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Multiplayer Chat

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Sat, May 22 2021 3:18 PM (18 replies)
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  • ScottHope
    10,568 Posts
    Thu, Apr 22 2021 8:46 AM

    As the chat window is still available to use after the game has finished, I was wondering why most people seem to not bother hanging around to use it.

    Is it because they don't know you can chat after the game has ended or they just don't want to.

    I'm not after a full blown conversation, but do people know the chat window remains usable for about 4-5 minutes after the game so that you don't have to jam in a 'gg' or 'ty' just as the last putt is disappearing into the cup.


  • BogeyOne
    1,992 Posts
    Thu, Apr 22 2021 9:11 AM

    Careful Scott. Don't make trouble for WGT admin or they might pay you even less money than the already none that you are getting from them.

    - - A concerned member

  • billsmini10
    163 Posts
    Thu, Apr 22 2021 10:55 AM

    Almost every time I play in a coin room, and the opponent makes a comment in the chat window, I don't have the 'X' in the little balloon icon for chat until the round is finished. Then the game proceeds to send me an apparel box and I have to open it, then the chat icon displays the 'X' in the balloon. By this time the chat window, (which I open by clicking the 'X') displays "User has left chat" I cannot ever read what was said by my opponent.

    Thank you,


  • ScottHope
    10,568 Posts
    Thu, Apr 22 2021 1:29 PM

    Careful Scott. Don't make trouble for WGT admin...

    Hehe, my trouble making days are long gone BO.

    By this time the chat window, (which I open by clicking the 'X') displays "User has left chat" I cannot ever read what was said by my opponent.

    My interpretation of 'User has left chat' is that the user does not want to chat or does not know that you can chat after the game, not that there was something there to read and it is now not readable. But you may be right Bill.


  • ElDystoped
    54 Posts
    Fri, Apr 23 2021 8:35 AM

    The coin rooms are full of people playing their sponsor time. They do not want to chat as it wastes time and they can only get in so many coin matches before sponsor time ends. Would like to know, if I have chat turned OFF, do they still get a chat window, and are they thinking I am just ignoring them? If you have chat turned off, your opponent should not even have a chat window, then they would know you have chat turned off.. As for sportsmanship etc, I threw that out the window after the 5th time some dude said he wanted to, well, you know the rest.. 

  • ScottHope
    10,568 Posts
    Fri, Apr 23 2021 10:48 AM

    Would like to know, if I have chat turned OFF, do they still get a chat window, and are they thinking I am just ignoring them? If you have chat turned off, your opponent should not even have a chat window, then they would know you have chat turned off..

    I haven't tested it but I would assume the option for turning chat on/off only affects your own GUI (Graphical User Interface), not your opponents. I don't think they would know the status of your chat without guessing from your responses or lack thereof.

    If you turned your chat off and your opponents went off as well, that would be terrible in my opinion. Multiplayer games, other than one on one, would be a lonely place indeed. 

  • ElDystoped
    54 Posts
    Sat, Apr 24 2021 11:36 AM

    Yeh, and asking WGT to only do that for head to head games would be way to complicated. I guess people can just assume I am rude, better than reading the stupid comments 90% of the players make..

  • wedge0837
    862 Posts
    Thu, May 20 2021 11:42 AM

    Using the PC App and while in my Country Club, I go to the Player Chat and is there any way to change the Language as it says, " Ingresar Mensaje Aqui" 

    I have my settings set as English language, in the Main Settings on the App, yet I have another language here. 

    I do type out in English. I read out English. 

    Just have that Spanish where you are to type here...

    Suggestions any one.. on a fix ... 



  • TopShelf2010
    10,960 Posts
    Thu, May 20 2021 1:09 PM


  • wedge0837
    862 Posts
    Thu, May 20 2021 4:14 PM

    Thanks. Will check it out. 

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