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Atificial Intelligence?

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Thu, Nov 7 2024 1:48 PM (12 replies)
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  • gherkinhead1
    249 Posts
    Thu, Nov 11 2021 5:00 PM

    Clearly WGT has introduced an AI program into chat,  censoring a lot of legitimate words like " cook "  .   

    I personally take offence when my words are censored by a computer program that makes decisions on what people can and cannot say,  this goes right to the heart of freedom of speech.

    Whats next?   An AI - a computer sitting in a judges seat deliberating on human interaction and making decisions on peoples lives?   - these AI programs are only installed to make companies involved more profit and taking out any human factor.

    Welcome to the future...

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Fri, Nov 12 2021 8:21 AM

    I personally take offence when my words are censored by a computer program that makes decisions on what people can and cannot say,  this goes right to the heart of freedom of speech.

    I don't like it either, And you have free speech just like real life- You can sit in your home and say anything you want. You cannot come to my home and say whatever you want though. 

    WGT owns this and if we want to play- we follow their rules.

    Whats next?   An AI - a computer sitting in a judges seat deliberating on human interaction and making decisions on peoples lives?

    Already happening 


  • callaghan159
    6,424 Posts
    Fri, Nov 12 2021 9:55 AM

    If that bothers you, you have thin skin and need another game to play.🙄😂

  • Yiannis1970
    3,338 Posts
    Fri, Nov 12 2021 10:09 AM

    The only safe conclusion is that AI is a third grader in spelling...

  • SamSpayed
    5,045 Posts
    Sat, Nov 13 2021 1:42 PM

    Whats next?   An AI - a computer sitting in a judges seat deliberating on human interaction and making decisions on peoples lives?

    I am not sure how you're making the leap from WGT implementing a chat filtering program to "making decisions on people's lives".  Seems like a pretty big stretch to me.

    WGT has every right to filter in-game chat if they want to.  Although foul language in chat does not bother me personally, I can see a couple reasons why they'd want to have filtering in place.  Their Terms and Conditions states that the minimum age for using the WGT app is 13 years (see paragraph 4).  They may be under a legal obligation to protect the minors who play the game from foul language and/or verbal abuse by other players.  Also, I'm sure that WGT receives many complaints from users about foul language in chat.  Having a chat filter that works properly would certainly cut down on the number of complaints and free up WGT Member Services to focus on other issues.

    Having said that, I agree that the chat filter they just put in place needs some tweaks.  Words like "cook" and "45" really shouldn't be filtered, and they need to fix the work-around of typing spaces in between letters to bypass the filtering, for example.

  • blackridgenik
    108 Posts
    Sun, Nov 14 2021 10:12 AM

    I agree with you Scott protecting minors who might be playing and protecting themselves too, wgt is after all a social media platform. 

  • TotallynotAI
    1 Posts
    Sat, Nov 27 2021 5:10 AM

    You rang?

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Sun, Nov 28 2021 4:07 PM

    The reality isnt, what wgt is trying to do, it's why they were forced to do it !  The root of the problem, has been a long standing topic in these forums.  Seems that there are some players that think it's funny, or maybe even a strategy, to swear, cuss, degrade, or harass others in chat, hoping to get under your skin, so that you either forfiet, or your concentration crumbles, and you lose.  Has wgt gone too far ?  Maybe, but at least applaud them for trying to fix other problems. As for it being their game, their rules, yes, seems that all social media has gone into hiding behind that clause, facebook, twitter, utube, have all started censoring us, even if you're telling the truth, about a topic, or not using foul language. George Orwell said it best. 

    Try to look at what wgt Instituted, as a win. 

  • rjteeithi
    686 Posts
    Sun, Nov 28 2021 4:26 PM


    Clearly WGT has introduced an AI program into chat,  censoring a lot of legitimate words like " cook "  .   

    I personally take offence when my words are censored by a computer program that makes decisions on what people can and cannot say,  this goes right to the heart of freedom of speech.

    Whats next?   An AI - a computer sitting in a judges seat deliberating on human interaction and making decisions on peoples lives?   - these AI programs are only installed to make companies involved more profit and taking out any human factor.

    Welcome to the future...


    I like the way you think my man!


  • WGTweb
    27 Posts
    Mon, Nov 29 2021 11:43 PM

    It's not AI, it's algorithms checking lists.  It reduced "cook" to "cok" which is on the block list, but now "cook" is on the allow list.  Forums are still human-moderated.  Humans watching everyone chat would be more big-brother-esque (and far more expensive) than a word filter.

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