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How to get Master status

Mon, Jan 27 2025 2:18 AM (39 replies)
  • BigTazz90
    7 Posts
    Tue, May 29 2018 6:32 PM

    You need 40 ranked rounds and an average of 67. To be master tier, 

    you need 60 ranked rounds and an average of 64. To move to tour master

  • Robert1893
    7,730 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2018 8:33 AM


    You need 40 ranked rounds and an average of 67. To be master tier, 

    you need 60 ranked rounds and an average of 64. To move to tour master

    To move to Master tier, a player needs an average of 67.00 and 25 ranked rounds at Tour Pro tier.

    To move to Tour Master, a player needs and average of 63.00 and 40 ranked rounds at Master tier. 

    See this post, which is a copy and paste of EasyEdward's summary:

  • Xameeeer
    19 Posts
    Sun, Feb 28 2021 9:19 AM

    Good morning and thank you for taking my email. I have been at tourpro and worked all week to get to the master dear. My average score is now under 67 and I have not moved up and I have played approximately 180 range rounds. Can someone please explain why I have not been moved up to master tier I would certainly appreciate it I thank you very much for your time

  • bobyero
    23 Posts
    Tue, Apr 6 2021 5:57 PM

    I recently got to Master the moment i reached level 89. Don't play many many ranked rounds. Never have. Fairly certain my average wasn't below 67 either.

    I did pass 400k in coins recently so maybe that affects tier. That and XP's.

  • MartyB333
    1 Posts
    Tue, Apr 13 2021 3:39 PM

    I was just automatically promoted to Tour Master with an average of 71 when I hit level 88. According to everything I read that should not have happened. 

  • TopShelf2010
    10,970 Posts
    Tue, Apr 13 2021 5:49 PM


  • Rustofitty0
    1 Posts
    Wed, Apr 14 2021 7:58 PM

    I was same way.  It was around level 87/88 and I do believe I had been winning consistently with around 250000 coins. When I say consistently probably 7 out of 10.  I had masters telling me that they shouldn’t be giving up that many yards off the tee to me.

  • Ronaldobiscott
    1 Posts
    Wed, Sep 15 2021 12:11 PM

    I’ve been wondering for a while when I would move from Tour Pro to Master and today it finally happened. I’m on level 84 and shot a -6 in a 9 hole match (this is not a common occurrence lol) after which it moved me up. I don’t know if it was that alone, or in conjunction with my other stats, but thought I would mention given the mystery if it all. 

  • RSM62
    1 Posts
    Sat, Sep 25 2021 5:19 PM

    In my case, I am a level 56 player - who got made up to master tier this morning. My average is 73.5. How did that happen if the averages have anything to do with it.

    The only thing I can think of is that I have won a few of the latest head-to-head games against higher ranked / tiered opposition.

    I feel the move to master has happened way too early in my playing experience. I'm only using standrad tour clubs and now have to face the extra distance of the masters tees, plus the joy of running into more tour masters and legends.

  • Dave33200
    2,955 Posts
    Sun, Sep 26 2021 4:45 PM



    The only thing I can think of is that I have won a few of the latest head-to-head games against higher ranked / tiered opposition.



    Yes, if you play in the coin rooms H2H games, this is how it happens. Average & ranked rounds don’t matter in the coin rooms, if you start winning over higher ranked players WGT will move you up.


    Congrats on the advancement, you will get used to it over some time.