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Turf Wars

Sun, Feb 13 2022 8:03 PM (16 replies)
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  • Stormw2012
    26 Posts
    Mon, Mar 22 2021 4:56 PM

    Looking for information on the trophies we get during turf wars. I know we get them for winning but what I don't know is if the points we get during the turf war has anything to do with how many trophies are awarded. Does anyone have the lowdown on these trophies and how can we earn more of them the quickest. Thanks much.

    Storm with OCGL

  • Maddy1964
    329 Posts
    Fri, Mar 26 2021 9:51 AM

    Good question, but i`m damned if i know .lol

    our record is 12/1 with 1,858 Trophies so really not sure how it works.


  • Maddy1964
    329 Posts
    Sat, Mar 27 2021 7:57 AM

    replyed 3 days ago and still not here.......can i ask why to any admins on here please


  • Imahacker58
    375 Posts
    Sat, Mar 27 2021 11:24 PM


    replyed 3 days ago and still not here.......can i ask why to any admins on here please


    Sometimes our posts are on “moderation “, send an email to wgt customer service asking them to take you off moderation. If you have no posts that are abusive or deemed unsuitable they should do it fairly quickly.

  • Maddy1964
    329 Posts
    Sun, Mar 28 2021 2:15 AM

    ok will do m8 and thank you


  • Stormw2012
    26 Posts
    Sun, Mar 28 2021 8:03 PM

    yeah, it'd be nice if wgt admins would answer this. Better yet, they could update the FAQ's and better explain how things work. The answers for some of these things are vague at best.


  • callaghan159
    6,409 Posts
    Mon, Mar 29 2021 10:13 AM

    I dont play the turf wars and I have no clue how they work. Turf Wars sounds like a violent fight happening. Would it be a good idea if they a some kind of standings that they could publish once a week or every 2 weeks like the clash has. Just a idea

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Mon, Mar 29 2021 10:43 AM

    There are no standings in wars - you win or you vanish.

    I don't get the idea in this name, seems abhorently American(?)

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Mon, Mar 29 2021 1:16 PM

    Looking for information on the trophies we get during turf wars. I know we get them for winning but what I don't know is if the points we get during the turf war has anything to do with how many trophies are awarded. Does anyone have the lowdown on these trophies and how can we earn more of them the quickest. Thanks much.

    Here's the lowdown and the honest truth ...   

    I, along with probably everyone else here have no idea of what the points to trophy ratio is.
    And honestly it really doesn't matter because the trophies themselves and how many your CC has are absolutely meaningless.
    In fact the real truth is that the whole notion of "Trophies" is merely the hope of WGT that people will worry about how many trophies their CC has or doesn't have and SPEND $$$ buying Passes to play more TW rounds to get more meaningless trophies.

    " Vanity can easily overtake wisdom. It usually overtakes commonsense."   
    Julian Casablancas
  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Mon, Mar 29 2021 1:51 PM

    well it's one of three things. I just haven't cared enough to really track it and figure it out.

    You either get set points aka  trophies  for each win and each loss.


    You get more points for defeating clubs with more points and less points for defeating teams with fewer points. and vice versa.


    a combination where there are minimums but there is a scale based on differences in points.

    probably option 3. But as i said i don't really care. few do.

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