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showdown fail

Mon, Feb 15 2021 3:10 PM (33 replies)
  • TsunamiSaint
    885 Posts
    Thu, Sep 17 2020 11:55 PM

    It;s been over a week and still no answer from WGT through the formal contact system.?

    The showdown has come and gone. They took my entry credits and penalized me 3 strokes for a glitch in the game. My finishing position should not have been I think I would have finished inside the top 20.

    No answer, no compensation no care factor whatsoever.

    Thanks for nothing.



  • Nicole161106
    281 Posts
    Fri, Sep 18 2020 5:58 AM

    I wonder why this is affecting some players and not others. I had a guy forfeit on the first hole this morning and I was able to finish the three holes. Must have been lucky.

    Good question, i have had it happen to me in every showdown i have played, including one who forfeited after his very 1st stroke!  and i've still been able to continue as normal. It is strange how it seems to affect so many though, maybe one for Scott Hope to investigate.

  • 51hagar
    2 Posts
    Mon, Jan 4 2021 8:35 PM
    Current showdown (Jan2021) happened to me holes 10-12. 3x bogeys not a shot hit.
  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Jan 5 2021 6:52 AM

    Not really sure how many times i've typed this but this will be one more.

    1) Never back out of a showdown round once you click the play button. You can use a second device to kickstart the round if it's spinning and not loading without a penalty.

    2)if someone forfeits to you and you can keep playing then great finish it out.

    3) if someone forfeits to you and the retry/cancel screen locks on your screen then NEVER hit cancel. your solution here is to hard close the app and reboot. you will have to make up those three holes. the game will treat them as not being played. but you won't get any bogeys. if you hit cancel you will get the three bogeys.

    4) the only risk to actually getting screwed is if someone forfetis or exits out on the teebox before any shots are hit. however this has happened once to me a couple showdowns ago and i was able to continue so that one may have been fixed.


    99% of the bogey glitches are due to 1 above. you backed out because you were impatient. never back out .and never hit cancel

  • protonc
    651 Posts
    Tue, Jan 5 2021 6:16 PM

    Got me tonight.  Guy quits, scores me for 6 holes, and didn't play 1-3. What a PITA.


  • Mangar01
    16 Posts
    Tue, Jan 19 2021 4:18 AM

    yup... again and again. Really annoying :o(


  • morceau
    11 Posts
    Tue, Jan 19 2021 5:00 AM

    Lately the game has suddenly forfeited for me in the middle of a nine hole Shanghai game. They refunded my coins, but while playing the first 3 holes of the Showdown yesterday my opponent said she had suddenly gotten notice that she had forfeited while playing earlier holes in the Showdown. I've noticed there have been no updates to the game, so now I'm afraid to play.

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Jan 19 2021 6:45 AM


    Lately the game has suddenly forfeited for me in the middle of a nine hole Shanghai game. They refunded my coins, but while playing the first 3 holes of the Showdown yesterday my opponent said she had suddenly gotten notice that she had forfeited while playing earlier holes in the Showdown. I've noticed there have been no updates to the game, so now I'm afraid to play.

    It happens when you get an invite to play someone else while you're already playing and you don't decline it. 

    if you let invite just sit you will end up being kicked out of current game with a forfeit. 

    The fix is turn off visibility or pay better attention and decline invites.

  • morceau
    11 Posts
    Tue, Jan 19 2021 9:13 AM

    Is this a recent change? Had never happened to me before yesterday. 

  • Nicozandberg
    733 Posts
    Tue, Jan 19 2021 9:27 AM
    Same here. Drove and my oppo forfeits. What a load of bull.