craigswan:My memory is coming back now . That trip to LA was after Las Vegas visit where i played tic tac toe against a live chicken at the tropicana hotel
Now that's funny.
As for the ships...there was never a doubt that you were aboard one, I was just pointing out that, most likely, it was not the QEII if it was in California and there was a ghost.
The zig zagging makes sense, seen that in movies :). Not sure it is effective today due to modern technology.
I do find it interesting that most of British luxury liners were used, at some time, or another, in war time.
I was never a big student of "modern" world, or wartime, history hence, I may be wrong, but I am not aware of any other countries' "cruise" ships being used during war time to facilitate a military purpose (other than possibly transporting spies). Then again, I really do not know what other countries built cruise ships during those times.
As for the Queen Mary, I only knew about it being in Long Beach, and the ghost, from looking into haunted hotels.
Now, all we need is to find the Ghost of Chambers. Find the ghost and we will find the missing signs.