Shadowridge85: Now on coins though, why do you say they
are useless? They are the only way I got my apparel upgrades. Is there
another way? And coins will drop in sponsor packs if you are maxed at
level 10? 2500Coins? Anyway Thank You for all the info! So Long for now
Forgot SweetSpot........Isn't this just widening the room we have left and right of our perfect shot line? It seems that is the case for non putts at least.
I would like to offer my opinion here . About the value of coins and apparel enhancements .
I have been playing the mobile version for nearly a decade . But I didn't know about or start the coin games until inside of probably 3 years ago . I have played enough coin rounds to have MAXED out about half of them .( the apparels ) .
I use the apparel ON . In coin games only . I have switched around the enhancements . Trying to see or feel the benefits . Quite a few rounds . At least several hundred .
I also play SINGLE PLAYER UNLIMITED PLAY stroke play , MP stroke play and alt shot . Without apparel enhancements .
You are reporting noticing favorable results with some and not so favorable with others .
Personally . I have not felt or seen any benefit to any of it .
Personally . I am more comfortable with and accurate with the true stats of my equipment .
I believe that you are aware of a difference for the better . I am just not . In fact club distance enhancements are not as accurate as the true distance of the club .Distance is the only enhancement that I have been able to verify .
This is why I believe the answer to your SWEETSPOT question is NO .
I don't think there is anyway possible ( especially with the %'s that they claim . )
That those precise calculations . Regulated completely by the VEM . Can be altered or adjusted at all . Much less by the amount that is claimed .
Just no friggin way .

Edit : Am I saying that I believe E 1 is being buffaloed ? Yes I am .
If those adjustments were even attempted . Just by the numbers of players . WGT would crash in 2 seconds . Just my opinion only .