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Sun, Jan 14 2024 10:51 AM (2,013 replies)
  • nolan60
    176 Posts
    Sun, Jan 10 2021 9:00 PM


    I need help to get my account back.I can get to here and I can do stuff but can not play because I lost password to here and to my email address I keep giving this to WGT and they keep giving me another account that has nothing in it when i spent money on the clubs and clothes I keep messaging them the info trying to do screen shots that is even not letting me do


    depending on what browser you are using you should be able to get your password in the settings



  • sueomeara
    3,022 Posts
    Mon, Jan 11 2021 12:04 AM

    Hi out there,

    Have any other ladies found since the new game started that they are now using a belly putter ?

    Even when I rent one it turns into a belly putter, I don't if the avatar has shrunk or the putters have grown.


  • LuckyTaurus
    2,635 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2021 6:19 PM

    How do invite my members when I cannot tell if they are online or in a game or even here

    Sometimes players cannot see me even tho I looked in setting in the game an steam and both showed online,,, it is all very confusing ,, and it becomes very difficult to get a game ,, it took me 20 minutes this morn,,,,, members will start to fall off and I hate to see that

    I love this game, however we are lacking several little things

    My eyes are not so good so the chat window contrast and small font makes it a strain,, in fact all the text is too small and understand why (because of mobile) i assume 

    The aimer looks more like a triangle to me not an arrow ,, so I misread the wind alot

    the tracer is available but better be quick or u will miss it,, same with invite notices

    now u see them, now you don't ,,

    Like I say,, little things and I do appreciate all your team working hard to make our experience better,, so I thought I would throw in my two sense.


     Thank you muchly,,,,MJ


  • jacktrade51
    11,122 Posts
    Tue, Feb 2 2021 6:24 PM

    You might consider joining a club where the owner is current (hasn't played in 2 years), and where club tournaments are set up regularly.

    Black Diamond GC comes to mind, but there are others.


  • bazer2703
    6 Posts
    Fri, Feb 5 2021 11:52 PM

    I have played this game every day for over four years without missing a day and I lost every one of my amassed XP but when I contacted them but within a couple of days they did reinstall them and touch wood i wont' have to do it again.

  • HenryKawa
    1,724 Posts
    Sun, Feb 7 2021 5:58 PM

    I thiink most people are starting to get the hand of the new non flash format of WGT. The new comers have an advantage, learning on the system from day one.   I started playing one hole matches for 1000 coins for each one hole game.  Unfortunately there is no way to look up your record of wins and losses, so I designed my own Excel sheet to keep track.  It automatically totals the numbers on a totals sheet, see below.  I have not been doing so well.  Only 34 wins and 13 losses.   In the old system I would have been 47 - 0.   


      Wins OT Wins Losses OT Losses   TOTAL WINS TOTAL LOSSES
    Feb 23 11 7 6   34 13
    Total 23 11 7 6   34 13
  • Fartman56
    65 Posts
    Sun, Feb 7 2021 8:43 PM

    I have a simple question. How can WGT create a new version to there game and have 1,000's of flaws. Do you care so little for your subscribers that it doesnt matter. You need to fix the flaws before you ope your site. I suggest you shut the site down for as long as it takes to fix the flaws. Add at least 5 more cameras on every hole. Give us access to the cameras.Look who I am talking to, the people that could care less about there subscribers. W#hen you created such a shitty new version you lost thousands of players that had been here for over 10 years. Let me tell you something if you didnt already know. Nobody in the world will play a phone app game for over 10 years. But you found it easier to discard your loyal players for a bunch of people that wont even play the game twice. They are of great importance to you. because you have no clue what your subscribers want. Let me tell you, I and many others want a version at least as good as the one you replaced.Or even half as good. This version is maybe 25% of the version that it replaced.