FlintViper:Is there a way to get to the forums on the non-Flash version ?
Clicking the 'Free Credits' on the main screen will open a dialogue giving you a button to click to open WGT.com. But you may as well just open WGT.com yourself.
Make a shortcut to https://www.wgt.com/forums/ and stick it to your desktop or taskbar.
Easy way to make a desktop shortcut? Have your browser window smaller than fullscreen so you can see at least a little bit of your desktop. Make sure the browser page you want the shortcut to open is the one you are currently on, then just select the entire URL in the address bar and drag it onto your desktop.
FlintViper:And are we still able to watch replays on the non-Flash versions ?
The new version does not yet have any replay capability, and as no information has yet been given out about the useability of our current replays when flash goes, I have suggested that we record our favourite ones with a screen recorder before Dec 29th, just in case they are not playable after then.
⇩ EDIT : You're welcome Flint, thank you. ; ) ⇩