DarSum:230yd, 10mph wind = 13.42yd
220yd, 10mph wind = 12.84yd
210yd, 10mph wind = 12.25yd
200yd, 10mph wind = 11.67yd
190yd, 10mph wind = 11.09yd
180yd, 10mph wind = 10.5yd
170yd, 10mph wind = 9.92yd
160yd, 10mph wind = 9.34yd
150yd, 10mph wind = 8.75yd
140yd, 10mph wind = 8.17yd
130yd, 10mph wind = 7.56yd
120yd, 10mph wind = 7yd
110yd, 10mph wind = 6.42yd
100yd, 10mph wind = 5.83yd
90yd, 10mph wind = 5.25yd
80yd, 10mph wind = 4.67yd
70yd, 10mph wind = 4.08yd
60yd, 10mph wind = 3.50yd
50yd, 10mph wind = 2.92yd
40yd, 10mph wind = 2.33yd
30yd, 10mph wind = 1.75yd
20yd, 10mph wind = 1.17yd
10yd, 10mph wind = 0.58yd
Easier to work out wind by what club you use NOT distance. Example (R11's & Nike lvl:48)
If you were using the 180 yard iron, the club would get effected by 7.5 yards per 10 mph wind (nike balls) whilst the 195 iron might get effected by 8 or 9 yards per 10 mph wind & 210 iron might get effected by 9 or 10 yards per 10 mph wind. Whilst the 100 yard wedge & 120 PW would get effected 5 yards per 10mph wind and 135 iron & 150 iron would get effected by 6 yards per 10 mph wind. EASIER TO FOLLOW!
The 225 iron might get effected by 10 or 11 yards per 10 mph & wood would be 11yards too.
Elevation change: 3 feet up = 1 yard, 4 feet down = 1 yard (but some holes are higher/lower than actualy indicated)
Extra yardages for R11's with Nike level 48's:
80 wedge =83 yards, 100 wedge=103 yards, 120 PW=126 yards, 9i,135=142, 8i,150=157, 7i,165=172, 6i,180=188, 5i,195=204, 4i,210=221, 3i,225=237
Distance you get (roughly) approaching green with full back spin:
PW=116, 9i=131, 8i=146, 7i=161, 6i=176, 5i=191, 4i=206, 3i=221
Due to the extra yardages of Nikes/Callaways, a good thing to learn is the distances your balls travell with no spin, and then with full spin, knowing this you can manipulate spin, by giving it a touch above fullspin, or a touch under half spin etc,etc to know how far your ball will travell, i.e full spin your 180 iron might go 176 yards, no spin 188 yards, so by manipulating spin you can get it to travell say 180 yards, its proper distance without having to choke back on meter (or you can just give no spin and choke the meter back.LOL)
This formula has served me well in this game, and is for sale at my profile page for a tidy sum of $20. Money well spent because it will guarantee you first place in the $20 ready go every time you enter! (or you can just copy it here for free)