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Wildcard apparel?

Sat, Mar 6 2021 2:59 PM (41 replies)
  • Grish72
    333 Posts
    Mon, Feb 10 2020 11:32 AM


    Now, when I switch out the glove from common to epic, still SE, the set bonus stays active.

    I think this may be a display glitch. I tried switching the glove to epic, just like you, for quite a long time and never got a bonus pack with any win. Might just have been incredibly unlucky of course, but it suggests that even though it says the set bonus is active, it isn't - which would be correct according to the explanation.

    same for me. i have equipped the epic SE glove lvl4 instead of the lvl9 "normal" SE glove and still see "set bonus activated" but since no more bonus packs for wins. i will switch back and see if that change something. take a while but i try to give you infos here if so.
  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Tue, Feb 11 2020 8:41 AM

    Yes Kalle you’re correct with the Top Golf Set Bonus being when you lose as it’s a partial refund of entry fee. All the other sponsors Set Bonus’ are based on wins to receive the bonus. 

  • Grish72
    333 Posts
    Wed, Feb 12 2020 10:12 AM


    Now, when I switch out the glove from common to epic, still SE, the set bonus stays active.

    I think this may be a display glitch. I tried switching the glove to epic, just like you, for quite a long time and never got a bonus pack with any win. Might just have been incredibly unlucky of course, but it suggests that even though it says the set bonus is active, it isn't - which would be correct according to the explanation.

    same for me. i have equipped the epic SE glove lvl4 instead of the lvl9 "normal" SE glove and still see "set bonus activated" but since no more bonus packs for wins. i will switch back and see if that change something. take a while but i try to give you infos here if so.
    after i've switched back to lvl9 glove around 20 wins with activated sponsor to regain the setbonus. funny, it gives me 2 in a row. i think fmagnets is right, seems to be a glitch. cheerZ
  • JJ516
    2 Posts
    Fri, Jun 12 2020 9:04 PM

    Ok folks, after reading this thread I think I can offer some clarification. Some of this is obvious to some of you, but others may need the basics so bear with me.

    When you are editing your apparel there are set bonuses for each sponsor when you have 5 pieces of apparel all with the same sponsor above level 4. There are common, rare, and epics. (Note commons are much easier to level up, with rares and epics being found in Pro Shop or sponsor packs... usually gold or platinum). Each item has unique characteristics that is independent of the set bonus (slow driver meter speed, iron spin, putting forgiveness, sand power etc). The qualities for each item still work in all H2H matches, regardless of whether you have all the same sponsors or mix and match.  

    When you activate the sponsor, you get 30 minutes of play to level up your gear. After that time expires, it will reset in 5 and a half hours. During this time when your sponsor is active, I recommend playing Casablanca for 5-7 games to rank up your apparel. Notice in the information section of room, it will tell you a Pack Cap, which tells you what kind of gear you can get. The higher tiers get more points. There are other threads that cover this in more depth.

    The set bonuses for the sponsors give you a percentage chance to win the set bonus. Here are the sponsor set bonuses (note the higher your level on all 5 items, say all items level 6 instead of 4, the higher chance of hitting set bonus)

    TopGolf 5-15%  Chance for 50% refund on a loss

    SwingEdge 8-15% Chance to win a bonus sponsor pack on win

    MAX 20-45% Chance to trigger a 20% XP boost for 1 hr

    Foxwind 15-60% Chance to save a lost ball

    C&M 10-35% Chance to get 15% added to C&M stats for 1 hr


    HERE IS WHAT YOU CAME FOR... the Wildcard items are designated by the little snowflake icon in the upper left hand corner where the sponsor icon usually is. I got a free shirt for Thanksgiving and Chinese New Year. These items typically do not have any attributes and are for appearance only. 

    So for example if you really like the Thanksgiving shirt with a Turkey on it, you can keep your other 4 pieces of SwingEdge gear on and still get credit for having all five items to qualify for the set bonus. As long as you have one piece over level 4 equipped, you can use up to 4 wildcards and still qualify for set bonus. So because the wildcards have no attributes, you will look cool, but they do not add anything to your game.

    In the pro shop under apparel if you look at the very top menu, you will see things like Puma and UnderArmor. I think these are all wildcard items, but have yet to purchase any of those to find out. WGT sometimes will just send out free wildcard items, usually around holidays.

    I hope this clarifies things.

    Oh and also, I just figured out I can get around 10 free credits (not coins, credits) a couple times a day just by watching a few videos. Can be found in bottom left corner of home screen. That is enough to get a 3 pack of the 10 credit balls every day, or in a month, save and get a new club without spending any money.


  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Sat, Jun 13 2020 6:26 AM

    you can keep your other 4 pieces of Swing Edge gear on and still get credit for having all five items to qualify for the set bonus. As long as you have one piece over level 4 equipped, you can use up to 4 wildcards and still qualify for set bonus.

    JJ, this thread is about 4 months old so it is possible that it has been fixed by now (but I highly doubt it)  

    With regards to the Set Bonus and the Wildcard items, we understood what was supposed to happen it just was not actually happening. That is the real issue of this thread. Current;y if you swap out one of your items for a wildcard item the Set Bonus counter at the bottom of the screen changes to 4/5 indicating that you have not satisfied the requirement for the set bonus. If the wildcard items do in fact count then it should show as 5/5.

    Have you personally changed out one or more of your Swing Edge pieces for a "wildcard" item AND actually played like that AND still received your Set Bonus of an extra Sponsor pack??

  • mrm6400
    1,813 Posts
    Sun, Jun 14 2020 5:36 AM

    Set Bonus is not working as it should with rare or epic gear...

    Not sure why but it still need to be fixed.

    I have a question about level 9 and 10 of apparel and how it is working for me.

    All my Swing Edge gear is at level 9 with the pants at level 10.

    Bonus is set 5/5.

    Now when I play with 30 minute sponsorship I am playing for silver coins and I get that.

    But what I don't understand is after each match when it gives points for apparel it is going back to old apparel I have already maxed out and wasting most of the coins or points toward apparel that I have already maxed out. 

    For example I may get a Top Golf glove in the apparel box and it might reward me 9 points for the glove that I have already got months before so instead of me getting points toward helping me max out the rest of my gear it is putting the points toward old gear/apparel that I have already got the points for . 

    Is this normal or is something wrong ?

    I continue to hit Swing Edge as my sponsor since I am trying to get apparel of Swing Edge to max out at 10.  Like the Cap for distance is around 600 of 1000 but instead of putting the points toward it it will put the point toward an earlier version/color of the Swing Edge cap. 

    Thought maybe it was there way of making it painfully slow to get apparel maxed out to level 10.

    Thanks for any clarification you can provide.


  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Sun, Jun 14 2020 2:18 PM

    For the Set Bonus it states that all 5 items must be the same rarity (common, rare or epic) to get the set bonus, but if you swap out one or more common items for a rare or epic it still shows your set bonus as 5/5 so it appears it MIGHT be ok to mix them assuming they are all the same sponsor and at least level 4. So it depends on if you believe the words (Shouldn't work) or the numbers (Might work).
    The only true way to know would be to try it and see if the set bonus still works.

    As far as the maxed out items, the items received in the sponsor boxes are RANDOM so sometimes you will receive items you want (ones you are still trying to collect) and other times you won’t (items you are already maxed out on)

  • mrm6400
    1,813 Posts
    Mon, Jun 15 2020 6:10 AM

    Okay. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

    It is ridiculous for it too take us as long as it is to get the apparel of our choice maxed out and set so we can move on from it.

    I will continue until I get it all Swing Edge to level 10 but not sure what to do after that.

    Any help or suggestions of how to approach this is welcome.

    Share your experiences, successes, failures, do's, don'ts or what you have liked about the apparel levels and the stats that go with them.



  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Mon, Jun 15 2020 6:33 AM

    Just to clear one thing up as well. The whole mixing of common, rare and epic items for the Set Bonus came up in a Facebook group this morning and it seems that you CAN mix items from different rarities and the Set Bonus will still work. They still have to be from the same sponsor and still be at least level 4 for it to qualify but you can have mixed (common, rare, epic) items and still receive the set bonus reward.

    Really wish WGT would go through the game and clean up stuff so that what it says on the screen was accurate! 
    Set Bonus says you can use “Wildcard” items but you cannot, and says you must have all the same rarity but you don’t !! 😖

  • mrm6400
    1,813 Posts
    Tue, Jun 16 2020 5:53 PM

    Thanks for letting me know the Putting Power Tip is not suppose to be active all the time.

    I did not know this.

    Now i will just enjoy it when it is there and not worry about it when it is not.

    Much Appreciated,
