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Sat, Dec 21 2024 3:53 PM (1,196 replies)
  • craigswan
    32,226 Posts
    Tue, Jan 31 2023 9:19 AM
    My memory is coming back now . That trip to LA was after Las Vegas visit where i played tic tac toe against a live chicken at the tropicana hotel . 1000 bucks if you beat it . Only been beaten three times in twenty years they said . I don't think it was the same chicken though as they did shifts . But the chicken always got to start and it was trained to pick a corner so most games were a draw . You tube video's available to watch .
  • HamdenPro
    2,528 Posts
    Tue, Jan 31 2023 10:15 AM

    My memory is coming back now . That trip to LA was after Las Vegas visit where i played tic tac toe against a live chicken at the tropicana hotel

    Now that's funny.

    As for the ships...there was never a doubt that you were aboard one, I was just pointing out that, most likely, it was not the QEII if it was in California and there was a ghost.

    The zig zagging makes sense, seen that in movies :). Not sure it is effective today due to modern technology.

    I do find it interesting that most of British luxury liners were used, at some time, or another, in war time.

    I was never a big student of "modern" world, or wartime, history hence, I may be wrong, but I am not aware of any other countries' "cruise" ships being used during war time to facilitate a military purpose (other than possibly transporting spies). Then again, I really do not know what other countries built cruise ships during those times.

    As for the Queen Mary, I only knew about it being in Long Beach, and the ghost, from looking into haunted hotels.

    Now, all we need is to find the Ghost of Chambers. Find the ghost and we will find the missing signs.

  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Tue, Jan 31 2023 2:55 PM


    EDIT: I would like to point out, at least when the US is building them, we do not do it in the open. No one knows whether we or are not, and how many. They never see the light until they are ready for sea trials. As for the subs, they go under not too long after they leave the river

    Yep built behind black curtains.  

    Submerged shortly after going past the race, and race rock.

  • HamdenPro
    2,528 Posts
    Tue, Jan 31 2023 6:37 PM


    At the moment , I'm following a series on the BBC which is focused on the HMS Queen Elizabeth , fascinating  stuff :

    Your post was delayed but I did not want it to get lost. For those that found any of the preceding chat, about the ships, interesting they may be interested in checking out the series if they can.

    Unfortunately, the broadcast link is only available in the UK.


  • Zzyzx01
    1,370 Posts
    Tue, Jan 31 2023 9:04 PM

    Just want to be clear here.. What IamNicklaus is referring to is an aircraft carrier in the Royal Navy... built for the British navy, hence the HMS designation.

    None of the Cunard luxury liners ever carried the HMS designation as they were privately / commercial built ships except during their brief periods of service during WWII and the Falklands War.

  • craigswan
    32,226 Posts
    Wed, Feb 1 2023 4:28 AM
    Built in scotland and now back home . Her Majesty's Yacht Britannia, also known as the Royal Yacht Britannia, is the former royal yacht of the British monarchy. She was in service from 1954 until 1997. She was the 83rd such vessel since King Charles II acceded to the throne in 1660, and is the second royal yacht to bear the name, the first being the racing cutter built for the Prince of Wales in 1893. During her 43-year career, the yacht travelled more than a million nautical miles around the world to more than 600 ports in 135 countries.[2] Now retired from royal service, Britannia is permanently berthed at Ocean Terminal, Leith in Edinburgh, Scotland, where it is a visitor attraction with over 300,000 visits each year.
  • HamdenPro
    2,528 Posts
    Wed, Feb 1 2023 8:20 AM

    Built in scotland and now back home

    Just in case Dodgy does not read your post, I will jump in for him, via proxy... I am sure it would be something like this...

    If you are going to cut and paste from Wikipedia, at least use quotes!

  • craigswan
    32,226 Posts
    Wed, Feb 1 2023 8:52 AM
    Would not like to put dodgy out of a job . Is there a capital in dodgy . Unquote .
  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Wed, Feb 1 2023 8:53 AM