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Important Info Regarding Desktop Windows Update

Mon, Nov 22 2021 9:18 AM (140 replies)
  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Fri, Oct 15 2021 6:21 AM

    Ok,  couple of observations.


    Both of my computers updated today.

    Win 10, use for android emulators, today when starting both they needed to update, also the computer needed to update the launcher when I opened it.  Only the launcher required me to select both fullscreen and resolution.  I had looked yesterday to see what resolution I had set.  Prior to update I had 1360x768 fullscreen.  I have since changed it to 1920x1080 as that machine has a pretty powerful GPU.

    Win 7, also required an update this morning, reset to 1360x768 and fullscreen.

    What I did notice is this.  Depending on how powerful your machine is, the download paused about halfway through, unpacking,  my win7 took a lot longer during this period then the win10 machine.  Win10 did not and has not updated, only the launcher.  Win10 is running version 10.0.19043 build 19043 and it is 64bit.

    Both nox and bluestacks took no time at all to update the launcher and neither required me to select anything concerning display.

    If you are closing down the update during this pause as maybe you think it is doing nothing, that might be the problem.  The display selection screen came up before the launcher actually launched, if somehow you are closing that screen without selecting, that might be your problem.  I also noticed you have to make sure fullscreen(if you want it that way)remains selected when you select resolution.

    As of yet my phone has not updated. 

    Just checked phone is still running  as are both Nox and Bluestacks(maybe my phone updated and I didn't notice it)

    Computers are running

    All are usable with no problems.

  • scwing1
    35 Posts
    Fri, Oct 15 2021 6:56 AM

    My update loaded, and after getting resolution re-set, it all worked. So I guess my complaint is not as dire as some...

    The changes to the greens grid are not an improvement. Those clunky, heavier lines do not help. 

    Also, is it my imagination, or are the moving dots now on the grid lines, and before the update they were between the lines?

    In any case, the heavier grid lines now almost obscure the moving dots. They are much harder to see, and the look is terrible.

    I thought updates were supposed to be an improvement?

    just call me -

  • TopShelf2010
    10,970 Posts
    Fri, Oct 15 2021 7:37 AM

    I am on windows 7 home premium.

    I dug an old laptop out of storage that has Windows 7 Home Premium. I was able to download WGT and play a quick 3 holes just to keep CDP in tact.




  • Yiannis1970
    3,337 Posts
    Fri, Oct 15 2021 7:56 AM

    WIN 7 ultimate here 2. No problem whatsoever, apart the fact WGT decided to put the dots under the grid!!! It's like him who was wearing the underwear above the pants...





  • Burnema
    560 Posts
    Fri, Oct 15 2021 7:59 AM

    Running Win10.

    Yesterday after update, when I click the "Play" button from Launcher a splash screen opens with a green progress bar and quickly closes (assuming crashing) and the application never launches.

    I did find a work around.  

    On my windows machine, I found this folder that has a golf.exe in it. C:\Program Files (x86)\Topgolf\WGTLauncher\golf


    Instead of using the launcher.exe, which seems to check for updates, the golf.exe loads the app directly.   I then created a shortcut to golf.exe and placed it on my desktop and using the short cut gives the same behavior as launcher.    the only way to play the game now is to go directly to the folder above and double click on golf.exe

  • RonCarr
    243 Posts
    Fri, Oct 15 2021 8:23 AM


    I am on windows 7 home premium.

    I dug an old laptop out of storage that has Windows 7 Home Premium. I was able to download WGT and play a quick 3 holes just to keep CDP in tact.




    Lol that funny..Still crashing but did find i can play through steam but not Launcher..Fells like years ago trying to find a way to play...Why not just play game as is and leave it a lone. I'm old and hate


  • Bowl64
    3,121 Posts
    Fri, Oct 15 2021 8:33 AM


    WIN 7 ultimate here 2. No problem whatsoever, apart the fact WGT decided to put the dots under the grid!!! It's like him who was wearing the underwear above the pants...





    Agree, greens, and fairways somewhat, looks like someone empttied a ton of very fine sand onto them. Looks terrible, fixingtime WGT.




  • SamSpayed
    5,045 Posts
    Fri, Oct 15 2021 11:04 AM

    I dug an old laptop out of storage that has Windows 7 Home Premium. I was able to download WGT and play a quick 3 holes just to keep CDP in tact.

    Happy that you found a workaround.

    If it helps, here's the direct link to the Windows game download:

    Another option might be for you to copy the WGTLauncher.msi file from your Windows 7 laptop to a thumb drive and then copy it from the thumb drive to your other PC.

    Good luck!

  • SamSpayed
    5,045 Posts
    Fri, Oct 15 2021 11:09 AM


    I have a triple monitor setup. I updated WGT and attempted to play a game. Whenever I click on one of the side monitor screens the center monitor showing the game minimizes to the task bar. I have to click on WGT on the taskbar to open WGT again. Any idea?

    Paul, are you playing the game in FULLSCREEN mode on your center monitor?  If so, try going into your Settings and changing it to WINDOW.  That might help.  (Sorry, I play on a laptop with only 1 screen, so I can't test this.)  If that doesn't work, perhaps trying a different RESOLUTION setting might help.

    309 Posts
    Fri, Oct 15 2021 1:19 PM


    My update loaded, and after getting resolution re-set, it all worked. So I guess my complaint is not as dire as some...

    The changes to the greens grid are not an improvement. Those clunky, heavier lines do not help. 

    Also, is it my imagination, or are the moving dots now on the grid lines, and before the update they were between the lines?

    In any case, the heavier grid lines now almost obscure the moving dots. They are much harder to see, and the look is terrible.

    I thought updates were supposed to be an improvement?

    just call me -

    Windows 10 launcher. I also had several problems occur after the update I didn't have prior.

    1) moving dots being barely visable after the update.

    2) An unwanted border around my window when using Scotts resizer. IF I change my settings to full screen and accept my settings, then bo back to settings in windowed, then use the resizer border goes away.

    3) In OBS widows capture puts a yellow box around he window and bitbit displays a blank screen.

    I assume it is all a windows setting problem but I don''t know enough to figure it out, and have tried several ways to fix it but to no avail.

    NONE of these problems occur if going thru steam. (Including bitbit window capture).

    I recon I will just go thru Steam, it may add a little overhead but I don't know of any other drawbacks.