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Hall Of Fame Tier

Wed, Sep 20 2023 6:55 AM (263 replies)
  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Mon, Sep 7 2020 2:42 PM


    Thanks for taking the time to post and provide fuller context.

    And let me join others in offering congratulations. Well done!

    There is no doubt that Hall of Fame status is clearly deserved. 

  • Nicole161106
    281 Posts
    Mon, Sep 7 2020 4:49 PM

    It honestly beggars belief that some people seem to get their knickers in a twist about something like this.

    Posts  about players finishing high in tournaments and then kicked out for being caught cheating seems a bit of a waste of time.

    The player in question didn't ask, or seem to expect, any new "title", so what should it matter to anyone else?

    I expect,  in the future,  wgt will bestow the same honour on others, it is no big deal.

    Oh, and just a little bugbear of mine, why do, (especially americans) people use the phrase 

    "i could care less"? Does it mean they care a bit, a lot, or what, it is nonsensical.

    What they mean is "i couldn't care less". Is it just laziness or ignorance, either way, as most things, it seems to have become a phrase in other parts parts of the english speaking world.

    6,890 Posts
    Mon, Sep 7 2020 5:07 PM

    Oh, and just a little bugbear of mine, why do, (especially americans) people use the phrase 

    Oh Boy your in "Barney" now ....

    Which I believe is a Brits way of saying "In Trouble" ...Barney being a reference to the the "American" classic cartoon  The Flintstones in which the character "Barney Rubble's" last name rhymes with "Trouble" ...Ergo the Brit phrase "Your'e in Barney"  ....All that work to show that Brits are just sooooooo clever    😆

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Sep 7 2020 5:34 PM

    "I expect, in the future, wgt will bestow the same honour on others, it is no big deal"

    Exactly who got their knickers in a twist?...It seems to me that Young46 was duly congratulated for this honour. The subsequent posts arose from WGT basically admitting they had not yet set the criteria for future considerations. Much akin to Tour Champ when it first came out. 

    My posts were specifically targeted at this uncertainty by pointing out other important criteria that should be considered...and suggested that CEverett12 may fit the bill. 

    If it's just about who won the most tournies or whatever, then the job is easy. Dodgy Putter has already done their work for them.


  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Mon, Sep 7 2020 6:27 PM


    Oh, and just a little bugbear of mine, why do, (especially americans) people use the phrase 

    "i could care less"? Does it mean they care a bit, a lot, or what, it is nonsensical.

    This part of your post definitely peaked my interest. The reason is because this may be deep seeded into people's thought and speech patterns. Irregardless and for all intensive purposes others know what they said. Even so, people still should do their do diligence. 

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Mon, Sep 7 2020 6:39 PM
    Maybe that phrase is the same as the term, irregardless. Try using just " regardless "
  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Mon, Sep 7 2020 6:45 PM

    And people could also follow conventional rules of punctuation and capitalization. But I suspect they could care less. 😎

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Mon, Sep 7 2020 6:55 PM
    Regardless, does this really belong in this thread? Lol
  • twinponds169
    3,050 Posts
    Mon, Sep 7 2020 7:15 PM

    If I missed any other conspiracy theories let me know.

    That's good enough for me.

    I mean, it's already been well documented here in the forums that you, Mags and the likes, are all 6 headed extra terrestrial beings with 10 fingers on your click hand, x-ray meter vision and the ability to see 10 seconds into the future where your ball may land. And on the WGT payroll, of course.

    All good here, carry on.
