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Mon, Dec 5 2022 10:37 AM (13 replies)
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  • Golffantastic
    33 Posts
    Fri, Sep 10 2021 2:20 PM

    Hey fellow Golfers, just wanted to interact with some of you guys and learn tips and maybe a good country club all the other ones nobody seems to interact. Looking forward , to playing games with you guys and becoming friends. Thank you.

  • callaghan159
    6,426 Posts
    Fri, Sep 10 2021 6:28 PM

    The Peoples Club...good times

  • SamSpayed
    5,045 Posts
    Fri, Sep 10 2021 7:57 PM


    Hey fellow Golfers, just wanted to interact with some of you guys and learn tips and maybe a good country club all the other ones nobody seems to interact. Looking forward , to playing games with you guys and becoming friends. Thank you.

    Hi, Golffantastic.  Welcome to the Forums.  Lots of great tips can be found here.

    I'd suggest you look at the recruiting posts in Country Club Corner if you're interested in switching clubs.  Lots of great clubs there, depending on what you're looking for.

    Best of luck.

    309 Posts
    Fri, Sep 10 2021 9:14 PM

    looks like you are off to a good start, be patient, and don't be afraid to ask questions.

    There are many folks here with many YEARS experience and most are willing to share knowledge.

    If you get deep into it there are many help pages here in the forum, as well as youtube, or just a google search will bring up lots of help pages.

    my advice ..

    at your point in the game don't get cute, aim for the middle of the green and have a go at a few birdies.

    don't be in a huge rush to upgrade clubs, it helps but not as much as you think..                learn to play what you have FIRST.

    learn to putt, develope your own, or a hybrid of other styles.

    you have a decent ball stick with it, drop the hybrid and add a 3rd wedge.

    "According to Game Golf, we use the putter 41.3 percent of the time (including from the fringe). As for the rest of the short game, from 100 yards and in, that number balloons to 60 percent."


    I see you asking about replays. WGT no longer provides replays, however there are ways to save replays depending on platform. IF you are on windows there is a way to use xbox app to get replays (I have no idea how) google it. I use OBS Studio and have a replay buffer running at all times.


  • redduck45
    20 Posts
    Sat, Sep 11 2021 7:01 AM

    hitting yank starter balls ob makes me fell so goodddddddddddd so far i hit 4 million of them ob and into water like yoga it is 

  • Golffantastic
    33 Posts
    Sat, Sep 11 2021 6:27 PM

    Thank you very much Ken for taking the time and explaining a lot to me great tips I'll use them many thanks

  • jacktrade51
    11,228 Posts
    Sun, Sep 12 2021 7:10 PM

    Spend some time searching WGT forums for info.  It might seem like a waste of time but you will learn things.

    Search community and find ScottHope.  Go into his links.  He does not belong to any club but he has posted tons of valuable stuff.

    You have played enough, there are clubs that will pick you up.  Black Diamond GC is open to active players Pro +.  

    So look for an active club; then you can learn from the members of those clubs.  Plus putter pal and shot pal are free.


  • Golffantastic
    33 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2022 6:37 AM

    Hey my friend ,I was just cruising around the site ,and seen a old post I wrote,you gave me some info.i do have a guestion for you ,do you ever have problems in the coin rooms .certain players make the game I guess freeze,they run shot clock out ,you can't do nothing except know it will usually say warning .but this don't .I ve started taking screen shots of them,and you can see how it looks ,the time is up but it never says or does any thing ,I block the ones who do it ,I'm starting to lose more coins and happening back to back some times, anyway I can keep from losing my coins to these undesirables.Also wanted to wish you a wonderfulThanksGiving ,I wish you and your family a safe ,and blessed Thanksgiving.😀😀😀

    309 Posts
    Tue, Nov 29 2022 10:05 PM

    when the clock gets to zero or even before if you are sure they are trying to freeze you just close out the game. DON'T click any buttons. Then restart the game, it will do a countdown to reconnection and if they are not back in time it will give them the forfeit.

    my suspicion is the game freezes on your end because they closed out the game on their side.


  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Wed, Nov 30 2022 5:37 AM

    I ve started taking screen shots of them,and you can see how it looks ,the time is up but it never says or does any thing ,I block the ones who do it

    You got perfect advice on how to handle the disconnection, whether intentional or not.

    As for blocking players- be aware that afaik, it will not stop you from being matched with that player in a game. It does stop you and that player from messaging or writing on each others wall....In other words if it was an honest disconnect there is no way for them to tell you or you to ask them what happened if they are blocked.



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