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Wind strengths and distance chart...

Thu, Sep 19 2024 5:40 PM (128 replies)
  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Thu, Aug 11 2011 10:49 PM


    If you have a tee surrounded by trees does that affect the wind?

    Not really, a tree is 90% air ;)

  • manabouttown11
    573 Posts
    Thu, Aug 11 2011 10:58 PM



    If you have a tee surrounded by trees does that affect the wind?

    Not really, a tree is 90% air ;)

    Not true. That is actually a myth. When i have played real golf it is obvious that the trees protect against wind. I was wondering if they have factored this into the game.

  • Walker314
    1 Posts
    Thu, Aug 11 2011 11:25 PM

    Theres only so much you can do with Python.  Sometimes an 11 mph wind will barely affect theball...other times, a 13 mph wind will push your ball 30 ft or so.  Not the best programmers working on this project.  Youd think they would want somebody who knows something about physics to help program with all the revenue they generate from balls, clubs, etc.  Go buy Tiger Woods for PS3.

  • manabouttown11
    573 Posts
    Fri, Aug 12 2011 1:36 AM


    Theres only so much you can do with Python.  Sometimes an 11 mph wind will barely affect theball...other times, a 13 mph wind will push your ball 30 ft or so.  Not the best programmers working on this project.  Youd think they would want somebody who knows something about physics to help program with all the revenue they generate from balls, clubs, etc.  Go buy Tiger Woods for PS3.

    That means buying the PS3 hehe not for just 1 game. The last console i had was a SEGA MegaDrive lol. I had the golf game on that though can't remember what it was called,

    I actually like this game, even with it's "idiosyncrasies".

  • Tonto0206
    460 Posts
    Fri, Aug 12 2011 1:41 AM

    If this game has a basis on real golf then you will know that a 10 mph on the golf course has virtually no affect on the ball flight or distance. It is only above 10 mph that you should recalculate and make adjustments, same here as in real life.

    I play totally on feel and instinct as I have all my life on the golf course.

    My 3 iron can go as little as 145 yards against and 275 with a tail wind.

    Compute that.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Aug 12 2011 4:44 AM

    Not true. That is actually a myth. When i have played real golf it is obvious that the trees protect against wind. I was wondering if they have factored this into the game.

    I suspect it has. Heh-it's the only way I can explain the erratic results from compensating for it on BPB#8.  

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Aug 12 2011 7:23 AM




    If you have a tee surrounded by trees does that affect the wind?

    Not really, a tree is 90% air ;)

    Not true. That is actually a myth. When i have played real golf it is obvious that the trees protect against wind. I was wondering if they have factored this into the game.

    Notice the winking smile, just using a little RL Golf humor.

  • trumpy959
    99 Posts
    Fri, Aug 12 2011 11:20 AM

    The wind speed in MPH above the line is for straight on, or straight against scenarios. The % of adjustment below the line corresponds to the number directly above it,  to either be added or subtracted as needed.  Diagonal winds need a bit of imagination and experimentation.  For example a 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock breeze (or visa versa) needs no additional yardage added if your plan is to ride the full effect of the wind and DING your shot. This is an easy approach that works well for me. Of coarse various irons and ball combinations play a factor, as well as elevation and green speed. With my current equipment full backspin or topspin equals an additional loss or gain of approx. 4%, which can further be used to fine tune your shot.

    5         7        10        12         15        17        20     (MPH)


    2         3         4          5           6          7          8     (% of adjustment )


    150 yard w/ 17 MPH headwind ( 150 + 7% = 160.5 )

    150 yard w/ 17 MPH tailwind  ( 150 - 7% = 139.5 )  

  • marbo79
    6 Posts
    Sat, Aug 13 2011 7:24 AM

    I just observe it in DarSum chart .Of course if the values in it are right.


  • marbo79
    6 Posts
    Sat, Aug 13 2011 7:46 AM


    The wind speed in MPH above the line is for straight on, or straight against scenarios. The % of adjustment below the line corresponds to the number directly above it,  to either be added or subtracted as needed.  Diagonal winds need a bit of imagination and experimentation.  For example a 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock breeze (or visa versa) needs no additional yardage added if your plan is to ride the full effect of the wind and DING your shot. This is an easy approach that works well for me. Of coarse various irons and ball combinations play a factor, as well as elevation and green speed. With my current equipment full backspin or topspin equals an additional loss or gain of approx. 4%, which can further be used to fine tune your shot.

    5         7        10        12         15        17        20     (MPH)


    2         3         4          5           6          7          8     (% of adjustment )


    150 yard w/ 17 MPH headwind ( 150 + 7% = 160.5 )

    150 yard w/ 17 MPH tailwind  ( 150 - 7% = 139.5 )  


    I use a similar system of apreciating wind brake, The difference it is that I divide the wind strengh by 2 and I add or substract from yardage. That give close results to yours. For crosswinds I use inspiration:p.