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New WGT??? Disappointing!!

Mon, Feb 1 2021 6:31 PM (89 replies)
  • FlintViper
    5 Posts
    Thu, Nov 26 2020 2:23 PM

    I just switched today and cannot find most of what I could do on the Flash version. I can still play the Flash version also but I assume I won't be able to come 12/31/2020 when Chrome no longer support Flash. Hopefully they will give us back some of the features of the Flash version. 

  • HenryKawa
    1,727 Posts
    Thu, Nov 26 2020 2:39 PM

    I have been playing some of the new format (non-flash).  I hate to disappoint the nay-sayers, but its actually pretty darn good.  I am starting to like it very much.  WGT did an excellent job and I think it will only improve in 2021, once the smoke clears of Flash going down.  Don't worry, WGT is still working on improving it.   

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,693 Posts
    Thu, Nov 26 2020 3:49 PM

    You said that right, Henry.

    And to whom the new version is a disappointment, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

  • Dave33200
    2,955 Posts
    Thu, Nov 26 2020 3:51 PM

    I’ve been playing the new version (PCEA) for about 2 or 3 months now and all I can say is I like it. I do find the menu system a bit confusing, but I really like the game play better than the flash version. Even if they kept the old flash version, I would continue to play the PCEA version.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,693 Posts
    Thu, Nov 26 2020 4:40 PM

    I do find the menu system a bit confusing...

    I agree. The flash version is clearly better on that aspect.

  • FlintViper
    5 Posts
    Thu, Nov 26 2020 9:05 PM

    That is my main problem that I'm having trouble with the menu, I'm sure I will figure it out sooner or later. I can't even find the forum on the new version. lol.

  • EJW2011
    16 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2020 8:35 AM

    I was, initially, very skeptical and somewhat disappointed with the new (non-flash) version, but after playing it and learning more about how to use different features, I must say I am impressed!   I think it'll take time to get acclimated to putting in the new version, but, well, it only took me 10 years to really get a feel for putting in the old 'flash' version.   LOL....   To those whom feel it's a step back, give it a chance....use the practice feature initially to get used to it.  I think the graphics are exceptional!  Certainly, some things might need to be tweaked (example: the size of the blue square while lining up to putt is grotesque and makes seeing the line a little difficult).... 

  • borntobesting
    9,758 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2020 10:08 AM

    There are a couple of things that I would like to see added that are in the flash version

    !. let us see both sides of the score card. in the flash version we can switch back and forth between the front 9 and back 9 sides of the score card. In the new version you can only see the side of the score card of the side you are playing on. 

    2, In the in game menu there is no option to see the leaderboard. That would be nice to have. 

  • BPeterson8256
    2,940 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2020 10:59 AM


    !. let us see both sides of the score card. in the flash version we can switch back and forth between the front 9 and back 9 sides of the score card. In the new version you can only see the side of the score card of the side you are playing on. 

    When you are on the back 9, you can left click and drag the scorecard sideways to see the front 9.

  • ScottHope
    10,624 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2020 11:08 AM

    ...just like BP says...

    ...or you can mousewheel it too.