Mike and Joe asked if I would post some pictures of their vacation as they send them to me via text message. I'll add what little I know about the pics and obviously they'll provide the full story when they get back home and add lots more pictures.
I do know that there was talk of some pink flamingo pants that might be debuted on their trip (I mean, they are in Florida...right?) and apparently they picked up a mascot on their first day to further the theme. This is Gringo the flamingo-

After getting that ^ pic, I received this one and thought maybe Joe couldn't find the pants he wanted and was going to tape these to his thighs and play-

Nope, that didn't happen. He found what he was looking for and made his debut-

Gringo the flamingo was having fun and isn't camera shy-

Here is one of the strangest driving ranges (next to Bethpage) that I have ever seen. According to Mike, that pond/lake IS the driving range. Those things(rafts) you see floating in the water are the yardage markers...weird!

Mike said that on the courses they have played so far that there is LOTS of water and LOTS of sand. Here he is dealing with the water-

Oh, here is Sherry (with a "C") flirting with gringo the flamingo-

And look, they took our friend Andyson along for the ride-

That's all I have for now. I'll keep you posted when I hear anything new from Mike and Joe.
Also, I hear there might be some fun gifts being given away when they return from their trip. Stay tuned!