the dead. A tranquil relaxing game of golf isn't supposed to jolt you out of your chair with that first surprise explosion. It's the only effect that requires sound mute.

    How about some bird sounds in the background? 

  • Cel7
    107 Posts
    Tue, Jan 11 2022 4:14 AM

    2nd this......always struck me as odd that we have this game that strives to be as realistic as possible and then we get tooty fruity golf with all the crazy gimmicks they throw into it.

  • jacktrade51
    11,211 Posts
    Tue, Feb 15 2022 8:57 PM

    2nd this......always struck me as odd that we have this game that strives to be as realistic as possible and then we get tooty fruity golf with all the crazy gimmicks they throw into it.

    Well, lol, as long as some idiot will buy them.

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Wed, Feb 16 2022 8:03 AM

    the fireworks one is actually handy from time to time.  I probably shouldn't say why but...

    let's say you're playing someone, both on the green, and they are on a similar line and you go first. 

    the fireworks obscures the initial path.

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Wed, Feb 16 2022 8:50 AM

    the fireworks obscures the initial path.

    Ahh, I had it on during a coin game and other player said "Hiding the line huh?" I didnt get it till

    They can be fun during an alt shot game or something, kinda fun when your locked in on a shot and hit fireworks or inferno- course it looks silly if you mess up the shot, In which case I just blame the effect for messing with shot. :D

  • mik11235
    55 Posts
    Sat, Feb 19 2022 7:26 AM

    If they use that stupid effect (aren't they all) I just let the game time out. I wear headphones and the damn thing gives me  a heart attack when it first goes off. I am still sure with all the issues in the game nobody at Top Golf plays it for a second or looks at other golf games to see how to improve it. That or they are too scared to meddle with the software,

  • Rosella00
    13 Posts
    Tue, Feb 22 2022 5:19 PM

    I was playing against someone earlier today who was using a ball that left a trail of red hearts all over the place. I didn't notice if it obscured anything, but I did think at the time that it looked rather silly.

  • bigmac7971
    3 Posts
    Sun, Aug 28 2022 2:46 AM

    more to the point how do i turn effects on? i clicked the ball and have the red circle but nothign happens when i click the circle. i tried callaway, titlist, lexus, vapour balls and the standard wgt rubbish but can't get any effects out of any of them. this game is annoying me so much!