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WGT Desktop Early Access for Mac

Sat, Nov 25 2023 10:05 AM (290 replies)
  • ScottHope
    10,632 Posts
    Thu, Sep 10 2020 8:22 AM

    Just remember: no good deed goes unpunished. 😉

    Lol.  ; ))

  • beerstine
    731 Posts
    Mon, Sep 28 2020 3:43 AM

    Has anybody noticed that the Mac version of the game has gotten glitchier lately?  The meter is jerkier and occasionally the framerate drops.  Even moving the aimer or the shot meter leads to some random jumps.  It seems a little smoother launching from Steam but it shows up there too.  

    It's not an issue of computer power, I'm playing on a 6 core Mac Pro with 48GB RAM.  The game seldom uses more than half a core of processing power.  Changing screen resolutions or going out of full screen mode doesn't seem to make any difference.

  • dharmacat
    2,172 Posts
    Mon, Sep 28 2020 1:19 PM

    Yes, I have noticed it too, lately.

    Sometimes there is a lag as well..very annoying. My Mac is new as well, no ram issues, and I play on Steam.


  • beerstine
    731 Posts
    Mon, Sep 28 2020 2:15 PM

    It seems very random and erratic.  Sometimes it's fine, other times it's almost unplayable.

    I don't remember when the last official update came down from on high but it seems that earlier versions weren't like this.

    Is it bug report time or does that even matter?

  • jacklemeilleur
    8 Posts
    Wed, Sep 30 2020 4:14 AM

    Seems I can not download on my Mac. When I try to download it says:    

    ERROR:accessto/volume/WGTLauncher2/is forbidden; run patcher in


    What do I do?

  • TowerBGA
    1 Posts
    Thu, Oct 1 2020 6:09 PM

    Is it just me, or in the latest Mac App version it seems like I'm unable to use a Super Pass in a Clash event. There's no button to select to use a super pass even when I have no more country club passes available. I only get the "Buy and Use" option to purchase a country club pass, I can't use any of our club's super passes.



  • ilpostinopat
    642 Posts
    Fri, Oct 2 2020 9:40 AM

    I get that message too, you are not alone but I cannot find what the solution is 


    21 Posts
    Fri, Oct 2 2020 9:58 AM

    have the same issue and WGT has been trying to help me but it must be in the program , hope they get it worked out soon


  • Skip073
    1,062 Posts
    Fri, Oct 2 2020 10:29 AM

    Hi Guys, I have yet to be able to get the PCEA version to work on my IMac. It's updated to the latest version of Catalina, but PCEA just won't run. When launcher is downloaded and moved into applications, I get a message stating that Launcher needs to close to update. I close launcher and relaunch and I get a message from finder that simply says "This game can't be played" I've tried at least at least 7 or 8 times! I ditched the flash version and went to Steam because of unstable meter on Flash.The Steam version's meter is much smoother and forgiving, but the putting has me really frustrated!  Being from mobile and playing almost exclusively on IPad in the past, the putting looks the same for the most part on Steam, but something is different! Close putts on Steam seems to be a real disaster for me! I sometimes get so mad, I have to go back to IPad to finish! If you have any suggestions on how I can get the real PCEA on here, I'm all ears! 

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Sat, Oct 3 2020 6:07 AM

    🔼🔼 Bumping this up for Skip 🔼🔼

    He is in my CC and I have been offering help to any members who are new to the Mobile/PCEA version navigating the game. Unfortunately I do not have any knowledge of MAC computers and so I directed him here to more knowledgeable people.

    His issue is with installing the Early Access Launcher on his MAC.   

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks MarchieB 😃