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What is wrong with the app?

Mon, Jun 21 2021 5:51 PM (61 replies)
  • el3n1
    4,510 Posts
    Sat, May 8 2021 11:47 AM

    meter jumping

    sorry for your frustration, and I know this won't replace your lost balls... but here are a few thoughts.

    I can't really dismiss whether the game is at fault or not, but I do think it is also possible other factors can influence a jumpy meter.  

    even though some claim the meter is smoother on the new version or mobile I have not always found that to be true... but here are some things I suspect can also potentially impact a fluctuating meter speed...

    --- auto update of an app on mobile or tablet in the background that you can't see first hand, but ends up possibly being the factor that altered your meter and has nothing to do with WGT but rather your personal device.

    --- a possible call on a phone

    --- other processor related programs that unknowingly happen to pick up at inopportune times.

    --- your internet provider experiencing heavier service or factors.

    --- this does not include in game features or factors that may also apply or things the gaming algorithms may use

    --- WGT may also use an occasional jumpy meter to test or evaluate if a player is using cheat software that may help them ding their shots but give WGT more insight into whether the player is cheating - I don't know but if this is the case, I can live with some random miss dings if WGT is catching people using cheat software.  

    either way, while some factors can possibly be built into the game - some can easily be device or personal computer related.

  • Felixthecat05
    70 Posts
    Sat, May 8 2021 11:55 AM

    I have stated for so long that the only constant with WGT is it’s inconsistency and it’s jumpy meter but keep getting shouted down by the aholes who love and bow down to the gods at WGT - it’s a case of play games and accept the crap that we get served whilst the high and mighty you tube players say nothing is wrong with the game. 

    Unfortunately us lesser players count for nothing but, like the real world, the elite rule the roost.

    Play for fun and just accept our lot whilst the elite reap their rewards and bask in their self proclaimed glory - yawn, yawn, yawn. 

  • ranjet
    2,263 Posts
    Sun, May 16 2021 6:27 PM


    meter jumping

    sorry for your frustration, and I know this won't replace your lost balls... but here are a few thoughts.

    I can't really dismiss whether the game is at fault or not, but I do think it is also possible other factors can influence a jumpy meter.  

    even though some claim the meter is smoother on the new version or mobile I have not always found that to be true... but here are some things I suspect can also potentially impact a fluctuating meter speed...

    --- auto update of an app on mobile or tablet in the background that you can't see first hand, but ends up possibly being the factor that altered your meter and has nothing to do with WGT but rather your personal device.

    --- a possible call on a phone

    --- other processor related programs that unknowingly happen to pick up at inopportune times.

    --- your internet provider experiencing heavier service or factors.

    --- this does not include in game features or factors that may also apply or things the gaming algorithms may use

    --- WGT may also use an occasional jumpy meter to test or evaluate if a player is using cheat software that may help them ding their shots but give WGT more insight into whether the player is cheating - I don't know but if this is the case, I can live with some random miss dings if WGT is catching people using cheat software.  

    either way, while some factors can possibly be built into the game - some can easily be device or personal computer related.

    Wise words..  (this guy el3n1 knows his stuff) ..

    Many things can affect the swing meter.. a healthy PC certainly helps..i keep away from Facebook etc etc ..less traffic no ads or unwanted junk ..

    Good luck I hope things improve 

  • ranjet
    2,263 Posts
    Fri, May 21 2021 3:57 PM


    Indeed wrong...but your guess was right

    coin games/rooms are Stroke play, im a 1 - 3 hole not too interested kinda guy on the phantasy golf.. its a carrot dangling ridiculous idea apparel assistance lure starting from hack onwards.. I never needed any special treatment to keep me keen over the years but I imagine that carrot works wonders at first sight.

    .lvl 0  Distance balls at stupid prices and let's throw the Newport putter up for 3000 credits at level 0.

    if you know golf ,the word Titleist at level 0 is a blatant money spinner.. I've just joined WGT and buy the full set..2 months later I might lose interest or life situations cause me to forget WGT for good..or I'm so hooked at hack look at my golf bag..   

    Its kids stuff a friend of mine once said then he gave up wgt in Jan due to his passion of matchplay and alternate shot on flash..I wonder how many jumped ship for the same reason .    

    a Level 100 Master crossed my path the other day..

     Until we reached the green.(tournament 12's).he looked cool but putted like a fool..All the gear with no idea,,,just plenty of yards to boast about...


  • ranjet
    2,263 Posts
    Sat, Jun 12 2021 1:54 PM


    a friend of mine once said then he gave up wgt in Jan due to his passion of matchplay and alternate shot on flash..I wonder how many jumped ship for the same reason . 

      Literally 10's of thousands .

    Level 100 Master

      Means nothing if he didn't tier up in recommended WGT PC protocol .

      Which he didn't . Not being in the proper higher tier per his activity . Nor having the proper equipment per same activity .

      Usually not his fault if he came up in mobile .

    True.. ..its wgts fault for the shortcut upstairs..

    I think learning the hard way pays off in the long run...

    Question 🙋.. Why can I no longer log in to the home profile page...Google browser...    I fill the name and password correctly yet it comes up as an invalid log in attempt...?

    Only when I've logged in via the wgt launcher/app I then can gain access through my golf club..then my profile page...

    Before on PC this was never a problem.. Now days to read msgs,forum etc etc its a pain in the rear and slightly time consuming..  I wonder if its just me or not..?   




  • ranjet
    2,263 Posts
    Sat, Jun 19 2021 1:47 PM

    Appreciate the reply.. 

    I bookmarked that same link a while back....its never worked...

    must be Google settings possibly...

    But thanks anyway..


  • ScottHope
    10,632 Posts
    Sat, Jun 19 2021 2:07 PM

    I fill the name and password correctly yet it comes up as an invalid log in attempt...?

    Make sure that your keyboard is set to the correct language.

    In Windows 10, if you have more than one language installed, you can cycle through them by hitting the Windows key and the spacebar. You should get a small window pop up on your screen highlighting which language is selected when you do this.

    There is not much difference between the English UK keyboard and the English US keyboards, but some of the characters move to different keys. So if you look at your keyboard while typing, like I do, and especially if you are typing into a password entry field in which the characters are not shown, then you may not be typing what you think you are.

    It's a bit too easy to hit the Windows key and spacebar by mistake and change the keyboard language.